Что такое «check-up» в медицине и кому он показан

At the age of 30, many begin to fully enjoy life, because there is a family, work, children. I want to do a lot – go on a trip, engage in hobbies and sports, reach new heights, learn something. But will health fail? We don't want our plans to go wrong.

But what if age-related changes often make themselves felt, because the human body begins to gradually age from about 25 years old? Preventing diseases or detecting them at an early stage is much easier if you regularly undergo the correct diagnosis.

The editors of estet-portal.com offer to understand the concept of check-up. The article will tell about a modern service, what it gives, who needs it and why you should not put it off until later.

1. Medical check up: what does the procedure
2. Tablets in the diet, isn't it time to check up
3. Why do a check-up
4 after discharge from the hospital. Why the lack of observation by a doctor requires a check-up
5. Check-up as a method of disease prevention

Medical check up: what does the procedure give

Check-up is considered a new word in medicine, but there is nothing new in it, since the procedure involves a comprehensive examination of the body. But if earlier the procedure was prescribed at the age of 45-50 years, then today's rejuvenation of diseases makes it much earlier to diagnose, especially in the presence of signs of problems with the heart or other organs.

The innovation is that now it is a voluntary and conscious decision – go for an examination to a doctor who will prescribe a variety of diagnostic methods.

And this is unlike the planned professional examinations that were adopted in the USSR, and brought little benefit.

Check-up gives you this:

• an updated picture of your health status to compare with the previous one;

• identification of risk factors leading to chronic diseases;

• detection of symptoms of a latent disease;

• establishing a relationship with a doctor, choosing a good doctor.

There are a number of categories of people who need to apply for the procedure of "technical examination of the body", we will consider them further.

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Pills in the diet, isn't it time to check up

Almost every one of us, with the onset of cold weather, has the idea to replenish the first-aid kit, because the season of colds is ahead.

On the one hand, this is true, but often we ourselves prescribe antibiotics, cough syrups, a panacea for headaches, starting drinking aspirin, etc.

The fact is that the chaotic taking of pills entails negative consequences or side effects.

It is easier to prevent negative changes in the body if they are controlled by contacting check-up.

In order not to harm your health, remember:

• taking any medications must be coordinated with the doctor;

• it is important to strictly adhere to the dosages;

• not always a lot of pills – road to a speedy recovery;

• the doctor prescribes a check-up depending on the age of the patient – not everyone pays attention to this nuance when treating on their own.

A complete examination includes: urine, blood, fluorography, a visit to a gynecologist (proctologist), if necessary, ultrasound of organs.

Why do a check-up after discharge from the hospital

Have you been on sick leave for a long time or have you been in a hospital? After recovery, do you think that going to the doctor can now be shelved? Of course, because for sure you have passed numerous tests, passed a specific examination, etc.

But remember that during the period of treatment your body was under a huge load due to the intake of many pharmacological agents. Having recovered, the body ceases to receive a dose of drugs and it needs to undergo adaptation and recover without including them in the diet.

In connection with the doctors recommend that after 14 days you will go to the hospital for a check-up to check the condition of the body after treatment.

Why does not see a doctor require a check-up

When work, children, household chores are involved every day, there is not enough time for one's own health. During the holiday period, you strive to make the planned repairs as soon as possible and go on vacation. This is a common problem today, but you should learn to take the time to diagnose.

Do you manage to take 1 day off if you don't feel well? Why not set aside a day to go to the hospital.

Having an 8-hour working day, you just have to know about such indicators as:

blood pressure;

• hemoglobin values;

• heart rate;

• the amount of glucose in the blood.

Your health fully influences your well-being, including your performance.

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Check-up as a method of disease prevention

Specialists all over the world agreed that it is important and necessary to undergo a complete diagnosis, even if you managed to strengthen your immunity. If no deviations are found, then from the age of 30 it is enough to do


once a year. The procedure makes it possible to prevent the development of many diseases or to detect them at an early stage, therefore check-up is considered the best option for disease prevention. If you think it's too early for you to think about a full examination, then take another look at the "rejuvenation" statistics; morbidity.

In some countries, doctors recommend that you turn to diagnostics from the age of 20. At this age, the check-up consists of seeing a therapist and taking tests.

Later, due to age-related changes, the following are added to the diagnosis:

ECG; • analysis for hormones

thyroid gland; • Ultrasound of vital organs;

• cancer screening, etc.

Many do not want to sit in queues for a free consultation and turn to private medical centers, where such a service is often indicated in the price lists.

A common reason for not doing an annual


is to save money, but it's still possible in non-private medicine, where it will cost less. It is easier to cure an ailment that does not yet make itself felt due to the initial stage, and it can only be found in the process of diagnosis.

No matter how busy you are with work, everyday life and other problems, do not forget that the greatest value for a person – his health.

Missing time will make your condition worse, so don't forget to do a medical


. Sometimes sensations are misleading, because not all diseases in the early stages show symptoms. Live and enjoy every moment, but for it to last long, you always need to find time to explore yourself.

Most express examinations can be completed in one day. And you will definitely find at least one day a year to make sure that your body feels great or prevent serious health problems.

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