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Long holidays, random snacks on the street, low-quality products — All this can easily lead to poisoning. If you develop a fever or develop symptoms, call your doctor as soon as possible. Mild poisoning can be cured by resorting to dietary nutrition, which will quickly bring the affected body back to normal. What can you eat in case of poisoning? & nbsp; Recommends estet-portal.com.

Diet for food poisoning: how to help your stomach

Since during the period of poisoning all the forces of the body are spent on restoring and cleansing from harmful bacteria, it is better not to eat anything at this time, and the body itself, most likely, will not require any food.

In extreme cases, depending on the degree of indisposition, on the day of poisoning, your diet can be limited to crackers and strong sweet tea.

The next day after the incident, the amount of food eaten should be minimal. Allowed, recommended further products should be consumed literally in a few spoons: the body may simply not overpower a larger amount of food. Try to eat small meals so you don't feel hungry.

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Seven simple poisoning rules to remember

  1. Choose mashed dishes, in your situation it is good for the stomach lining. Eliminate all foreign fruits and vegetables, fizzy drinks, dry and fibrous foods.
  2. In the period after poisoning, dairy products, yeast baked goods, dishes from corn, legumes, and cabbage are contraindicated. These foods cause gas.
  3. And in the following days (at least three), your food should be low-fat and light. In this case, the body will recover faster, and not expend energy on digestion.
  4. During the recovery period, stop eating smoked sausages, lard, fish, as well as fried, spicy and pickled foods.
  5. It would be ideal to drink a light, lean, without any additives, meat (preferably chicken) broth. It is only allowed to add a handful of rice, millet, semolina, bran, as well as meat, on which the broth is cooked, in a pureed form. This easily digestible, protein food keeps the bowels stable. Read: Food Poisoning in Adults: 5 Steps to Recovery
  6. In the first days after poisoning, it is advisable to eat liquid porridges, boiled in water and not seasoned with butter. It can be the usual oatmeal, rice, semolina or buckwheat porridge. You can also prepare liquid mashed potatoes and also do not fill it with butter. It is better to eat them on the second or third day after intoxication.
  7. As for the consumption of vegetables during the recovery period after poisoning, carrots, more precisely, mashed salad from them, will be useful. Such food itself is easily digested and helps to remove undigested food from the body.

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What kind of drinks to drink in case of food poisoning

  1. Frequent drinking of water (it is important that it is at room temperature) will help to quickly remove all toxins from the body.
  2. An excellent cleansing effect after an acute period of poisoning will also be given by drinking green tea. It often works even better than antibiotics. Drink it at least two — three cups a day.
  3. Rosehip decoction has astringent properties. You can also replace it with decoctions of St. John's wort, blueberries or black currants. Find out: How to help a child with poisoning. Doctor Komarovsky's advice
  4. Homemade cranberry juice will help you recover from poisoning. This is a wonderful medicinal berry. Only when preparing a drink from it, do not add sugar, it will spoil the whole effect, because the natural sourness of this berry is so important to get rid of the nausea associated with poisoning.

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Diet for stomach poisoning: nutritional rules

If you are on the list of those who have been poisoned, then the first thing to do after taking the drugs recommended by the doctor – adjust the menu. First day – the most dangerous, and you can not load the digestive system, so the diet contains only liquid in the form of decoctions, water and green tea. On the second day, you can add broth or mashed potatoes to the menu.

The general rules for eating in case of poisoning are as follows:

    observe the fractional power supply;
  • make vegetable broths in the early days;
  • observe the temperature regime of the dishes - they must be warm;
  • refuse muffin, you can dry cookies;
  • It is better to grind boiled vegetables so as not to overload the stomach;
  • For severe diarrhea, prepare blueberry jelly or a decoction of St. John's wort.

Read also: Top 6: undeniable help of activated charcoal for the body What food is forbidden when you get poisoned

Of course, forbidden products – these are those that are not included in the list of acceptable food. The fact is that the usual food can irritate the organs of the gastrointestinal tract and aggravate the situation. Heavy food in the form of biscuits, preserves, muffins contains a large amount of harmful substances that will negatively affect a weakened body.

запрещенные продукты при отравлении It is worth giving up your usual diet for 7-10 days, it all depends on your condition. In no case should you drink coffee and drinks with gases that can cause pain and cramps in the stomach. Fatty, spicy and sweet foods are also prohibited, and also refuse to eat eggs, as they are difficult for the digestive tract in any form.

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Intestinal flu: symptoms and treatment of the disease Actual measures for the prevention of poisoning

It cannot be disputed that poisoning is easier to prevent. In order to prevent the phenomenon, follow these rules:

consume and prepare meals with high quality water;
  • do not drink unboiled or unpurified water;
  • when preparing meals, follow the rules of hygiene, wash your hands;
  • wash food thoroughly before cooking;
  • avoid eating food without sufficient heat treatment (we are talking about fish and meat);
  • in the kitchen for fish and meat there should be different cutting boards;
  • check the expiration date of products before use;
  • Store food in the refrigerator at low temperatures.
  • Following all dietary recommendations will help to cope with food poisoning – an unpleasant disease that can overtake, sometimes taking by surprise, any of us. However, if the situation is initially difficult or the situation worsens, you should definitely consult a doctor.