Sometimes you want to change something in your life, to find the cherished key to the door that will open the way to true happiness. But in reality, it is not so easy to implement this plan – the mass of various excuses and the difficulties that arise on our way make us once again abandon the dream. We bring to your attention a plan for a month, with the help of which you will be able to change your life thanks to daily efforts.

How to change your life in 4 weeks: a detailed guide

For each week of the plan, there are three tasks that you must implement into your life. You need to adhere to such rules throughout the month, but it is better to follow them constantly.

Week 1. Mind and body cleansing

Wake up early (around 6 am). With the help of an early rise, you will be able to take time for yourself, because often during the day it is sorely lacking. It is in the morning that no one will distract you and you can go about your business in a calm atmosphere. Laziness and unwillingness to get up so early are not indicators of fatigue at all. In fact, such a reaction – a sign that you don't want to live your life.

Why get out of bed if the sky is overcast, then ride in a crowded subway, drag in a traffic jam, do a boring job. If you think "it would rather be morning, a new day" getting up early is unlikely to continue to be such a problem. Interestingly, this pattern can work both ways. Life is full – getting up in the morning will be easy. Get up easily in the morning – life will be full.

Lightweight meals. To change your life you need to stock up on a lot of energy. Therefore, you have to choose the type of food that seems to you the most correct. Keep in mind that you need to completely eliminate alcohol, cigarettes, junk food and processed foods from your new life. Also try to reduce your portions and do not fill up before bed.

Sports. Spiritual health cannot be formed in the absence of tone and health of the physical body. To "get moving" it is best to use dancing, running and yoga. Try to move as much as possible – when getting ready for work, dance in front of a mirror, walk more often, etc.

Week 2. Clearing space, affairs and environment

Cleansing space. To change your life, you need to throw away all unnecessary things and just throw them away, not hide them. Do not deprive any locker of attention, because each thing takes not only part of the place, but also part of your energy. Leave only what inspires and pleases you. Try to get rid of all the extra – You will immediately feel much better.

Purification of deeds and obligations. Surely everyone has some kind of intention or even several of those that have not been fulfilled for a long time. For example, you are going to learn a foreign language, but still your hands do not reach. Or visit relatives living in a neighboring state. Now your goal – remember all the promises that you made both to yourself and to other people and decide what to do with them. There are only 2 possible options here – first – to bring each case to the end, the second – abandon this idea forever. The point is to get things done as soon as possible instead of carrying around a load of responsibility and dissatisfaction with yourself.

Clearing the environment. Try to end all relationships that are holding you back and making you depressed. What gives you communication with eternally dissatisfied people who criticize everything and everyone? To change your life, clear the environment of people with whom you have nothing in common and from whom there is nothing to learn.

Week 3. Dreams, plans and goals

List of unrealistic dreams.  To complete this exercise, you need to make a wish list, collect all the dreams that are not destined to come true. They are so transcendent and cool that it is very difficult to believe in their reality. The main thing here – turn off the inner critic that all the possibilities of the world are at your feet.

Daily plan. Every evening you need to make a plan for the next day. It can be short, its volume does not play a special role. The main condition – writing this plan in the evening, even if you don’t remember it in the morning – Your productivity  will rise anyway.

Complete assigned tasks. Take a look at the list of goals and objectives that you made, say, a week ago. If it does not cause you positive emotions and a desire to immediately begin to implement each item – maybe it's time to cross something out, and instead add something that makes everything inside tremble with anticipation. The perfect to-do list – not only work planning and distribution of finances, but also relaxation with friends, and most importantly – time for yourself. Your goal – draw up a plan that will itch your hands and tremble your knees.

Week 4. Pushing the limits

  1. Live differently. Any little things will do – You can take a new path to work, go to a very expensive store or an unfamiliar cafe, sign up for some section. In general, in order to change your life, you need to start doing something that you have never done before. Always try to do things a little differently when you're doing what you're used to. It is important to develop the habit of constantly trying something new.
  2. Say goodbye to your comfort zone. If you managed to complete all the previous points – You've done some good work on yourself, but now it's time to face your fears. For example, if you are afraid of heights – dare to jump with a parachute, be afraid of the company of strangers – attend a large-scale party (without girlfriends and friends).
  3. Give yourself a break. Leave your cozy home, turn off your phone and go somewhere nice. Be alone with yourself and your thoughts – evaluate the situation and the changes that have happened to you, have you managed to change your life?

It's not difficult to follow all the rules described in the article, but by embedding them  in your life, you will be able to find true harmony and be able to find the right path.

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