6 психотипов, которые склонны к ожирению набирают лишний вес без особых на то причин

It is generally accepted that excess weight is one of the markers of chronic diseases. This statement is true only in three percent of cases. In all other cases, the reason for its appearance is  the result of improper eating behavior, which largely depends on the person's psychotype.

So says the famous nutritionist, author of the book "Fool Your Weight!" Rimma Vasilievna MOISENKO and offers to determine your psychotype, and at the same time understand why we are getting better for no particular reason.

Sensitive psychotype: sacrificial altruism and healthy egoism

This psychotype is inherent in every second woman. Her whole life is subordinated to the interests of close people, in which she dissolves without a trace. And it doesn't matter that the children have grown up a long time ago - she will continue to babysit them and bring them delicious lunches to work so that they do not go hungry.
Three reasons for the appearance of excess weight in a sensitive psychotype

Reason #1. Life for others. A sensitive psychotype lives by caring for others. He doesn't  used to thinking about himself, and in the system of his life values, his own health or appearance take the last place. Therefore, they do not pay attention to traces of fatigue on the face, a stout figure, and a lack of personal life. And often they get unpleasant surprises for this, for example, in the form of a spouse leaving for another woman.

Reason #2. "Ambulance". They are always ready to help others, but  never share their problems, so as not to complicate the life of others. As a result, the pain begins to corrode their soul.

Reason #3. Frequent snacks. The opportunity to eat something delicious becomes  the only joy in life. A sensitive psychotype does not notice how his trips to the refrigerator become more frequent, and the weight — more. 

How to "put in place" a sensitive psychotype overweight

  • Stop solving other people's problems. Constant altruism can deplete vital resources and undermine health.
  • Let others live their lives. Then subconscious expectations will go away, and with them — and overweight.
  • Release the alarm. Anxiety provokes the appearance of chronic stress and the desire to "eat it".

Defensive-offensive psychotype: stop fighting and learn to rest

For him, his whole life — wrestling, and surrounding — enemies to defend against. Therefore, people of such a warehouse try to control others, and if they try to rebel against the established terror, then they harshly suppress the "rebellion"; — in war as in war! Their life credo — establish a strict order and discipline around — helps them make a military career or become top managers.

Three reasons for being overweight

Reason #1. The need to keep the defense forces them to be in constant tension.

Reason #2. The absence of the joys of life, which they deprive themselves of voluntarily, leads to the fact that the only source of pleasure is the absorption of food.

Reason #3. Desire to "eat" stress. Food for them is compensation for losses in the confrontation with the world, so it is difficult for them to refuse snacks.

How to "put in place" extra weight for a defensive-offensive psychotype

  • Get rid of unreasonable worries and past worries. Forgive everyone who hurt. After all, they pointed out the shortcomings and helped to change themselves.
  • Learn to rest. Remember that weekends are for rejuvenation. And be sure to find your favorite pastime outside of work.
  • Visit a psychologist. He will help to "release the negative" and teaches you to think positively.

Cautious psychotype: raise self-esteem and remove complexes

People of this psychotype, like the defensive-offensive type, are convinced that they live in a world hostile to them. The only difference is that, unlike the latter, they do not fight back, but prefer to take cover and walk carefully through life. Change is not for them: they rarely leave the family or change jobs, because they are not sure that they can find a worthy replacement. For them, every thing has its place, and every step taken is justified.   

Three reasons for being overweight

Reason number 1. Low self-esteem forms those inferiority complexes that make you experience constant stress and "jam" it.

Reason #2. Feeling anxious. People of this type are constantly in anticipation of a threat from others and therefore are often filled with negative thoughts.

Reason #3. Subconscious defense. For a cautious psychotype, excess weight — knightly armor protecting him from foreign aggression.

How to "put in place" extra weight for a cautious psychotype

Trust the doctor. It is difficult for him to lose weight — motivation is very weak. Yes, and trusting a stranger, showing your unsightly body is very difficult. Only inner work will help to break this vicious circle.
Change your thought forms and understand that the   world is   a field not only of war, but also of love.

Purposeful psychotype: the right regimen and eating behavior will help

They know well what they want in life and are clearly moving towards their goal. To achieve it, they are ready to subordinate the interests of both others and their own. And such concepts as "health", "appearance", in the system of values ​​built by them are not of great importance.

A purposeful psychotype has no time: he is all on the run, sleeps for several hours a day, eats somehow. And there is no limit to his bewilderment when he sees how the scales, under the weight of his weight, begin to break through — but he spins like a squirrel in a wheel. Where does such an attack come from?

Three reasons for being overweight

Reason #1. No mode. For him, working hours continue until midnight. Yes, and he devotes his weekends to solving business issues, forgetting about sleep and rest.

Reason #2: Wrong eating habits. A cup of coffee with a sandwich replaces lunch, and a late dinner becomes the only full meal of the day.

Reason #3: Loss of purpose. It is worth such a person to lose what he loves, for example, with retirement, and he experiences tremendous stress, which immediately begins to "stick".

How to "put in place" excess weight for a purposeful psychotype

  • Adhere to a routine that, if violated, threatens to overweight.
  • Develop proper eating behavior and understand that it is the foundation of his success.
  • Set a goal. Losing it can lead to losing the point of keeping fit.

Active psychotype: promiscuity in food is fraught with obesity

Life is for this type of people — sheer adventure. They want to visit all its continents, learn and try everything, and for this they make every effort. But, unlike the active psychotype, they are not able to do one thing for a long time: they light up like a match, and soon go out. And then they get carried away again with a new project and give it all their strength.

Three reasons for being overweight

Reason number 1. Incorrect eating behavior, which is formed by the activity of such a person. He eats fast, talks fast and sometimes does it all at the same time.
Reason #2. Promiscuous eating. Food for him — the ability to make up for the lack of energy. He does not notice what he eats and how much, and often just swallows food.
Reason number 3. Non-observance of the regime of work and rest. In addition, being a frequenter of noisy companies, in the process of communicating at the table, the active psychotype does not notice how he overeats.
How to "put in place" excess weight for an active psychotype

  • Keep a healthy lifestyle.
  • Create proper eating behavior and give up bad eating habits.
  • Understand that short-term diets do not help you lose weight. A balanced diet, exercise and the right daily routine will help you lose weight.

Theatrical psychotype: increased emotionality and dedication

Theatrical psychotype with all his behavior  confirms that the world — theater, and he — the only actor on his stage. And he strives to do everything so that others believe in it. Each of his actions — a small performance that requires dedication from him. And because he plays his performances for days on end,  he needs to replenish his vitality.

Three reasons for being overweight

Reason #1. Expenditure of psychic energy. To make up for it, he needs to swallow "something tasty." Cookies, chocolate, pastries, — anything that promotes weight gain.

Reason #2. Increased emotionality. They very subtly feel the attitude of others and if they do not receive due attention with & nbsp; their sides, then fall into a depression, which is often then "seized"; or — what's worse — «fill».

Reason #3. Boring environment.

"Theatre-goers"  they frankly yearn if they are forced to do monotonous and boring work.  And then they find their salvation in food.

How to "put in place" extra weight for a theatrical psychotype 

  • Stop blaming others for your troubles, including weight gain.
  • Find a friendly environment or learn to accept the world as it is.

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