6 проверенных психологических приёмов, чтобы понравиться собеседнику

Quite often, the solution of the most important life or production issues depends on a favorable first impression, the ability to win over an interlocutor. Sometimes we do not even realize how often we find ourselves in a situation where it is necessary to win over this or that person. One of the most trivial and even hackneyed examples of — the interview you go through when applying for a job. But, of course, in real life, the ability to please people brings much more pleasant bonuses than it might seem at first glance.

Usually, when faced with the task of winning someone's affection, we tend to trust our own intuition, but why not master this art to the extent of perfection that we are capable of? Do you think it's all about natural charm? It won't hurt, but it's not just about him. Fortunately, there are various psychological techniques, using which you can become an excellent conversationalist, learn to win people over and win their sympathy and support. Together with estet-portal.com we offer you to master this fascinating and useful science.

Technique 1. Use the principle of reflection in communication

Many people use the "reflection" technique quite unconsciously. Perhaps this is their natural gift to win over and inspire sympathy at first sight even to unfamiliar people. Unobtrusive copying of postures, gestures, intonation and manner of expressing your thoughts makes you more attractive than repulsive in the eyes of the interlocutor.

Why is this happening? Psychologists believe that this behavior of our opponent makes us more significant in our own eyes.

Of course, before experimenting with such psychological techniques, you will have to develop your powers of observation. Not always a subordinate will be able to copy the boss's manner of walking around the office during a conversation. But you can imitate the style of speech, intonation or manner of placing accents.

Technique 2. Do not get tired of praising your interlocutor

This  the psychological technique has also been known for a long time, although many people use it without even thinking, and consider it part of good manners. We are all vulnerable at heart and need approval. Do you want to win the sympathy of others? Don't skimp on compliments! Do you think it's easy? Praise after all, too, need to be able to!
Psychologists note that the most effective and successful leaders are fluent in the art of giving the right compliments to their subordinates. A compliment, in this case, means phrases containing a slight exaggeration of dignity, which is significant and important for the interlocutor. A person, even an absolutely sober-minded person, is always pleased to hear a positive assessment of his personal qualities, abilities and efforts. Timely praise gives us self-confidence and disposition towards someone who helps us increase self-esteem.
an essential feature of a compliment. Also, avoid double entenders, lectures, and outright flattery.

Technique 3. Learn to listen carefully to the interlocutor

The ability to listen — a rather rare, and therefore a valuable gift, since it is not so often that people meet with whom we want to discuss what really worries us. Almost all of us willingly share anxieties and experiences if someone shows interest in them. And having spoken out, we feel involuntary sympathy for the person who helped us at least slightly lighten the load of emotions that overwhelmed us.

The ability to be a good listener is important for any person, regardless of social status and the step he occupies on the career ladder. It doesn't take much:
·    let the interlocutor finish, trying not to interrupt him, because not everyone manages to quickly and clearly articulate their thoughts;
·    ask clarifying questions;
·    insert emotionally charged phrases and interjections.
When communicating with a person, try to show interest in the topic, even if it is not too close to you.

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Technique 4: Always use the other person's name in a conversation

It's so simple, but in everyday life we ​​forget (or don't think about it!) how important it is for every person to hear the sound of their own name. Name — this is exactly the combination of sounds that we perceive from the first days of life as part of our own personality. If you address a person "impersonally", then thereby inform him that he is of interest to you only as a performer of certain official duties, and is not at all important as a person. to the interlocutor that we appreciate and respect his unique personal qualities, even if & nbsp; all we ask is to make coffee, call a car, or redo the report for the fifth time.

Such an address, where the name of a person is used, satisfies his need to receive confirmation of the significance of his personality, which is necessarily accompanied by positive emotions and attracts the interlocutor to us.
Treat 5: Use a personal touch

Often, life brings us into contact with people who are so reserved that it is very difficult to start a casual conversation. However, a well-posed question helps your interlocutor to talk and eliminate

communication problems. Finding such a topic is not so difficult, even if you are seeing a person for the first time, it is enough to simply imagine in general terms what your interlocutor may worry about. Of course, this requires not just observation, but also sincere interest.

Also, you can tell something about yourself if you see that this  a psychological technique will help establish friendly, trusting relationships.

Technique 6. Simple psychological  reception - try to smile more often

Unfortunately, we are so arranged that each of us is most interested in our own affairs and problems. And therefore, a person who is always dissatisfied and complaining about absolutely everything does not cause a desire to continue acquaintance. But a sincere smile will always help to achieve mutual understanding, defuse the situation, and ease the tension that has arisen during the discussion.

This does not mean that you have to walk around with a "glued", unnatural smile all day. Our mentality does not require a mandatory smile from a person addressed to strangers and random passers-by. However, don't skimp on a charming smile when greeting, saying goodbye, or expressing gratitude.

There are many special psychological techniques, the use of which will help in a wide variety of life situations. Owning them will help you build relationships in the work team, make a good impression on a potential employer, make friends with new neighbors when you change your place of residence. However, it should be remembered that special psychological techniques — just the best way to show sincere, keen interest and respect for the people around you.
For more interesting information about various psychological techniques that help you make friends and eliminate communication problems, you will find on the website estet-portal.com.

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