Упражнения для похудения рук: отжимания, с гантелями, планка

The skin on the hands, in the absence of activity and the necessary loads, loses its tone and begins to sag. This happens when the muscle fibers relax, they become flabby, lethargic and sagging skin spoils the appearance and figure, especially if you wear open blouses and dresses.

Estet-portal.com is in a hurry to please women with the fact that a set of exercises and the right approach to their implementation are guaranteed to help you lose weight in your shoulders and tighten sagging skin on your arms. So, let's look at home exercises for weight loss of the hands and the features of building a lesson plan.

How to lose weight in arms and shoulders

Even with active physical activity and rapid weight loss, arms and shoulders decrease in volume much more slowly than all other problem areas. Therefore, do not forget to perform special exercises for the arms and shoulders in order to get rid of body fat. Note that women's hands are much weaker than men's muscles. Pumping up massive arms for a woman is not so easy, this will require 6-7 times more training than a man.

Many ladies are afraid to perform special exercises for slimming their arms because of the fear of pumping up muscles and losing their femininity in their shoulders and posture. Firstly, in order to really increase muscle mass so much, a woman will need not only to perform a plank or push-ups, but also to exercise on simulators in the gym. If you just want to tighten the skin and lose weight in the arms, home exercises with dumbbells, yoga asanas aimed at the arms, exercises with a chair or body weight will be enough.

Read also: 5 effective exercises for firming the skin of the décolleté

In order for the arms to lose weight and the muscles to gain tone, it is necessary to direct forces to work out 3 main muscle groups: biceps, triceps and the deltoid muscle.

How to train properly to get rid of arm fat and tighten skin first

  • arm exercises alone will not be enough for full weight loss, they must be combined with cardio training (30-40 minutes) or aerobic exercises;
  • Use an additional arm weight (dumbbell or kettlebell) to speed up the process of muscle tone recovery;
  • eliminate harmful foods, fatty, starchy and sweet, limit the use of bananas and grapes.

A set of exercises for weight loss in the arms develops not only the muscles in the shoulders, but also touches the back, eliminating wrinkles, and the chest.

Read also: How to remove wrinkles on the back: the most effective ways

How much exercise is needed to lose weight in the arms

To fully work out the muscles in the arms, it will be enough to perform a set of exercises 3 times a week. Daily classes will not bring the expected results – Muscles need rest and time to recover. During training, muscle fibers are torn at the cellular level, which provokes the growth of new fibers. For muscle growth to occur & nbsp; naturally, they need 24 hours to rest and recover.

Training rules for effective results:

  • don't forget to warm up;
  • do a set of exercises every other day;
  • be sure to do cool-down exercises after class to calm down and relax.

Plank and push-up exercise for slimming arms and shoulders

Performing push-ups and planks correctly will help you lose weight in your arms. It is with push-ups that you can start strength training (after warming up).

How to do push-ups


Lie on the floor, put your toes on the floor, place your hands under your chest and rise to your outstretched arms. When pushing up, make sure your torso is parallel to the floor. If at first you can’t do a full-fledged push-up from the floor due to lack of experience, do an easier version: do not rest your socks on the floor, but your knees.

Repeat times: 10 push-ups x 3 sets.

Another version of push-ups – reverse spins with a chair. In this exercise, the shoulders are excellently trained and the abs work.

How to properly do push-ups with a chair


Rest your palms on a chair, place your heels on the floor, bend your legs slightly. Lower your pelvis down and bend your elbows. Watch your inhalation and exhalation: lowering during inhalation, raising the pelvis – on the exhale. Pay attention to how the elbows move when lowering the pelvis: the elbows should go back, in no case to the sides.

Repeat times: 12 times x 3 sets

Slimming Arm Plank

The plank is said to be the most effective for burning belly fat, but the arms are also involved in this exercise, so do the plank on the elbows, on straight arms and the side plank for 1 minute each.

Exercise for slimming arms with dumbbells

  1. Raising arms with dumbbells to chest

Stand up straight and grab the dumbbells in your hands, wrists forward. Bend your arms at the elbows, pull the dumbbells to your chest. Important: do not unbend your arms to the end, leaving them slightly bent when lowering down. Do 20 x 3 sets.


This is a biceps exercise. You can pull up two arms with dumbbells or alternately each.

  1. Dumbbell Overhead Raise

Stand up straight, grab a dumbbell with both hands, wrists facing each other. We raise our hands with a dumbbell above our heads and slowly start back. When you bring your arms back, bending your elbows 90 degrees, press them to your head. Perform 20 times in 3 sets. The triceps are being worked out, so doing this can be a little uncomfortable, so be prepared.


  1. Dumbbell Hands Back

Place your feet shoulder-width apart and slightly bend at the knees, do a partial tilt. Bend your elbows 90 degrees and pull them back. Dumbbells should be placed near the abdomen. Straighten your arms and bring them back, hold the pose and bend your arms again. Do 20 reps for 3 sets. Exercise perfectly develops triceps.


  1. Exercise to work the deltoid muscle

Stand straight, spread your legs apart. Hold dumbbells in your hands. Raise your arms to the sides, wrists down. When performing an exercise on the deltoid muscle, the body should not move, only the arms work. Do 20 reps for 3 sets.


Inadequate fitness of this muscle will be confirmed by burning in the shoulders during the 2nd set of the exercise. If you can't do all 20 reps, reduce your reps to 10 reps per set.

Do not do 3 sets of one exercise at once, alternate the load on different muscles: first on the triceps, then on the biceps, then on the deltoid muscle, and in a circle.

Don't be afraid to put pressure on your arms, because for curved shoulders, graceful posture and beautiful hands, you need to work hard to achieve taut skin. You only need 30 minutes of free time to complete. Remember to do some calming exercises after your workout to restore your breath and relax your muscles.

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