Профилактика стресса: топ-15 способов сделать свою жизнь гармоничнее

Fight Stress — a fashionable phrase that is used to sell a wide variety of goods and services, including those not related to nervous tension. Moreover, stress is often confused with depression, some mental disorders in which people need professional help.

In the conditions of modern life, it is hard to deal with tension. It is much easier to develop habits that will help prevent it. Daily Stress Prevention — a great way to stay healthy for many years.

What is stress and how to deal with it

Stress — a state in which all organs and systems of the body are ready to respond to danger. Mobilization of the forces of the body — it is a natural defense mechanism that has been honed over thousands of years. There's nothing wrong with it. Problems arise because we perceive too much as a danger: quarrels with relatives, colleagues at work, superiors, minor troubles.

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Modern life is hectic, filled with a mass of micro-events, each of which in one way or another affects the human condition. Additional stressors — noise, poor environment, poor quality food. If the body is constantly in a state of "combat readiness", its resources quickly dry up. Hence chronic fatigue, emotional burnout, loss of strength, bad mood and & nbsp; well-being, physical illness.


Read also: Anxiety in schoolchildren: causes and solutions


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To stay healthy, you have to deal with stress. But the this fight has a downside. It is impossible to live in  confrontation with surrounding events and one's own reactions to them. It is also difficult to look for ways to relax after each stressful situation. Smart decision — restructure your thinking and lifestyle so that you worry less, feel calmer and happier. It's easy if you develop a few good habits.

15 steps to a harmonious life

 everyone has a need for  communication, recognition, love, respect, development. To feel happy and focus less on negativity, a person needs to satisfy these needs. Psychologists recommend instilling in yourself a few simple habits:

  1. Healthy lifestyle. Trite, but proper nutrition and physical activity really make a person healthier, more stress-resistant, happier. So adjust your diet and make time for a pleasant daily activity — walking, running or gym.

  2. Relaxation exercises.End of the day — great time to relax. Find your own ways to relax and practice before bed. It can be affirmations, meditations, breathing exercises. The easiest option — concentration on breathing. It is enough for 5-15 minutes to follow your breathing, noting how the air enters and leaves, what sensations arise in the body.

  3. Prayer. Many of us lack trust the world, support. Sincere faith and conversation with God — great stress reliever. In Orthodox prayers, much attention is paid to gratitude to the Creator. It also teaches you to appreciate good deeds, the nobility of the people around you more.

  4. Social activity. A good way to stop focusing on your own problems — communicate with people as much as possible. This will help not  to close in into yourself, to avoid a depressive state. Main — chat with those who are pleasant and interesting to you.

  5. The ability to resolve conflicts. Conflict is what people worry about the most. The only way to relieve tension in such cases — learn to negotiate, correctly ask for  help  refuse requests. These skills will help you quickly resolve important issues without resentment and worries.

  6. Hobbies. Find a hobby that will truly excite you. Any business that brings joy is useful.

  7. Reading. Read fiction. Today, bibliotherapy is recognized as an effective method for solving many psychological problems. It is also suitable for relaxation and the prevention of chronic tension. Read, enjoy and relax to health.

  8. Creativity. Art Therapy — what residents of megacities, exhausted by constant noise and stress, need. By shifting your attention to creativity, you stop focusing on problems, other people's opinions, and will only think about the result of your work.

  9. Pets. Choose a pet you can care for without compromising your work schedule. The dog will help you stay active, the cat will purr soothingly, and you can watch the fish endlessly and with great pleasure. Caring for someone will distract you from problems.

  10. Nature. Make a good habit of walking in the park every day or at least once a week going out into the forest to a  Walk on mushrooms, pick berries and cones. The sounds and smells of wildlife are great for relaxing.

  11. Diary. The best way to organize your thoughts — write them down. This will help to calm down and  tune in to solving problems, and not to fruitless worries about them.

  12. Changing the picture before your eyes. Get out more often to places where you haven't been yet. If you don't even have time for short trips, just go to work and home by different routes. Make "outings" in & nbsp; areas of the city that were rarely visited before. Walk and watch.

  13. Conservation of resources. Learn to use your energy sparingly by avoiding negative emotions, criticism and empty talk. Plan your time and stick to your schedule. Be sure to include rest breaks in your plan.

  14. Honesty with oneself. Disappointment from unfulfilled expectations — a terrible blow that can be experienced for years. To prevent such situations, try not to build illusions and accept the facts as they are.

  15. Love and respect for themselves.

    Everyone sometimes lacks support. Think about how reliable a friend you are to yourself. If you condemn yourself, criticize, blame, remember that these are manifestations of dislike. If you are your own executioner, then and others will be happy to execute you. You — the only person who decides if you are worthy of love respect.



Please yourself every day so that  doesn't get hung up on problems. Waking up in the morning, ask yourself what you can please yourself with today. Come up with pleasant events for yourself, bring them into plan and be sure to stick to it, no matter whatever happens. Joy for yourself should be your main goal for the day. Then the experiences will fade into  the background, and problems will stop

cause tension. Everything about prevention of stress and ways to harmonize life

What stands at the center of your personal universe — children, family, friends, work? All this should fade into the & nbsp; second or third plan. Think about it, will your children, loved ones and loved ones feel better if you bring yourself to diseases and nervous exhaustion? Hardly. So, the main person in your life — you. Be more attentive to your needs.

Read also: 

Stress hormone: why it is important to control cortisol levels  

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Be aware of the following:

    Stress — a great defense mechanism, but you shouldn turn it on for every little thing. Otherwise, problems are provided.
  • Prevention of stress should be daily. To do this, you need to make some healthy habits that will help you feel calmer and happier.
  • The choice of anti-stress methods is only for you. Use the ones you really like.
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Telegram Get to get to know yourself better, find out your own needs and learn to fully satisfy them. You definitely need love, respect and & nbsp; recognition. Begin by loving accepting yourself recognizing your worth. Then life will become happier, and the amount of stress will decrease dramatically.

Read also: 

Coping strategies: learning to deal with stress the right way More useful and interesting information on our YouTube channel
