Useful herbs for bathing a baby have a positive effect not only on the condition of the skin, but also on other systems of the baby's body. They help to gently cleanse the skin, can also soothe, tone, relieve colic and much more. Their impact on the respiratory and nervous systems is very great, therefore it is very important to choose plants suitable for children. But how to choose the right component? And are all medicinal herbs useful for a small child? This is what will tell you now.
Useful herbs for bathing a newborn baby
Herbs that can be used to make a bathing decoction should always be discussed with your child's doctor. This is due not only to the fact that there may be individual intolerance. The fact is that the child's body is not yet fully formed, so the wrong choice of medicinal herbs can provoke allergic reactions.
What are the effects of beneficial bathing herbs? So, to prepare decoctions, you can use:
• juniper or lavender: they soothe the nervous system of the child, preparing him for sleep;
• chamomile, because it has an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect, relieves irritation and, in addition, gives a slight calming effect, helps fight insomnia;
• succession: only healthy children can be bathed in its decoction in order to remove seborrheic crusts. But often this cannot be done, because the series dries baby skin;
• nettle, as it heals wounds, softens the skin, has a good effect and enhances hair growth;
& bull; oak bark, which contains tannins, which are well proven for skin irritation, is recommended for allergies, diaper rash and prickly heat, has an antimicrobial effect;
• St. John's wort is recommended for atopic dermatitis and diathesis, stimulates the restoration of the skin.
Herbs for baths can have various effects: treat skin diseases, soothe, heal scratches and wounds. However, you should consult with your pediatrician before doing so.
Of course, these recommendations for the use of herbs do not mean a direct guide to action. Only a doctor can decide what to add to a bathing bath – based on checking your baby's health and if you notice baby's rash, you need to first determine its cause.
Not all healthy herbs are suitable for bathing a baby
In the list of medicinal herbs there are those that are strongly not recommended for use in the preparation of baths. They can harm the child because he is still too small, and the protective functions of the body are just being formed.
Therefore, whatever the benefits of the following herbs, do not use them:
• wormwood;
• broom;
• tansy;
• calamus vulgaris;
• adonis;
• thuja.
Of course, in your particular case, the list may be replenished with other herbs – it all depends on the characteristics of the baby's body. Therefore, only a doctor should prescribe useful herbs for bathing, based on the state of health of the child.
Useful herbs: how to make a decoction
Bathing herbs must be purchased exclusively from a pharmacy. Therefore, do not try to buy them from grandmothers or collect them yourself if you have no education in this area.
You can buy herbs both in the form of filter bags and in the usual dried form. Cooking methods in this case will be different:
• for filter bags – take 5 bags for 1 – 1.5 liters of water, insist for an hour;
• dried herbs – take a handful that fits in the palm of your hand, pour 3 – 5 liters of water and infuse for an hour (in this form, the herbs give a more concentrated decoction, so more liquid is needed).
In both cases, the decoction is made in an enamel pot. After insisting, the decoction on dried herbs must be filtered through a fine sieve. That is, no sticks or particles of grass should remain in the resulting liquid. You can additionally filter the broth through cheesecloth.
They bathe the child first at about 5 – 7 minutes, then you can gradually increase the duration of bathing up to 15 minutes.
Do not choose healthy herbs for bathing your baby on your own, you should consult a doctor.
You need to buy them only in a pharmacy. Filter bags give a weaker concentration, dry herbs – strong.
So, useful herbs for bathing a baby can help solve a number of problems – and prepare the child for sleep, and relieve colic (earlier we wrote about the causes of abdominal pain in a child), and improve skin condition. In order for bathing to bring only benefits, you need to buy herbs at a pharmacy, and only a doctor should prescribe them, because a negative reaction is possible under certain conditions. It is also important to properly prepare the decoction – regular dry herbs (not in bags) are more concentrated and require more water. Properly selected healthy herbs for decoctions will only benefit the kids.
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