Interesting Facts

The body remembers everything: where experiences are hidden

Тело помнит все: где спрятались переживания

“The body remembers everything” – this is one of the laws of body-oriented psychotherapy. The body stores all the memories and emotions we have experienced. Feelings and fears that a person ignores result in health problems and if you continue to ignore them – there will be more and more such problems.

Each part of the body is responsible for certain fears of a person, and depending on where the discomfort occurs, it is possible to determine what a person is afraid of.

Our Consciousness does not want to recognize some feelings, so they disperse throughout the body and settle in certain places. This mechanism in psychology was dubbed "repression". In the Unconscious there is a displacement of painful experiences, thoughts and memories, including human fears.

To remind themselves, they transform into diseases, thus, hidden feelings try to attract attention.

How to draw an individual body map of fears?

You will need a blank sheet of paper and drawing tools (not but felt-tip pens and pens).

  1. Draw your body.
  2. Close your eyes and try to feel your body. Do you feel tension? Are you comfortable? Do you feel warm?
  3. As you continue to feel your body, ask yourself: "Where does fear live in my body?".
  4. Mark the places in the picture where fear lives. There may be several such areas, somewhere the person's fear is expressed more, somewhere less – you can express it with colors.

The body map of human fears: where experiences are hidden

  1. Legs. Pain in the legs may indicate a fear of losing stability and support. A person does not feel confident in the future.
  2. Taz. Problems in the pelvic area speak of a person's fears in the sexual sphere. This fear provokes the development of various diseases, and it also prevents women from getting an orgasm.
  3. Belly. Discomfort in this area is due to a person's fear for life. Maybe the life-threatening situation was not real, but even when the danger passes for the Unconscious, it remains relevant. In this regard, it is not possible to achieve complete relaxation and feel safe.
  4. Area of ​​the diaphragm, including the stomach and solar plexus. Social fears settled in this zone. Human fear – be rejected by society.
  5. Chest. In this zone, the fear map reflects a person's fear of loneliness, a person is afraid of being rejected as a person.
  6. Hands. Through this part of the body, a person's fear of contact with the world is expressed. Often people who hide this fear choose a profession where they do not need to communicate with others.

Hand problems indicate problems with communication. The right hand indicates the fear of men, and the left – women.

  1. Back. Discomfort in this area indicates that a person is afraid to appear imperfect, not living up to the expectations of others. Perfectionists often face such a problem.

As for the shoulders, they symbolize responsibility and strength. Pain in this area is associated with a person's fear of being weak or not coping with responsibility.

  1. Neck. Frequent sore throats, a feeling of constriction and itching haunts people who find it difficult to express their feelings. The constant tension in the neck is due to the fact that every time the feelings want to come out, the neck contracts and keeps them inside.
  2. Face. On the body fear map, the face symbolizes the fear of “losing face”. Such people need love and approval, so in order to please everyone, they have to constantly wear masks.
  3. Eyes. Fear of reality affects one of the main channels of perception. A person refuses to see the truth, which results in vision problems.

Emotions cannot be kept in oneself, it is secret fears that are the cause of most diseases. Having coped with your inner feelings, you can get rid of health problems.

  • Comments (2)

    10 февраля 2016, 20:23

    Ce ne sont que des résultats par expérimentations. Malheureusement il n'y as pas de références scientifiques. Mais s'est marrant à lire.

  • Comments (2)

    16 апреля 2020, 04:06

    А если голова, верхняя часть? жаль нет ответа(

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