Стригущий лишай у детей: симптомы и лечение

Deprive — This is the general name for a whole group of fungal diseases. Ringworm in children is caused by microspores that colonize areas of the skin. If the disease is not treated, the fungal infection will affect deeper and deeper layers of the skin. Scars after running lichen can remain for life. And if the fungus deeply infects the scalp, then the bald spots that appear in the child will not overgrow. This can cause complexes in adulthood. Let's figure out how to recognize ringworm in time and what to do.

Ringworm in children: features of the disease

Fungal infection is easily transmitted through contact with a patient or through objects that he/nbsp;touched. Animals often become the source of the fungus, which is why children usually get sick, who cannot resist petting a cat or dog on the street. If the child strong immunity he may not infect but   if is weakened, there are wounds, the fungus will easily populate the skin.

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Ringworm in children can be caused by various types of fungi. Depending on this, two main types of the disease are distinguished:

  1. Microsporia. This disease is characteristic of both humans and animals. If a child becomes infected from an animal, then the incubation period is short — 5-7 days If the same source of infection — another person, then the disease may not appear from 4 to 6 weeks.

  2. Trichophytosis. Most often, children become infected from  patients, in whom trichophytosis has already passed into chronic form. The fungus can affect the skin, hair, nails. If lichen is not diagnosed and treated in time, a person can get sick for years, losing hair and suffering from itching.

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Microsporia is most common in children. The peak incidence occurs in the summer-autumn. The source of infection is most often cats, more precisely kittens. Children hug small animals every chance they get, and it's dangerous. The first symptoms of the disease appear within two weeks. It is important to diagnose and treat the infection in time.

Read also: Allergic spots: types, symptoms, treatment

What are the signs of infection

There are reliable signs that recognize ringworm in children:

  • Spots on skin. They are pink in color and covered with a whitish crust on top.

  • Itching. Affected areas itch. The child combs them, spreading the infection, and more and more spots appear nearby. They merge into one big one.

  • Breaking hair. If ringworm affects the scalp, then the color of the skin of these areas does not change. They can be identified by the hair that breaks off near the root. Only short stumps remain of them, and the affected areas turn into bald spots.

  • Swollen lymph nodes near affected areas.

    This is a symptom of advanced disease.

My default imageAt the first same signs of lichen, you should consult a doctor. Can't be launched. A disease in a chronic form is very difficult to cure, plus it can lead to complications.

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Child allergy to cold: causes, symptoms, treatment What to do if your child has ringworm

For a start, it is worth controlling the behavior of the child on the street and not allowing him to pet stray animals. If the cat or dog seems very attractive to the baby, you need to pay attention to the condition of the coat. Bald spots, suspicious spots on the skin of the animal — a signal that you'd better move away. If a child touches it, then you will need to buy an antifungal shampoo and use for a couple of weeks as a shower gel.

My default imageIf the child is still infected, you should immediately inform the children's institution, which he attends, and make an appointment with a dermatologist. The doctor will diagnose:

  • Examination.

    The doctor will examine the affected areas, ask the parents some questions.

  • Wood's lamp.

    To diagnose fungal infections, special lamps with ultraviolet light are used. Underneath, the fungi glow green.

  • Scraping

    . It is needed for analysis under a microscope, since tissues affected by the fungus change the structure.

  • If the diagnosis is confirmed, the doctor will give his recommendations and prescribe medicines. Usually these are traditional preparations: iodine, ointments based on salicylic acid, sulfur or tar. If you strictly adhere to the advice of a dermatologist, the fungus will die in a week or two. It will take a little more time to recovery of the affected areas of the skin and scalp, but the infection will disappear quickly and without a trace.

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Adaptation of a child in kindergarten: how to survive this period About ringworm symptoms and treatment

Ringworm — an unpleasant disease, but it's not worth panicking. Stick to simple rules:

  • Watch your child's behavior in outdoors.

    Do not allow petting unfamiliar animals.

  • Monitor the condition of the skin and scalp.

    Suspicious spots and broken hair — a reason to see a doctor.

  • See a dermatologist.

    Don leave your baby's skin changes unattended, seek professional diagnostics.

  • Follow your doctor's advice.

    Ringworm can be cured quickly, but only if you apply the medications correctly.

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Telegram Children often get fungal infections, but everything can be solved if not to start the disease.

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