7 полезных свойств лаванды для красоты и здоровья

Delicate lavender has a whole range of useful properties. We've mostly heard about the use of lavender essential oil, but that's far from everything she can brag about. Lavender is used even in cooking, not to mention medicine, cosmetology and perfumery.

A small bouquet of lavender will decorate the room, relieve  headaches, help to cope with stress. And according to the healers, it will drive away evil spirits that cannot tolerate its smell. We don't know how true this is, but we can say for sure that lavender will strengthen your nervous system and relieve pain.

Lavender benefits you didn't know about

It was not in vain that the ancient Romans added lavender flowers to the water to wash the body and hands. This plant has a strong antiseptic effect and helps to resist bacteria. Since then, lavender has enjoyed a special folk love. After all, it can be applied almost everywhere.

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Tell about useful properties of lavender flowers and essential oil.

1. Lavender relieves stress and fatigue

The unique composition of lavender makes it an excellent anti-stress agent. To do this, rub the flowers with your fingers and inhale the aroma of the plant for a few seconds or massage the whiskey with lavender essential oil. It should also be added to a bath, which will relieve fatigue after a hard day, nervous tension, anxiety and cheer up.

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Read also: 5 secrets of nervous system health

2. Helps improve sleep

Together with fatigue and stress we get insomnia. Before using cardinal methods to treat it, try to get rid of it with the help of lavender. In addition to soothing baths, it is recommended to add a few drops of essential oils to the aroma lamp, which must be lit before bedtime. Or put a few drops of oil on the corners of your pillow.

Dried lavender flowers are added to  linen bags to be placed under the pillow or next to the bed.

3. Improves performance and  memory

Lavender not only helps to calm down, but also to think clearly. Therefore, it is used not only at bedtime, but and during working process. If possible, place a small lavender bouquet on the table. Its aroma will help you stay energetic and calm. At home, you can do inhalations with the addition of flowers or essential oils. They improve memory and concentration.

4. Gives clothes a fresh scent

Sew or buy fragrant lavender sachets and arrange them on shelves in the closet. They will give your clothes an amazing fresh smell of lavender fields. And all this without the use of any chemicals in the form of conditioners.

5. Treats colds

Lavender helps to recover faster from colds. To reduce the symptoms of SARS, bronchitis, headache, runny nose, you can drink a decoction of dry leaves and flowers of lavender or do steam inhalations with the addition of essential oil.

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6. Used in home cosmetology

Lavender is officially included in the register of plants that can be used in pharmacology. It heals cracks, wounds, pustules and burns on the skin, cleanses the pores, eliminates peeling, rejuvenates and reduces the greasiness of the glands. In home cosmetology, both lavender flowers and essential oil are used.

  • Decoction of  dry flowers can be washed or wiped on the skin before applying the cream.

  • For oily and sensitive skin: add 2 drops of lavender essential oil to a base oil (e.g. olive, jojoba, apricot). Use for evening and morning cleansing treatments.

  • Steam inhalation is useful for cleansing pores. To do this, pour 2-3 tablespoons of dried flowers with boiling water and breathe over the steam, covered with a towel. Treatment Time — 5 minutes.

  • A decoction of dried lavender flowers is used to rinse hair after washing.

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7. Opens up new tastes in cooking

On an industrial scale, lavender is grown to create essential oils and spices. And although the latter is not very common among us, gourmets recommend fixing it. Lavender is able to give dishes an amazing taste and aroma.

  • Chop dried lavender sprigs and use with other spices to make meat, soups, fish, salads, sauces, drinks and tea.

  • Add 2 teaspoons of lavender flowers to a glass of salt/sugar. It is best to rub the meat with such salt before baking in combination with olive oil and Provence spices.

  • Dried lavender flowers can be added to dough to make buns and shortbread, or to decorate any baked goods.

How to make lavender tea: a recipe for relaxation

Lavender tea will soothe, relieve tension, fatigue, headache, relieve flu, bronchitis and colds, stomach pains and help you fall asleep. You can add a teaspoon of lavender flowers to your favorite black or green tea. But lavender tea has a stronger effect.

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Lavender Tea Recipe:

  1. 2 teaspoons of dried lavender flowers pour 500 ml. boiling water. Let steep 10-15 minutes and drink warm.

  2. It is preferable to brew such tea in a glass teapot with lid to preserve the aroma and useful properties.

  3. It is necessary to use not  steep boiling water, but water, which is about to boil.

  4. This tea can be diluted with other decoctions (for example, linden) and drink with adding honey.

Read also: What diseases does aromatherapy relieve

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