Неприятное последствие утех: как диагностировать и вылечить мягкий шанкр

The previous article discussed causes, modes of infection, and clinical manifestations of chancre.

With the development of any disease, they fear for its consequences and complications.

The most common complications of chancre are lymphangitis and lymphadenitis.

It is possible to form fistulas, through which necrosis products exit.

Severe swelling of the foreskin in men contributes to the development of phimosis, paraphimosis, which, with a prolonged course, can result in gangrene. The addition of a secondary infection contributes to the development of balanoposthitis, urethritis or balanitis, pyelonephritis and cystitis in case of a long time without treatment of a soft chancre.

Read more on estet-portal.com how to detect and treat chancre.

What methods are used to detect soft chancre

The diagnosis and treatment of chancre is carried out by a dermatovenereologist.

If indicated, doctors of other specialties are involved.

It is mandatory to conduct examination of the patient's sexual partners, as well as cohabitants.

Basic laboratory and instrumental studies and their indications for chancroid:

  • Physical examination.

The general condition of the patient has not changed. In women, a soft chancre often develops on the labia, clitoris, on the eve of the vagina. In men, the process is more often on the scrotum, foreskin, on the head and shaft of the penis.

  • Laboratory tests.

In the blood formula there is a shift of the formula to the left, an increase in ESR and leukocytosis in case of attachment of lymphadenitis or purulent urethritis. Erythrocytes and leukocytes are detected in the urine.

After suspicion of a soft chancre, it is necessary to take a blood test to detect antibodies to the causative agent of syphilis and HIV, and also carry out PCR – testing for herpes simplex virus.

  • Discovering the cause of the infection.

To do this, it is necessary to take the contents of the ulcers and conduct a bacterioscopic analysis, as well as to produce it inoculation on nutrient media.

PCR-diagnosis provides the fastest and most accurate results.

But serological methods are not used because of their low information content, since cross-reactions with other bacteria of this family are possible.

Quite rarely used histological examination of the biopsy of the edges of the ulcer.

  • Instrumental Methods.

It is advisable to perform MRI or CT of the chest, as well as x-rays for the purpose of differential diagnosis.

Also performed Ultrasound of the pelvic organs and external genitalia.

In some cases, it is advisable to perform colposcopy,barium enema and colonoscopy, as well as taking affected tissues for biopsy.

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Differential diagnosis

of chancre is carried out with the following diseases:

tuberculosis of the skin;
  • genital herpes;
  • primary syphilis;
  • acute vulvar ulcer Chapin-Lipshyu
  • ca.
Did you know that:

Syphilis is often diagnosed during an accidental medical examination A variety of treatments will help get rid of the chancre

Chancre therapy is carried out

on an outpatient basis,

unless surgical intervention is necessary or if the patient has chronic diseases in the stage of decompensation. A


is prescribed with a restriction of fatty and fried food, an increase in the drinking regime with the exclusion of alcohol. Compliance with the rules of

personal hygiene

. is important

1. Conservative therapy

. The duration of therapy for chancre is about 5 days with broad-acting drugs.

It is important to treat sexual partners if sexual contact was less than 10 days before the onset of the chancre. At the time of treatment, it is recommended to refrain from sexual contact.

2. Etiotropic treatment

. Etiotropic therapy of soft chancre consists in the use of


and macrolides, or, as second-line drugs – fluoroquinolones. Be aware of the possible

toxic effects of erythromycin


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3. Pathogenetic treatment

consists of infusion of detoxification solutions. For severe edema and intoxication,


. Possibly using enzyme ointments.

Long torpid period is provoked by pyrogens.


symptomatic therapy includes painkillers, desensitizers and sedatives.

5. Topical treatment

is used to relieve pain. Lotions with

chlorhexidine, dimexide, topical antibacterial ointments

. In some cases, a

Helium Neon laser

is used to speed up the resolution of the infiltrate and prevent scarring.


Also used are physiotherapeutic methods that improve blood flow in damaged tissues and stimulate cellular immunity:

laser treatment;
  • inductothermy;
  • microwave therapy.
7. Surgical Treatment

. Almost half of patients with chancre develop

purulent lymphadenitis

. In this case, it is necessary to open abscessed lymph nodes and install drainage. In the case of phimosis in men, the foreskin is excised, which allows the purulent masses to be removed.

The prognosis

of chancre is favorable if detected early and properly treated.


as a specific prophylaxis is under active development. To prevent disease, you must use

barrier contraception

during casual sex and observe good personal hygiene. It is important for doctors to wear

disposable gloves

when examining patients with chancre.


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