Сила природы: подушка с травами для здорового сна

Sleep disorders are the norm rather than the exception. A person has gone very far from the natural rhythm of life, and it is not surprising that every second person at least once faced insomnia. After a busy day at work, it is very difficult to let go of thoughts and fall asleep peacefully. There is a lack of full relaxation and calm atmosphere.

It's easy to create comfortable conditions for rest with the help of a new, but actually well-forgotten thing. This is a pillow with  herbs — a modern reincarnation of ancient amulets that will bring you back a sweet dream.

Aromatherapy for healthy sleep or how a pillow with herbs is useful

What prevents us from falling asleep most often? If you exclude uncomfortable conditions (noise, bright light, uncomfortable bed), then there is not much left. And  most often it all comes down to  simple  I want to, but can sleep». This is the common denominator of our stresses, anxieties, psycho-emotional overload, obsessive thoughts, without which the ordinary day of a modern person rarely does.

In order to still fall asleep, you must first of all relax, relieve anxiety, calm down. And herbs can help with this, and more precisely, their smell. And more precisely — volatile, organic compounds that are a product of plant metabolism and accumulate in their stems, leaves, inflorescences. They have a complex effect on the body: they relax, rejuvenate, soothe.

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The smell of herbs is associated by many with nbsp;nature, cleanliness, carelessness and summer. Such a positive emotional response helps to cope with anxieties, sets you up for a calm rest, and pacifies. The power of herbs is fully manifested only if natural raw materials are used, therefore, substitutes in the form of incense sticks or candles are not suitable. And in order not to hang bunches of herbs in the bedroom, they sew them into pillows. As a result, you can breathe in a pleasant and healing aroma all night long.

Read also: Herbs for weight loss: a list of the best and recipes for decoctions

5 tips on how to choose the right herbal pillow

Sustainability and  naturalness is in trend, so you can find a pillow with herbs in a souvenir shop, even in furniture store in the bedroom section. But not every what so-called is suitable. What is she — the right pillow with  herbs? Below are 5 recommendations to help you choose the right one.

  1. The label must indicate the complete composition of the filler with the percentage of each component.

  2. The name of the plant should be indicated in Russian and in in Latin in brackets (this is because there are about 20 species of the same chamomile with different effects).

  3. It is better if the main filler is not hard grass, but buckwheat husk, rice shell or hop cones.

  4. The pillow must be stored in sealed packaging, otherwise it may become damp, and this leads to the appearance of fungus and mould inside.

  5. The pillow cover should be made of linen or cotton, these are dense and natural materials that will ensure normal air circulation.

If a large pillow with herbs — this is too much for your sense of smell, you can buy a regular one, but with a pocket for an aromatic sachet. The positive effect of herbs will remain, but the pillow itself will last longer, and it will become more habitual to sleep on it. And small sachets of herbs you can make your own, it       difficult.

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Read also: Aromatherapy: ways and rules for using essential oils

Crazy hands: how to make your own scented pillow

To sew aromatic sachets, you need to make several compositions from herbs that will help you fall asleep. You need to focus on your own feelings — the smell should be pleasant, unobtrusive. If you don like, for example, lavender, refuse it, it will not bring benefits, but will only cause irritation.

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Herbs that help you relax and fall asleep: thyme, rosemary, lavender, hops, sage. These are all plants with a rather strong smell, so it is better to use them in pure, but "dilute" chamomile, heather, nettle.

You can make an anti-cold pillow by adding lemon balm, birch leaves, St. John's wort to the composition. Some herbalists claim that the aroma of saffron, laurel and thyme helps to see prophetic dreams. Do you believe in prophetic dreams? Make yourself a "pillow of Nostradamus" With these herbs, look into the future.

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How to make a herbal pillow

Pillow filler is best purchased from a pharmacy, unless you live in an environmentally friendly area and can collect and harvest herbs yourself. The optimal fabric for the cover and  pillowcases: satin with a density of 128 g/m2, linen with a density of 180 g/m2. If you use thinner fabrics, it is better to fold them in & nbsp; twice. A pillow with herbs is sewn very simply, the algorithm of actions is as follows:

  • fold the fabric rectangle in half right side inward;

  • sew sides, turn cover inside out;

  • fill the pillow with herbs, packing them tightly but not breaking;

  • Sew up the opening or sew in the zipper, so you can add or update filler over time.

 A medium pillow measuring 20*20 cm will require 400–500 grams of dry herbs. The rest can be folded into a glass jar or a cloth bag. Store both pillows and herbs in a dry place and use as needed. Remember that aromatic substances, like any medicine, are dangerous in high concentrations. Do not use this pillow during pregnancy or if you have had a history of allergies to flowering herbs.

Read also: 7 smells of summer that are good for humans

What really interferes with your sleep is cortisol! learn more from the video!


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