Feeling tired – this is normal if you have experienced a hard day at work or a stressful situation. But what if it accompanies you every day, and even from the very morning. And even after a long rest, the situation does not improve. What are the causes of constant fatigue? Does this mean sickness? Should I be worried? How to solve a similar problem? And what will help to get a surge of strength?
The editors of estet-portal.com will talk about what may cause a constant feeling of fatigue.
Causes of constant fatigue: possible diseases
The first thing to be ruled out as a possible cause is diseases for which feeling tired is one of the symptoms. Therefore, it does not hurt to think about what other health problems have appeared, to compare them, to consult a doctor for an examination.
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Possible causes of persistent fatigue:
- Problems with the thyroid gland – in addition to fatigue, there are weight jumps, dry skin, a feeling of chills. Most of the patients – these are women. In this case, a visit to the endocrinologist is necessary.
- Depression – this is not just a depressed state, but a dangerous disease that requires treatment. In addition to a feeling of weakness, apathy is observed, one does not want to do even those things that used to bring joy.
- Problems with bowel function – We are talking about celiac disease or gluten intolerance. Weakness will be accompanied by discomfort in the intestinal area, bloating, diarrhea. In this case, it is necessary to accurately determine whether there is gluten intolerance in order to then follow a special diet.
- Heart problems – if you have suffered a heart attack in the recent past, attacks of weakness will periodically accompany you. If at the same time there are breathing problems, chest pains, reduced appetite – see a cardiologist.
- Diabetes – feeling tired is one of the symptoms. Along with it, there is dry mouth, poor sleep, frequent urination.
- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome – accompanied by insomnia, apathy, irritability, frequent headaches and diseases due to low immunity.
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If you realize that not only the feeling of fatigue bothers you, consult a doctor. Timely examination will help to avoid more serious problems.
Causes of constant fatigue: lifestyle features
Constant fatigue is not always a sign of illness. Very often, the reason lies in the particular way of life. Therefore, reconsider what you eat, how you live, what you abuse.
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Causes of persistent fatigue:
Lack of vitamins – in particular, B12 and D. The first is necessary for the work of red blood cells, it helps to transport oxygen to tissues and cells. The second is responsible for the work of the heart, the state of the nervous system.
Taking certain medications – Feeling sleepy and tired can be a side effect of certain medications. Therefore, review the instructions for them to identify the "culprit".
Dehydration – if you do not drink enough water, there are problems with the work of the heart, organs and tissues receive little oxygen. this leads to weakness and lethargy.
Perfectionismand the ongoing experiences associated with it. As a result, the nervous system is overstressed, the organisms are exhausted faster.
Junk food – foods with a high glycemic index provoke a sharp fluctuation in blood sugar levels, which only exhausts the body.
Using a laptop or smartphone before bed – as a result: the production of melatonin decreases, circadian rhythms are disturbed.
Alcohol before bedtime – it provokes a surge of adrenaline, which only prevents you from falling asleep, and the dream itself becomes superficial.
Abuse of coffee and caffeinated drinks – If you drink a lot of coffee during the day, it becomes more difficult to fall asleep. As a result – feeling tired already in the morning.
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In addition, the reasons for constant fatigue also lie in the fact that you have little or very little rest. Many sacrifice time by denying themselves a rest or a short vacation due to work, gambling hobbies or caring for someone. But our body needs a “reboot”, without which it falls into decay. Let yourself gain strength! Read also: 4 proven ways to get rid of insomnia
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