Aging affects the human body in different ways, impairing both its physical abilities and appearance. After reaching a certain age (about 30 years), muscle and bone mass gradually decrease, which contributes to an increased risk of falls, as a result of  which we receive various injuries, incl. fractures. Nutrition and exercise – important factors that help maintain muscle strength, bone strength and overall musculoskeletal health. And alkaline nutrition, according to research, plays a significant role in this matter. 

What is the role of alkaline nutrition in maintaining muscle mass and strength?

Sarcopenia – gradual age-related loss of muscle mass – multifactorial process, which is accompanied by internal and external changes. Loss of fast twitch fibers, protein glycation, insulin resistance – these factors can contribute to loss of muscle strength and development of sarcopenia.

According to research findings, sarcopenia is aggravated by:

  • malnutrition;
  • lack of physical activity;
  • comorbidities;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • hormonal status;
  • neuromuscular dysfunction;
  • injury.

To prevent age-related muscle loss, you must:

  • consume sufficient protein (1.0-1.2g per kg of body weight);
  • maintain normal vitamin D levels;
  • make a choice in favor of alkaline nutrition;
  • get enough vitamin B12 and folic acid;
  • eat foods rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory substances;
  • exercise regularly (especially strength training).

Recent studies have shown that an alkaline diet promotes muscle retention in adults and the elderly.

The predominant use of acidifying foods, although it does not lead to a change in the intracellular pH in muscle tissue cells, but along with a low intake of alkalinizing foods can negatively affect the condition of the muscles.

The exact mechanism by which alkaline nutrition is beneficial for muscle mass and function is unknown. However, recent studies have shown that an alkaline diet (increasing the amount of alkaline vegetables and fruits in the diet and reducing the amount of meat, alcohol, grains, sweets, etc.) helps preserve muscle tissue in adults and the elderly.

What is the role of alkaline nutrition in preventing osteoporosis?

Our bones are constantly being destroyed and rebuilt, and when the process of destruction prevails over the process of restoration, the bone tissue begins to gradually weaken. Being the strong framework of the body, our skeleton is a real storehouse of calcium compounds that help regulate the acid-base balance of the blood: when the acidity of the blood rises, alkaline compounds come from the bones and normalize the pH balance of the blood.

Jean Mayer of Tufts University has shown through research that fruits and vegetables can neutralize acids and therefore play an important role in bone health.

Our skeleton is a real storehouse of calcium compounds that help regulate the acid-base balance of the blood.

Dr. Carol S. Lutz of the University of North Carolina states that women's bone mass is at its "peak" around the age of 20, which is why it is necessary to "eat" when you are young. strong bones to maximize the health of the skeleton. Dr. Latz points out that fruits and vegetables are metabolized into alkaline compounds, while proteins and grains – into acids. The more protein a person consumes in excess of the norm, the more alkaline compounds are needed to neutralize acidity.

Associate Professor Aimee Joy Lanow of the University of North Carolina also believes that animal products, especially meats and cheeses, have an acidifying effect on the body. To neutralize them, the body "pulls out" necessary alkalizing substances from the bones to maintain optimal blood pH. Thus, in order to prevent bone loss, it is necessary to help the body with alkaline nutrition.

Alkaline nutrition for muscles and bones: what foods will benefit

According to a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, eating plenty of fruits and vegetables early in life helps maintain bone density in adulthood due to their content of:

    vitamin C;
  • vitamin K;
  • potassium;
  • magnesium.


An alkaline diet and regular exercise will help keep your muscles and bones healthy for years to come.

Vitamin C (found in citrus fruits, tomatoes, bell peppers, etc.) is essential for collagen synthesis.

Vitamin K (found in leafy greens, beans, etc.) stimulates bone formation.

Potassium (found in bananas, potatoes, oranges, beans) helps to reduce the loss of calcium in the body.

Magnesium and calcium – vital minerals (great sources of legumes and leafy vegetables) to help maintain bone health.

Vitamin D is also essential for musculoskeletal health. Read our article on

Sources of Vitamin D.

As for protein, it is necessary for muscle growth, therefore, it is impossible to refuse to use it, despite the acidifying effect. Just make sure your overall diet is dominated by

alkalinizing foods.

In addition, would like to remind you that a well-chosen exercise program or regular physical activity (dancing, walking, running, outdoor games, climbing stairs, etc.), along with alkaline nutrition, will help maintain health not only the musculoskeletal system, but the whole organism.

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