The faceless days that go nowhere one by one, bringing absolutely no change for the better. Such a perception of life is typical for unhappy people who perceive their life only in gray tones. Everyone knows that nothing will change on its own until you make some effort to do so, but many prefer to continue to sit back, go with the flow and complain about the stupidity of their existence. How to stop complaining about life, become happier and learn to see the world in bright colors, read on.

How to understand that you – unhappy person and it's time to change your life

1. You feel like a victim of circumstances beyond your control.
2. You judge other people.
3. You feel restless or chronically anxious.
4. You have stopped dreaming.
5. You are dissatisfied with your appearance, it seems to you that you are not good enough in comparison with other people.
6. You consider yourself underestimated.
7. You shut yourself off from people and cannot accept love and care.
8. You are setting unattainable goals for yourself.
9. You have many different health problems – general malaise, problematic skin, weight loss or gain, insomnia, gastrointestinal problems.
10. You are unable to fit into a team or community.
11. You are disappointed in life and consider it useless.

How to become happier and enjoy life?

Sometimes happiness is associated with changes in life, but it is unlikely that an extra couple of thousand salary increases or new housing will instantly affect a person’s emotional state. According to Paul Dolan, a professor at the London School of Economics and Political Science, happy people are more likely to pay attention to what brings them pleasure at a particular moment. So, in order to enjoy life and make happiness a habit, one should focus on daily pleasures.

Dolan wrote a book called Happiness by Design, the main message of which is that all your emotions and feelings received during the day should be put on paper. The more of your observations you write down, the faster and more clearly you will realize what actually brings you pleasure. Paul Dolan urges not to accumulate negative emotions and react promptly, avoiding actions that turn you into an unhappy person.

Dolan believes that the main difference between an unfortunate person is a biased attention, which has become a habit. It is important to plan your day properly and to include as many things as possible in your routine that really bring you pleasure and thanks to which you can enjoy life. With the advent of more interesting activities for you, positive emotions will become a habit and you will begin to think in a new way.

People often believe that the only way to become happier is to make fundamental changes in their lives. But in fact, the most cherished happiness can be easily built from small details – absolutely simple, uncomplicated things, and the more such ordinary, but joyful moments there are in your life, the faster you will acquire positive thinking and be able to enjoy life every day, which consists of small but beloved attributes.

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