Рекомендации доктора, как избавиться от зубной боли во время беременности

Toothache itself – an unpleasant phenomenon that causes serious discomfort. And during pregnancy, the situation is further complicated by the fact that most of the medicines – forbidden for the expectant mother. Even if you carefully monitored the health of your teeth before pregnancy, some problems will inevitably begin during the bearing of a child. Therefore, toothache during pregnancy – the phenomenon is not so rare. Is it possible to treat teeth and how to relieve pain?

Estet-portal.com will tell about all this today!

Toothache during pregnancy: what to do

Is it possible to treat teeth during pregnancy? Of course! This is nothing more than a common myth. Therefore, if the pain bothers you, see a doctor. You should not postpone this visit, because in pregnant women caries develops much faster: after a couple of weeks, pulpitis will already be in place of a small spot. And in the early stages of treatment, you will not need anesthesia – and this is the main reason why pregnant women do not go to the doctor. They cannot use anesthesia. From this fact, the myth arose that it is forbidden for expectant mothers to treat teeth. 

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Are there painkillers allowed for pregnant women? Yes, these are drugs based on mepivacaine and atricaine. And you need to avoid those in which the adrenaline is present. You can also take paracetamol – however, do not drink the whole pill at once, limit yourself to half the dose.

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As soon as the pain appears, make an appointment with the doctor to eliminate problems in time. During treatment, it is allowed to take x-rays of the teeth, but only with the use of special equipment – computer radiovisiograph. It has low radiation, and during the procedure, the belly of the pregnant woman is additionally covered with a special apron.

Toothache during pregnancy: folk remedies

If you are afraid to take even approved medicines, refer to the experience of traditional medicine. Her products will not harm either the child or you. Of course, their effectiveness is lower than that of tablets, but still – there is a result.

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How to treat toothache with folk remedies:

• rinses with calendula, sage, chamomile – make a decoction;

• rinsing with saline or soda solution – mix a tablespoon of the substance with a glass of warm water;

• a compress based on a powder of ground cloves, half garlic, plantain juice, Kalanchoe leaf.

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The only thing to consider when choosing folk remedies is the absence of an allergic reaction to certain components . If one remedy does not help, try another. Each person is different, so what may not work for you for another.

Treatment of toothache during pregnancy

If your teeth start to hurt, then you can’t do without a visit to the doctor. Therefore, you need to immediately set yourself up for the fact that you will have to treat your teeth. However, the process will have many restrictions:

1. Only digital equipment, which is the least dangerous for the unborn child, can be used for dental X-rays. Not every clinic has such devices, so tune in to find the right one.

2. Extraction of teeth in a pregnant woman – a procedure that is carried out only as a last resort. This is due to the fact that it is painful – and it's stressful for mother and baby. If the tooth can be restored, then they will resort to this. Even if it will give a temporary effect.

3. Banned for this period xxxx> – cosmetic dentistry. You can not remove stones, whiten teeth. Chemical components are dangerous for the child.

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When you see your doctor early, be sure to tell him or her that you are pregnant. And in the later, specify the term so that the specialist selects the most correct treatment. Toothache during pregnancy – this is not a reason to endure it for fear of harming the child, but a reason to go to the dentist. And the sooner you contact – all the better.

Read also: Peculiarities of dental treatment during pregnancy

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