Интересные факты про чувство юмора и смех

Laughter and sense of humor – amazing phenomena that help build a career and find love. They are also effective and free medicines for many physical and mental problems. It has been proven that while a person laughs, biologically active substances that are responsible for pleasure are released. Anxiety, irritability, aggressiveness and other excitable behaviors come to naught, and the internal state is balanced. A person feels calm, feels a sense of joy, satisfaction and happiness.

There are many interesting things about laughter and a sense of humor that you may not even have known about. The online publication estet-portal.com will tell you about some of them.

Laughter therapy – popular practice all over the world

It has been proven that laughter heals. Norman Cousins ​​came to this conclusion in the 1970s of the last century – American journalist who suffered from a serious disease of the joints of the spine. Having learned about the terrible diagnosis, he did not give up, but, on the contrary, was in a good mood. Watching comedies daily, Norman noticed that laughter helped him cope with pain for several hours. And after a couple of months, the journalist fully recovered. And it's all thanks to laughter. Doctors liked this discovery so much that they began to use it for medicinal purposes.

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Laughter therapy is used in clinics in Israel, Switzerland, Holland, and Japan. The essence of the treatment is that a clown visits sick people and amuses them in every possible way. This practice helps patients mentally, and they recover faster.

Laughter strengthens the immune system and defeats cancer!

Scientists who never stop talking about laughter and sense of humor have come to the conclusion that such phenomena strengthen the immune system. So, if you sincerely laugh for a whole minute, antibodies are released into the respiratory tract, which do not allow viruses and bacteria to enter the body. It also turned out that laughter and joyful emotions help to defeat one of the terrible diseases of our time – crayfish. The fact is that, being in a joyful mood, the production of leukocytes increases in the patient's body, which fight against cancer cells.

Perfect beautician and "internal aerobics"

Learning more and more interesting things about laughter, experts have found that this phenomenon improves the condition of the skin of the face. So, if you laugh often, the muscles in this part of the body are toned, and blood circulation improves, as a result of which a healthy blush appears on the cheeks, and wrinkles are smoothed out under the action of the hormone of joy.

Full smile, laughter and bursts of laughter – this is a kind of "aerobics". After all, all this leads to an improvement in the functioning of the heart, enrichment of the blood with oxygen and the rapid burning of excess calories. 

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Sense of humor – a trait that is inherited!

Not all people have the ability to make people laugh. Yes, and it is very difficult to learn such an art if a person is serious in itself. According to the results of research by Canadian and British scientists, it turned out that the sense of humor – it's a hereditary trait. In other words, if you have an amazing gift to make people laugh, then it may have been passed on to you from your parents or other relatives. As for the "black" humor is already an acquired trait that came about as a result of upbringing and social influence.

A person who has a good sense of humor, has a high level of intelligence and is endowed with creative abilities. Such people make wonderful actors, humorists and parodists. 

Laughter helps women conceive

Another amazing fact about laughter – this is an increase in the chances of getting pregnant with IVF & ndash; artificial insemination. Thus, a group of Israeli specialists headed by Shevah Friedler – professor of gynecology, carried out one experiment. Its essence was that women after IVF were sent to the performance of a clown. Some time after the 15-minute number, 36.4% of them became pregnant. According to the professor, the successful fertilization was due to the fact that the women, watching the performance of the artist with a round red nose and a colorful wig, were relaxed. After all, laughter relieves internal tension and reduces stress levels.

Man's sense of humor and women's laughter

Scientists have found that women and men laugh differently. So, women are filled with laughter more often than representatives of the strong half of humanity, but they themselves rarely joke. Men, on the contrary, tell jokes and funny stories more often, but they do not laugh often.

Laughter sounds different for both sexes: women usually laugh vocally, while men snort and grunt when laughing.

For this reason, guys are looking for girls who will laugh at their jokes. It is these women who are more sexy to them. Women, on the other hand, are looking for witty life companions who are able to bring a smile to face and a burst of laughter.

Laughter makes people happy and strengthens marriage 

It's hard to imagine any relationship without a sense of humor. This quality helps not only in your career and communication with friends, but also in your personal life. It is thanks to this ability that happy and strong families are created. Psychologist Bob Levinson in the course of research found that couples who often laugh at each other have every chance of living happily ever after.

You can talk endlessly about laughter and a sense of humor. These phenomena cure many ailments, make a person the soul of the company, help in marriage, and also prolong life. So laugh to your health!

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