Кисты молочной железы, перерастающие в рак

The female body is extremely sensitive to many factors, as well as changes. So, with a change in weather, working conditions, a change in nutrition, changes in the functioning of body systems, the female body reacts with a change in hormonal levels. Such changes in the hormonal background are fraught with changes in tissues that are most sensitive to such processes. This is breast tissue.

The epithelium that lines the ducts of the mammary glands changes under the influence of estrogens, which are produced in excess in certain situations and conditions of a woman. Against this background, breast cysts are formed. Find out in the article on estet-portal.com everything related to this sensitive topic.

Causes of cavities in the breast. Conditions that lead to increased levels of estrogens

Excessive amount of estrogen stimulates the growth of the epithelium of the excretory ducts of the mammary gland, which is accompanied by tissue edema. As a result, a breast cyst is formed - a cavity, the walls of which consist of connective tissue, and inside there is a non-inflammatory fluid.

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  • Hormonal disorders with high levels of estrogen are observed with excessive emotional and physical stress.
  • Low resistance to stress and high susceptibility to problems.
  • Sharp disruptions in the endocrine system, which are observed during abortions.
  • Overweight, obese.
  • Disturbances in the functioning of the ovaries.
  • Incorrect nutrition.
  • Ultraviolet rays and any thermal treatments increase estrogen levels.
  • The use of hormonal contraceptives can adversely affect the mammary glands.

A breast cyst may not disturb a woman. In the presence of small cysts, a woman for a long time may not even be aware of their presence and not feel any symptoms. When large cysts form, they can change the shape of the breast and be detected by palpation.

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According to statistics, every third woman has a breast cyst.

Cystic mastopathy. Types of breast cysts

Mastopathy as a process can be presented in two versions – cystic mastopathy and nodular mastopathy. There are 5 types of cystic mastopathy.

  • Atypical cyst. This type of cyst is characterized by the formation of a cavity with fluid in the chest, in which there are growths inside the cavity. This is a good education. This happens with a long-term presence of a breast cyst, with frequent recurrence of a breast cyst, as well as in the presence of papillomatous formations in the cyst.
  • Fibrous cyst of the mammary gland. This type of cyst is a background disease in the development of breast cancer. If it is present in the chest during palpation, grape-like dense seals are palpated. Fluid comes out of the nipples.
  • Solitary cyst. This is a breast cyst that affects only one breast. It is a cavity with a liquid of different colors, which has a dense capsule. The capsule thickens over time. This process is benign. Often such a breast cyst appears after abortions, after mastitis and injuries of the mammary glands, with an abrupt cessation of breastfeeding and after late childbirth.
  • Ductal cyst of the mammary gland. The cyst refers to benign diseases, since there is no information about its malignancy. Often appears in women in adulthood. This is an intraductal papilloma, which is characterized by growths inside the gland. Often such a cyst is formed against the background of endocrine disorders (obesity, diabetes, ovarian dysfunction).
  • Multichamber cyst of the mammary gland. A disease in which individual cysts form in the breast. They merge over time, and a single breast cyst is formed. Often such cysts appear against the background of a hectic lifestyle (smoking, alcohol, poor diet, stress, frequent and prolonged use of various medications).

See also: Clinical forms and early signs of breast cancer


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With all types of these breast cysts, they can only manifest as pain before menstruation, which is often associated with premenstrual syndrome. Therefore, in addition to regular visits to the gynecologist, a woman should examine and palpate her breasts herself. If any suspicious formations and seals are detected, you should consult a doctor. After all, cystic mastopathy responds well to treatment in the early stages.

Methods of treating breast cysts

In rare cases, a breast cyst may resolve itself. Therefore, a woman may not know about her existence. If a breast cyst is detected, the doctor decides on treatment individually, based on the size of the cyst, its type and the duration of the process.

Manipulations on the chest are performed only after the examination of the patient, checking the hormonal levels.


First, treatment with drugs to normalize hormonal levels is prescribed.

When ineffective, they resort to manipulations with the cyst. With small cysts, a solution is injected into its cavity, which destroys the walls of the breast cyst. A puncture is also used, with the help of which fluid is pumped out of the cyst cavity. This method is suitable for the treatment of a unilocular cyst.


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The aspiration method is also used - the introduction of a thin cannula through which fluid flows out of the cyst. If the cyst has an atypical shape, is multi-chambered and has large dimensions that are visible on examination, an operation is indicated to remove the breast cyst.

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