Как проводить массаж мышц при повреждениях: эффект процедуры

Muscle Injury – a common phenomenon, the appearance of which is facilitated not only by sports loads, but by other factors. Anyone can experience muscle pain, sometimes unexpectedly.

A special muscle massage will help to cope with the pain syndrome, unpleasant sensations. This technique has a beneficial effect on their condition, improving blood circulation and speeding up the recovery process.

estet-portal.com. will tell about the main massage methods depending on the type of damage and their positive impact.

Muscle massage for injuries: when you need help

There are two types of damage: open and closed. For the latter type, it is important to apply massage techniques to improve the general condition of the muscles and speed up recovery.

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There are several reasons why damage occurs:

•    overstretching;

•    sudden contraction;

•    hypothermia of the body;

•    injury transfer;

•    overwork;

•    past illnesses.

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Masseur help will be relevant:

•    for bruises;

•    for microtrauma;

•    during stretching;

•    for tears;

•    for muscle ruptures.

Massage is performed mainly by a qualified specialist, but in some cases independently. A demanded technique is considered for athletes and people experiencing strong physical exertion.

Ladius muscle massage for pain in the neck, chest, arms and upper back

Technique and features of massage for microtraumas

The appearance of microtraumas is facilitated by repeated damage to the same area of ​​the body. Massage improves blood circulation, relieves pain and reduces swelling.

The technique allows you to speed up muscle recovery and is carried out as follows:

•    the procedure begins with massaging the muscle that is most susceptible to stress, during the therapy stroking, rubbing and shallow kneading are used;

•    if there is a pronounced pain syndrome, then 1 session takes place using stroking and rubbing with your fingertips;

•    duration of the procedure from 5 to 10 minutes;

•    last step – this is stroking the entire area where the damaged muscle is present (arms, legs, etc.).

Muscle bruises: what is the massage technique

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Bruises are caused by blows and falls, which are often accompanied by hematomas. Muscle massage in this case is aimed at improving blood flow at the site of injury, accelerating the resorption of hemorrhage and reducing the feeling of pain.

The methodology is as follows:

•    begin sessions 1-2 days after the injury;

•    therapy is carried out only in the absence of a hematoma;

•    First, you should massage the undamaged muscles to increase the outflow of blood;

•    use stroking, kneading and rubbing with your hands;

•    then you can stroke the damaged area, if there is no severe pain, you can use light kneading;

•    duration 5-10 minutes.

Read also: Medical massage: unusual techniques from around the world

Performing muscle massage for tears

The problem occurs after the muscle is overstretched or when the contraction is strongly resisted. The purpose of the impact is to improve the nutrition of muscle tissue, accelerate regeneration and analgesic effect.

Execution Method:

•    with the help of stroking, rubbing and kneading, massage of the proximal parts is performed;

•    only stroking is used on the damaged area;

•    technique should not be accompanied by pain;

•    if the patient had a hematoma puncture, but you should refuse the massage due to possible bleeding.

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What are the benefits of muscle massage for injuries

Restoration of muscle activity occurs after a 10-minute session with a massage therapist, since the nerve fibers are irritated and return to normal when exposed.

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The benefits of the procedure are as follows:

•    improvement of redox processes in tissues;

•    normalization of blood circulation;

•    removal of exchange products is accelerated;

•    increased oxygen delivery rate;

•    pain disappears;

•    pass a feeling of stiffness;

•    disappears swelling in the muscles.

Massage therapy should be prescribed by a doctor, after a preliminary examination, so as not to harm the patient.
The healing power of massage has long been known to man, muscle massage in case of damage can speed up tissue repair. Properly performed technique will help overcome pain and strengthen muscles, so consider the type of injury when choosing a massage.

Read also: Symptoms of muscle strain during sports

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