Тревожность у школьников: причины и решение проблемы

Anxiety in schoolchildren — a problem often faced by psychologists. Some children are in a state of chronic stress, constant anxiety and fear. They are sure that bad things will happen to them, they are waiting for trouble, they are afraid of the condemnation of others. As a result — children are afraid to do anything, their activity decreases.

It's better not to do anything — then nothing bad will happen. Such logic prevents the student from developing, which develops into problems in adult life. How can handle this and recognize the problem in time? estet-portal.com.

will tell about this

Anxiety in schoolchildren: symptoms and manifestation of the problem

Anxiety — This is the emotional instability of the child. It is manifested by increased anxiety and & nbsp; excitement, expectation of the bad. It is these children who are most worried about a test or exam, they say "I" will not pass / fail the control, but in the end they get high marks. That is the actual result — positive, but the schoolboy is nervous as if really knew nothing and not ready and at often loses himself.

Dangerous anxiety in schoolchildren can be recognized by the following signs:

  • Expecting bad treatment of yourself from classmates and teachers;

  • self-doubt;

  • inability to make decisions — the child delays the moment until the  last;

  • reluctance to go to school in the absence of obvious problems with other children, teachers or studies;

  • fear of bad grades;

  • does last-minute homework, puts off class time all day;

  • frequent nightmares.

At the level of the body, anxiety is manifested by frequent illnesses, muscle clamps, constant repetition of the same actions. So, children can bite their nails, often rub their faces, shift from foot to foot.

Read also: Child has nightmares: what causes and how to deal

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Why is anxiety dangerous? If it is not overcome in childhood, then it passes into adult, develops into resistant phobias. Adolescents and adults often try to drown out such mental discomfort with alcohol or drugs. As a result — persistent dependence on such substances. And even if a person doesn abuse anything like that, anxiety will negatively affect his relationships with other people, and will not allow him to build a career. Such people are very sensitive to any criticism, they don’t tolerate it, they don’t know how to normally experience failures. In addition, pathological anxiety often provokes aggressive behavior. In this way, a person tries « protect» himself from a world that seems hostile to him.

The causes of anxiety: where the roots grow from

The main cause of anxiety in schoolchildren — inadequate relationships in the family. Often, parents put forward excessive demands on the child, which he/nbsp;cannot meet. Or they make conflicting demands. For example, they demand to study only for & nbsp; fives, they force you to stay at home for & nbsp; lessons, but & nbsp; "pronounce" for the fact that the child walks little on the street and almost communicates with other children. A when? He just doesn't have time for this.

In addition, reasons can be:

  1. Features of the child's temperament — most often, melancholic or choleric people become anxious.

  2. The level of anxiety of close adults — if the parents themselves tend to worry about about everything and immediately, then the child adopts the parental model of behavior.

  3. Authoritarian parenting style.

Observations of specialists have shown that in the younger school age there are more anxious children among boys. A in senior — among girls. At the same time, the boys are afraid of punishment, and the girls — that they will think badly of them, refuse to communicate.

How to overcome anxiety in a student: tips that work

First of all, you need to find the cause of anxiety. In most cases, it is caused by the peculiarities of relationships in the family. That is, anxious parents involuntarily raise the same child. Or adults have inflated demands on the child. But to accurately establish this, you need to work with a psychologist. He will help to find the root of the problem, overcome it will give the right recommendations in your situation. However, there are general tips for all parents:

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  1. Don't frighten your child by punishing bad grades. He shouldn't study, being afraid to get a deuce. All children make mistakes and not everyone can be successful in all school disciplines.

  2. Do not compare your child with other children — this gives rise to complexes, self-doubt, anger at other children.

  3. Discuss with your child only his achievements, support even small successes.

  4. Criticism of a child's actions should concern only the act itself. Don get personal.

  5. Build relationships so that the student can tell you about their problems, not be afraid to share failures, experiences. He must understand that support and protection awaits him at home.

  6. Make a daily routine with  — this will help to cope with everything in time.

  7. Do your homework without haste, don push the student.

  8. Play non-competitive, moving games more often. It can be "hide and seek", "twister", "the sea is worried again" and etc. Such games will help relieve muscle clamps that are always present with anxiety.

And be consistent in your actions. If something is forbidden today, and tomorrow it  — allow, then the child will worry about your answer every time. Discuss the problem with all family members, because the atmosphere in the house directly affects the condition of the baby and his mental health.

Read also: Fighting fears: top 5 ways to beat anxiety

Anxiety in schoolchildren — a problem that cannot be ignored or considered unworthy of attention. An anxious child grows up to be the same adult. A this — destructive acts on the psyche, prevents you from becoming happy, does not allow you to realize desires and aspirations.

Read also: Where does the desire to control everything lead: to success or neurosis

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