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How to improve mitochondrial function in just 3 steps

Как улучшить митохондриальную функцию всего за 3 шага

There are mitochondria in every cell of our body. They are responsible for the amount of energy available to the body every day. The main symptom that occurs when the body needs more energy than it can get is fatigue. Violation of mitochondrial function entails many diseases that are characteristic of the elderly. Almost all degenerative diseases are characterized by mitochondrial dysfunction. What leads to a deterioration in mitochondrial function and how to improve it, will tell

Impaired mitochondrial function – main factors

Energy is necessary for the body to function properly. Many people with chronic diseases do not get enough energy even for the normal functioning of the body, not to mention physical and mental activity. The main factors affecting mitochondrial function are:

  • lack of nutrients;
  • stress;
  • toxins from the environment.

Toxins, stress and nutrient deficiencies have a negative impact on mitochondrial function.

The number of free radicals increases when blood sugar levels are disturbed, resulting in the formation of glycolytic enzymes. Stress and lack of physical activity also lead to mitochondrial stress due to oxidative stress, which can impair their function. The most detrimental toxins to mitochondrial function are:

  • heavy metals;
  • pesticides;
  • herbicides;
  • household chemicals;
  • polluted air and water;
  • food preservatives.

Read also: Autophagy: self-healing of the body – path to health and longevity


Below, we'll look at the three steps needed to improve mitochondrial function:

  • food;
  • exercises;
  • Reduce toxic load.

Step 1 – how to improve mitochondrial function through nutrition

Goal: get enough nutrients and antioxidants

In this case, the Paleo diet menu, which minimizes the use of allergens and chemicals, will help. The diet is based on proteins (meat, fish, eggs), fats and fiber (vegetables). By eliminating sugar, wheat, dairy products, sugary drinks and desserts, you will teach the mitochondria to use fat for energy (rather than glucose), resulting in a reduced toxic load on the mitochondria.

Vitamins and supplements are also used to improve mitochondrial function, the dosage and selection of which is carried out individually. This is:

  • alpha lipoic acid;
  • coenzyme (coenzyme) Q10;
  • levokartinin (l-kartinin);
  • D-ribose;
  • magnesium;
  • Vitamin B;
  • vitamin C.

Step 2 – exercises to improve mitochondrial function

Goal: increase the efficiency of existing and stimulate the formation of new mitochondria

The main two types of exercise that improve mitochondrial function and stimulate mitochondrial growth are aerobic exercise and resistance exercise.

The most effective are aerobic exercises, which constantly stimulate the growth of mitochondria. Among these exercises are:

Whatever you need – choose your favorite aerobic exercises and do them three times a week for 30 minutes a day (more if desired).

However, with any exercises you need to be careful:

  • Consult your doctor if you have a medical condition that may not be suitable for exercising of a certain nature or intensity;
  • don't squeeze your last juices – it is better to gradually enter the pace and increase the load;
  • Don't forget to rest to avoid overwork.

Step 3 – reduction of toxic load on the body

Toxins are formed in the body as a result of natural metabolism. The body must be able to get rid of such substances in order not to suffer from their effects. The problem is that every day the amount of toxins that the body has to deal with is growing, and the detoxification system does not always have time to cope with them.  As a result, among other things, mitochondrial function is impaired.

To minimize the amount of toxins affecting the body, you need to:

  • eat fiber-rich, pesticide-free foods;
  • drink enough water;
  • sweat (during exercise, wraps, detox baths, etc.);
  • switch from household chemicals to natural cleaners and detergents;
  • drink herbal teas.

Thus, improving mitochondrial function is not that difficult – eat a healthy diet, exercise, and avoid exposure to toxins whenever possible.

  • Comments (4)

    23 ноября 2015, 07:58

    Витамин В это круто ! Может уже посерьезней начнете статьи публиковать, нежели прописные истины.

  • Comments (4)

    23 ноября 2015, 15:33

    доклад Измайловой - очень много интересного про митохондрии<br />

  • Comments (4)

    13 мая 2018, 07:35

    чтобы клетки "открывались" для получения витаминов - глюкоза необходима. если мы говорим о благополучии организма а не о сжигании жира - то разнообразие в питании необходимо. и молочка и тд. в умеренных количествах. а продукты без пестицидов это практически не реально для большинства населения.

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