Forgetfulness and inattention — this is not scary, of course (provided that they are not caused by serious diseases), but they are always annoying and unpleasant. These phenomena, rather, indicate that the brain is not trained. Memory deterioration is directly related to his training. And although this organ is not a muscle, it needs increased attention to itself. In terms of training, it is very flexible, plastic and, indeed, is able to store an incredible amount of information. How to deal with forgetfulness on your own by training your brain, will tell.

How to "heal" from forgetfulness and strengthen memory

When a person is prone to forgetfulness or his memory deteriorates with age, then in order not to lose sight of anything or not to waste time on memories, it is easier for him to write everything down, set his gadgets to a reminder mode, etc. Perhaps on a great prospect such "beacons" and are needed, but when we are worried that we will not "keep" there are various little things in memory and therefore we stop doing this at all, but only fix everything… So, indeed, it is easier, but not at all useful for the brain. He just needs "hardening" and workout. This is what we will do.

  1. Attention – to trifles

One of the principles of the methodology of special services for the development of memory says that the main thing for remembering is the ability to control attention. It is human nature to get distracted very easily, while a true 007 is excellent at focusing on the desired object.

Push yourself for 4–5 minutes. to consider the most ordinary object, even a flower on the windowsill. Examine each leaf, stalk separately.

Most likely, already in the first minute you will find that your thoughts are far from the plant on the window. For example, you are already thinking about several outsiders, although "near flowery" things. That is, you forgot about the flower itself. But don't be discouraged, but try again to pay your attention to the plant on the windowsill.


  1. "Become" artist

Famous marine painter – I. Aivazovsky – he knew how to stop the wave in his thoughts, and then transfer it to the canvas in such a way that it did not seem to be motionless. You can use the same training to stimulate your photographic memory.

For example, look at what is happening outside the window for about five minutes. Then close your eyes and try to restore in your mind everything you see in color so that the picture is as clear as possible.

Next, complicate the task: imagine how someone's invisible hand sketches a picture with the same image you saw, and all the details appear on it gradually. Then proceed to revive the picture: let everything on it come into motion: cars drive, people walk, etc.

  1. The Holmes method or "Roman room"

This method was invented by the ancient Romans, and Holmes used it "by command"; A. K. Doyle. The essence of the method is as follows. You should choose a place you know well (it could be your house, your favorite park, even your own table, etc.) and put everything that needs to be remembered right there. Colleague's birthday? Draw in your imagination a sign with this pleasant date and place it on the southern edge of the table – there it will be perfectly illuminated by the sun. Do you have a responsible presentation? Decide on the most significant moments and distribute them in the room.

"Roman Room" can also be used to remember a list of people, things to do, etc.

  1. Online search

If you always find it difficult to remember where you put this or that object, thing, the following training will help. Take 5-10 different items, write them down on a piece of paper, then hide them in different places in the apartment. Further, after some time, “arm yourself” with your list and look for item after item in sequence. It is important to search the house not fussily, but try to remember, recreating in your mind the image of the thing you are looking for, where you placed it.

There are many ways to train memory and attention: building associations, memorizing poems or phone numbers of acquaintances, the method of mental counting, solving crossword puzzles – choose yours, then the problem of forgetfulness will cease to exist for you.

How do you deal with bad memory? Share your "recipes" at

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