Tissue damage due to a burn can be as minor (redness and burning of the skin due to a slight burn), which disappear spontaneously and do not require medical intervention. In case of damage that affects the deeper layers of the skin and the tissues located under them, hospitalization of the victim is mandatory. First aid for burns is carried out before the arrival of an ambulance. At the same time, it is important to know exactly what to do in order to minimize the likelihood of dangerous complications in a burnt person.
First aid for burns: types and types of lesions
Depending on the nature of the impact, the following types of burns are distinguished:
- thermal (in contact with hot substances and objects);
- chemical (respectively, when exposed to chemicals);
- electrical (in case of electric shock at home, at work or due to a lightning strike);
- radiation (when exposed to ionizing radiation).
The severity of such damage is determined according to four types:
I – Swelling, redness, burning of the skin as a result of damage to the epidermis.
II – The appearance of blisters filled with a clear liquid, damage to the dermis layer.
III – The depth of damage reaches the vessels and nerves, loss of sensitivity, necrosis is possible.
IV – The depth of the burn can reach the muscles and bones, charring of the skin is typical.
How does first aid for burns work
Regardless of the substance or factor that caused the burn, it is necessary to immediately stop its further exposure (remove the hand from the hot pan, put out the burning clothes, remove the person from the sun, interrupt contact with the source of electric current, wash off the chemical that caused the burn – this is done with running water, etc.).
Further actions depend on the degree of damage to the victim and the type of impact:
1. Thermal burn.
1.1. Degree I-II – cool the damaged area under running water, apply a clean damp cloth and expose the affected area to cold.
1.2. Grade III – such a burn is not washed with water, but simply covered with a cloth (clean and damp). The same is done if there are pieces of clothing adhering to the burn site – they are not torn off on their own – this is done by doctors in a medical facility.
1.3. Grade IV – urgently call an ambulance, lay the victim in a horizontal position and give water to drink.
Important! In the presence of severe pain in any degree of burns (as well as in the case of a large area of damage), it is necessary to give the victim painkillers.
2. Chemical burn.
2.1. Eliminate the effect of the chemical (remove clothing, if a substance has been spilled on it, rinse with running water).
2.2. Prevent further damage by neutralizing the substance.
2.2.1. For acid burns: wash with soapy water or 2% soda solution.
2.2.2. In case of burns with alkalis: rinse with a solution of citric acid or vinegar (the solution must be weak!).
2.3. Apply a clean damp cloth (naturally clean).
3. Electric burn.
3.1. Break contact with the source of electric current (turn off the electricity, use non-conductive objects to isolate the person from the current source).
3.2. Check breathing and pulse. If necessary, resort to artificial respiration, chest compressions.
3.3. An ambulance is required!
3.4. A conscious person can be given warm tea to drink.
4. Radiation burn.
4.1. If such a burn is caused by exposure to ultraviolet rays (the sun), most likely it will be characterized by redness and burning of the skin, which can be eliminated both with the help of special products sold in a pharmacy (panthenol, for example), and with the help of folk remedies.
4.2. If the cause of the burn was radioactive radiation, treatment is carried out in specialized institutions.
What should not be done during first aid for burns?
- touch the affected area with your hands;
- in case of blisters – open them (risk of infection);
- cover the affected area with fatty substances;
- wipe the damaged area with alcohol-containing liquids, as well as various kinds of loose substances;
- remove adherent clothing from the burn site, peel off the skin, glue a plaster on the affected area.
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