Голоса в голове: симптомы, прогноз и принципы лечения шизофрении

Schizophrenia – it is a mental illness characterized by the presence of disorders of perception, thinking, emotions and will.

However, history shows that patients with schizophrenia can live fulfilling lives, and sometimes even possess genius abilities. What are the achievements of the famous mathematician John Nash, chess player Bobby Fischer, the brilliant artist Vincent Van Gogh.

Modern treatment of schizophrenia enables people with this disease to live an almost full life.
For more details about what causes development, as well as modern principles of treatment schizophrenia exclusively for estet-portal.com told psychiatrist Ilona Ponomarchuk.

Why does schizophrenia develop, what is the role of genetic predisposition

I. P. - All complex mental illnesses have one simple cause, and often it does not correspond to reality. The same goes for schizophrenia - a disease that causes billions of reasons, amazingly intertwined with each other.

What will serve as a "click" it is probably impossible to predict the start of the disease.

I. P. - Starting from genetic predisposition, when the disease seems to appear out of nowhere, and ending with experiments with substances.

If a person has a genetic predisposition to develop schizophrenia, the mechanisms of which we still do not fully understand – most likely, he will get sick. Children of healthy parents can develop schizophrenia, as well as vice versa.

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What are the symptoms of schizophrenia and how to recognize the disease in the early stages

I. P. - Schizophrenia – this is a group of diseases characterized by a splitting of thinking and emotional reactions, gross violations of logic.

Productive symptoms may also occur – as a result of the disease, painful experiences arise, a person sees, hears and feels what is not really there. Again, this is about the splitting of thinking and the sensual sphere.

A person with schizophrenia can become immersed in his experiences, retire, become indifferent to objective reality.

I. P. - Recognize the onset of schizophrenia can be a psychiatrist - a doctor with a specialization in mental disorders and experience.

Schizophrenia has a dynamic, characteristic course. To establish a diagnosis of a chronic disease, you need to trace this dynamics, that is, the presence of several episodes.

Although there are exceptions when a patient first enters a hospital and is diagnosed with Schizophrenia from the first hospitalization. This is possible if the patient is ill for a long time and the disease has progressed without treatment.

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Schizophrenia – Is it an incurable disease or is there a cure

I. P. - Good question. There is a cure.

Thanks to modern medicines, patients with schizophrenia can go about their daily lives, work, start families and practically do not differ from others.

I. P. -  Patients with hypothyroidism (insufficiency of thyroid hormones) are forced to take hormone replacement therapy for life, the same with patients with diabetes mellitus and arterial hypertension. Are these diseases curable? Unfortunately not.

But it is possible and necessary to live without feeling the symptoms and complications of the disease. Although it is the choice of everyone, of course. In psychiatry, treatment is voluntary. Except for literally a few reasons and by court order.

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Can a person with schizophrenia work, live a full life

I. P. - I would ask the question differently, what are the reasons not to do all this? Unfortunately, one cannot expect that all patients can live a full life.

Treatment of schizophrenia – this is a complex of measures, and not just taking medications.

I. P. - It is also the daily routine, feasible work, the performance of duties, including domestic and household, planning one's actions. Think about yourself when you are preparing for an exam or after, for example, you keep scrolling in your head how you could answer differently, come home and cannot remember the details of the trip.

A person immersed in his experiences has a reduced ability to adapt.

I. P. - If nothing untoward happens, you can handle it. And if others change their attitude towards a person who has had an episode of exacerbation of the disease, it becomes doubly difficult.

In my practice, there are many cases where a patient has a loving, caring family. Of course, patients with such an environment are more likely to have a stable, fulfilling life.

In addition to drugs, self-discipline in taking maintenance treatment, moderate physical activity and adherence to the daily routine are also important. it is important not to overwork and, no matter how trite it may sound, go to bed on time.

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