Топ-9 продуктов, которые лечат органы, на которые они похожи

Every child has heard the mantra of healthy eating from birth: "You are what you eat." And it really is! 80% depends on nutrition. Therefore, this is the first item on your health list that you need to pay maximum attention to. 

The editors of estet-portal.com found foods, for example, walnuts, which improve the brain, and actually look like brain. Coincidence? May be. While these foods are good for the whole body, the list below is a reminder of what should be consumed to improve the health of a particular organ.

Nine foods that are similar to the organs they are good for

Carrot – eyes

If you cut a carrot into rings, you can see that it looks like a human eye, down to the lines that mimic the iris. The benefits of this vegetable for your eyes are invaluable. If you eat carrots regularly, the risk of vision loss in old age will decrease.

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Walnut – brain

It's no surprise that the walnut resembles the shape of the human brain, as it contains a lot of omega-3 fatty acids that support normal brain function.

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Celery – bones
The long stalks of celery resemble the shape of bones for good reason. It contains a lot of silicon, which regulates bone mineralization.


8 shocking facts about the human body 

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Avocado – uterus
The resemblance of this product to the uterus is also no coincidence. Avocado helps women maintain their reproductive ability, as it contains a lot of folic acid, which also reduces the risk of cervical dysplasia.

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Clams – male gonad

Scientists claim that shellfish are indeed very good for men's health because they contain folic acid and zinc.

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Grapefruit – chest

Citrus fruits contain so-called "limonoids" — these are substances that prevent the formation of breast cancer. Therefore, the similarity of citrus fruits with female breasts can hardly be called an accident.

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Tomatoes – heart

Tomato, when cross-sectioned, resembles the structure of heart. Recent studies suggest that this is natural, because tomatoes reduce the risk of heart disease due to their lycopene content.

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Red wine – blood

Red wine is more than blood. It contains a lot of antioxidants and polyphenols that protect your body from cholesterol. In addition, wine has a blood-thinning effect, which means – prevents the formation of blood clots.

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Ginger – stomach

This root helps to compress nausea. It contains gingerol, which has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

My default imageNature itself tells us what foods to eat in order to heal a particular organ. Eat vegetables and fruits and forget about diseases!

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