Nausea, loss of appetite, weakness and feeling of heaviness in the right hypochondrium – all of which point to steatosis. This is a disease in which fat accumulates in the cells of the liver. Often this is due to the use of alcohol in large quantities and obesity. Therefore, it is no coincidence that such a pathology is called a lifestyle disease. It occurs more often among women than among men. Steatosis – the disease is quite insidious. Indeed, at the initial stage of its development, it is asymptomatic and makes itself felt a little later. And if nothing is done, there is too much fat in the cells and it enters the intercellular space. As a result, fatty cysts are formed that disrupt the structure of the liver, and in some cases lead to irreversible disease – cirrhosis. To prevent such a sad outcome, it is necessary to start treatment in time. In this article, the editors of will tell you how to do this.
1. Hepatic steatosis: changing lifestyle
2. Following a therapeutic diet: switching to healthy food
3. Steatosis: taking medications to restore liver function
Liver steatosis: changing lifestyle
In order to alleviate your condition, stop the disease and restore the liver, you need to carefully review your lifestyle. If alcohol abuse has led to liver steatosis, stop drinking it. The same applies to some drugs that have caused the pathology. In the second case, before stopping the medication, consult your doctor.
And if the reason for the development of fatty infiltration of the liver is excess weight, exclude from your diet what contributes to its set, namely – fast foods, sweets, smoked meats, fatty foods. Also change your sedentary lifestyle to a more active one. Indeed, due to a lack of physical activity, metabolism and blood circulation slow down. This does not burn all the calories. The ones that remain deposited as fat. Therefore, add physical activity to your life that improves metabolism. This can be morning jogging, swimming, walking, skiing and skating.
Physical activity reduces the amount of fat in the liver cells, improves metabolic processes, and also increases efficiency.
But keep this in mind: physical activity can both help and hurt. The second case usually makes itself felt at high loads. With increased physical activity, a failure in metabolic processes occurs. and complications of the disease are also possible. So limit yourself to 3-4 simple aerobic workouts per week. This amount will be enough to lose about 1 kg of excess weight per week.
Following a therapeutic diet: switching to healthy food
Because steatosis accumulates fat in the liver, it is imperative to switch to a healthy diet, which is compiled and adjusted by the doctor depending on the existing diseases and the general condition of the body. In general, the diet in the treatment of fatty liver is based on low-calorie meals, balanced proteins and the absence of "empty" carbohydrates.
First, eliminate saturated fatty acids from your daily diet:
• fatty meats and fish;
• canned food;
• smoked meats;
• buns and other pastries;
• spicy food.
Replace high-calorie foods with foods containing polyunsaturated or monounsaturated fats: olive oil, milk, fish oil. Also be sure to supplement your diet with boiled vegetables, fruits, eggs, dietary meats and whole grain cereals.
When treating, reduce portions and increase the number of meals to 5-6 times a day. At the same time, make sure that a sufficient amount of liquid enters the body – at least 2 liters of clean water per day.
Steatosis: taking medication to restore liver function
The treatment of steatosis also includes medication.
Drug therapy is aimed at:
• protection of liver cells from damage;
• restoration of liver function and improvement of fat metabolism.
In the first case, hepatoprotectors are prescribed, and in the second – vitamin B12, folic and lipoic acids, choline chloride. Various physiotherapeutic procedures are also widely used: ozone therapy, ultrasound, being in a pressure chamber.
But before taking any action, consult your doctor. After all, self-medication can harm health.
Steatosis – this is not the worst thing that can happen, because such a disease is completely reversible. But the prognosis is favorable only if treatment is resorted to in the early stages of the development of the disease. In a neglected state, this disease is not cured. In this case, only the general condition of the body is maintained. A holistic approach that includes avoiding bad habits and unhealthy foods, physical activity, a low-calorie diet, and drug therapy alleviates the condition and guarantees a full recovery.
See also: Gastroenteritis: symptoms and treatment of the disease
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