Today we share with you the advice of the personal physician of the British Royal Family, Dr. Mosaraf Ali. He treats not only monarchs, but also Hollywood stars. His approaches to treatment are not always similar to the general classical practice of doctors, but they are bearing fruit, notes He shares the secrets of how to make your health strong. He makes the diagnosis not by the results of the tests, but by looking at the state of the tongue, the iris of the eye, the beating of the pulse. Such approaches may surprise many, but the practice of it proves that it can cure and prevent many diseases.

The inner strength of a person

 Even the ancient healers insisted that many diseases can be cured by the power that is in the person himself. Medicine has been based on this for many years. Problems such as:

  • fractures,
  • classic cold,
  • burns,
  • bruises, etc.

The body can heal on its own, the main thing is to give it an impetus to do it. To do this, you need to give vital energy to the body through lifestyle changes.

All we can do is help our inner strength to enrich itself, just like we, for example, fill up a car.

Diagnostics of the health of the body according to the ancient method

  Previously, a person was diagnosed by their appearance if they:

  • has a great appetite,
  • good posture,
  • the intestines work without failures,
  • has healthy sleep,
  • his gaze is beaming.

then, even intuitively one can understand that if a person has a straight back, then the nerves and muscles do not have clamps, and his bones are strong. If the whites of the eyes are clean, then the chemical composition of the blood has no deviations.  In addition, a healthy person gives out:

  • Self-confidence,
  • Springy gait,
  • Healthy and shiny hair,
  • A firm handshake.

Read also: When does body aging begin?

Healthy lifestyle program from Dr. Ali

 Naturally, the Royal Doctor recommends a healthy lifestyle to his patients, which includes:

  • Smoking and alcohol .
  • Eating only organic food, especially meat products and poultry.
  • Rejection of any form of preservation.
  • Complete exclusion from the menu: yeast, fried foods, citrus fruits (except oranges and tangerines), cheeses, mushrooms and coffee.
  • Reduce salt intake as much as possible.
  • Add more protein foods, especially nuts, cottage cheese, tofu.
  • Drink freshly squeezed vegetable juices from: celery, carrots, ginger, and apple juice.
  • Keep hydrated.
  • More rest. Indulge in daytime naps whenever possible.
  • Early dinner and mostly light meals.

It is obligatory to do massages, especially the collar zone, and also to do daily yoga.


Dr. Ali's Diet

In the morning, focus on: cereals, yogurts and fresh fruits, in addition, add protein foods: cottage cheese, eggs.

 Lunch – Most satisfying meal of the day, which may include:

  • salads,
  • protein dishes: fish or chicken,
  • carbohydrates and vegetable dishes: pasta, rice, potatoes, yeast-free bread, corn, sweet potatoes,
  • after a while, you can afford pudding dessert.


Dinner should be light, it should not contain heavy meat, spicy dishes. It is advisable to finish the meal before 18-19 pm.

Dr. Ali's Diet Features for Good Health

 Foods containing yeast have the worst effect on digestion. Previously, they did not have such an effect on the intestines, but since humanity has been taking antibiotics from generation to generation, the intestinal microflora has changed so much that when yeast is consumed, a fungal infection begins to multiply in it. She calls:

  • gas formation,
  • general lethargy,
  • allergy,
  • skin reactions.

Therefore, it is worth limiting the consumption of white bread, beer drinks, soy sauce, preservatives.

Most people who adhere to this recommendation feel much better. The same applies to sweets, they slow down the digestive processes. Be especially careful with them in the evening, they are not recommended to eat before bedtime, as they stimulate brain activity, preventing healthy sleep.

Time for fruit choose between the main meals.

An important part of a healthy lifestyle – water consumption

  As you know, water helps the body's thermoregulation and its cleansing:

  • Drink at least 6-8 glasses of water per day, no upper limit.
  • Do not drink food while eating. By diluting gastric juice, you impair digestion. It is better to drink it between meals, every 2 hours.
  • Restrict your intake of other beverages. Alcohol interferes with the cleansing of the body, although it also contains water. Coffee has the same property. And soft drinks are guilty of sugar content.

The Royal Doctor published many of his recommendations in a book that you can find on the Internet. Do you agree with the doctor's opinion, share your thoughts on

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