Рецепты из кизила с косточкой для лечения и профилактики заболеваний

Kizil – a small tree, more like a shrub. Its small berries have healing properties. No less valuable are the seeds of these fruits. Therefore, we recommend not to throw them away, but to prepare healthy recipes from dogwood with a bone for the treatment of diseases, prevention, and strengthening the immune system.

Today, the site estet-portal.com will talk about what can be prepared from berries with a stone, what exactly they are useful for, and also how to properly store these fruits.

The benefits of dogwood for our body

Kizil has many useful properties, because it contains – many vitamins and minerals. All parts of dogwood – including bones – contain astringent tannin, vitamins C, P and E. It also contains pectin and organic acids, potassium, iron.

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Cornwood is good for children and pregnant women. It helps to remove excess water, supports the cardiovascular system, strengthens the immune system, and has a positive effect on the state of the gastrointestinal tract.

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Kizil will help maintain the body's immunity when losing weight, because it – low calorie.

One hundred grams of berries contain only 45 kcal.

And, of course, the beneficial properties of dogwood are used in folk medicine to treat diseases and improve health. Dogwood seeds contain many useful substances, so they should not be thrown away. We offer recipes for which you need a whole dogwood with a bone.

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The most healthy dogwood recipes with pits

We offer to try recipes from dogwood with a bone. For them, both fresh berries and dried ones in a natural way are suitable. The latter can be bought at a pharmacy, but it is better to dry yourself. Industrial drying partially "kills" vitamins and microelements contained in fruits.

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Cornwood Recipes with Bone:

1. Against hemorrhoids – Eat 10 fruits daily with a bone. You can eat fresh, frozen or dried berries.

2. To normalize the work of the digestive tract – half an hour before meals, eat only the bones themselves. In the morning – a tablespoon, in the afternoon – two teaspoons, in the evening – one teaspoon.

3. To support the immune system – a kilogram of dogwood must be cleaned of pulp, all the bones should be dried, ground into powder. Take it three times a day for 1/3 teaspoon. Continue the course until the powder runs out.

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4. From oily seborrhea
– dilute the infusion of dogwood seeds with 5 liters of water. Use it as a hair rinse. The course continues until the solution is over.
5. From drowsiness
– dry the bones in a pan, grind with a coffee grinder. Brew like regular coffee and drink when you need to cheer up, get rid of fatigue and feeling "broken".
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How to properly store dogwood berries


dogwood bones and the berries themselves

are always at hand, it is important to store them properly. The easiest way – drying. This allows you to save the useful properties of the product – trace elements and vitamins. You need to dry the berries in a natural way, and not resort to high temperatures for this – they destroy useful elements.

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The dogwood is dried along with the seeds.
To do this, lay them out on paper in one layer, periodically turn over. You need to keep the berries away from the window so that direct sunlight does not fall on them. Put the dried fruits in a cloth bag and place in a dry, dark place.
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Principles of nutrition and a list of products for diabetes The recipes we have told from dogwood with a bone allow you to treat diseases, maintain health and improve well-being . In addition, dogwood jam is cooked with the bone – so you save the maximum benefit of the berries.

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