Лечебная диета после удаления жёлчного пузыря

Intervention of surgeons in the form of removal of gall bladder – common surgery. Removal of an organ does not mean that the body will stop producing bile, but there will be nowhere for it to accumulate.

It will pass through special ducts, but immediately after the intervention they are narrow, so it is not worth switching to the usual diet.

The editors of estet-portal.com figured out what nutrition should be like after gallbladder removal. The article will reveal harmful and healthy foods in the diet, the principles of nutrition at different stages, and also present an approximate daily menu.

Nutrition in the first days after gallbladder removal

Immediately after the operation, the doctor will tell you about all the subtleties of nutrition, who, depending on the course of your disease, will adjust the diet. The postoperative period usually takes place in a hospital where proper nutrition is provided.

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Starting from the first days, it is important not to overload the digestive system and prevent food stagnation. The menu includes tea and sweet fruit compote, followed by carrot soufflé, beets and yogurt. If the patient is on the mend, then by the 8th-9th day he is discharged.


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At home, you should follow these rules in nutrition:

•    drink more fluids (1.5 liters);

•    eat small meals;

•    follow the prescribed diet;

•    eat no later than 2 hours before bedtime.

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The diet of the first weeks and up to a month is dominated by steamed vegetables, lean meat and fish, soups with milk and casseroles, herbal teas and rosehip broth.

Diet after gallbladder removal: first months and year

2 months after the operation, if there is no pain and discomfort, then you can expand the table, but avoid irritation of the digestive system. Do not allow the use of foods that are "forbidden".
The goal throughout the year will be to gradually expand the diet. But this should be done wisely in order to accustom the body not to eat forbidden food.


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The variety of dishes can increase, so you can already eat dumplings and dumplings, of your own production. If you have been following the diet all year and not overloading the pancreas, then in the future you will be able to eat more freely.

How to eat when there is no gallbladder: a sample menu for 1 day

Patients who have undergone cholecystectomy should build a diet in such a way that it becomes curative. Most often, doctors recommend patients to follow a diet number 5, which helps to normalize lipid metabolism and weight loss.

Read also: Menu for a week with pancreatitis: the main principles of nutrition

A sample menu for 1 day would look like this:

•    for the first breakfast, prepare oatmeal porridge (230 g), cheese (30 g) and tea;

•    For the second breakfast, bake 1 apple with sugar;

•    for lunch, prepare a vegetarian soup, which you will wipe with 1 tsp. sour cream, for the second mashed potato (150 g) and a piece of boiled fish, fruit jelly;

•    for an afternoon snack, an infusion of dried fruits and crackers;

•     for dinner, cook stewed carrots in milk sauce (180 g) and a steamed cutlet;

•    a quarter glass of kefir before bedtime.

Useful foods after cholecystectomy

Whatever the condition you have after the operation, even if it is wonderful, you will have to change your usual diet. Proper nutrition will help the body recover faster and avoid complications.

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The new menu cannot be called meager, because among the acceptable products are:

•    lean beef and poultry;

•    stale bread or crackers;

•    dry biscuits without cream and icing;

•    vegetable soups;

•    porridge with milk from cereals (oatmeal and buckwheat);

•    pasta with vegetable broth;

•    boiled lean fish;

•    casseroles;

•    fruits, excluding sour;

•    1 eggs per day;

•    low fat dairy products;

•    vegetable and butter not more than 50 g per day.

When the gallbladder was removed: forbidden foods 

It is not difficult to diversify the table from acceptable products, the main thing is to turn on the imagination so that it is both tasty and healthy.

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But forget about such products, especially in the first year after the operation:

•    baked pastry;

•    fresh buns and bread;

•    soups cooked in mushroom, meat and fish broth;

•    alcohol;

•    coffee;

•    pepper;

•    chocolate;

•    greens (onion, spinach, sorrel);

•    radish and radish;

•    lard;

•    sour berries and fruits;

•    ice cream;

•    baking, especially with cream;

•    caviar;

•    marinated products;

•    cocoa;

•    beans;

•    mustard and horseradish;

•    smoked meats.

So, nutrition after gallbladder removal requires special attention on your part. To avoid stagnation of bile and overexertion of the pancreas, a list of useful products will help. By rearranging the diet, eliminating harmful foods, you will be able to fully eat and protect yourself from the negative consequences of the absence of an organ.

Read also: Cholecystitis diet: how to soothe an inflamed gallbladder

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