Как связаны эмоции и физическое здоровье

A rich inner world lives in a person, which reflects, as through a mirror prism, on the face those features of the psyche that are inherent in the personality. If there are more positive, positive emotions and thoughts in a person’s inner worldview than negative destructive feelings, the younger he looks and fewer wrinkles appear on the skin.

The Eternal Trilogy: Inner Experiences – early aging and wrinkles – the deterioration of health at the bodily level, has been studied since the time of ancient China and Greece. Since emotions can be displayed on the skin in the form of wrinkles, from which health suffers, it is possible to go the opposite way and read on the face what a person really suffers.

Thus, you can find out the psychological causes of diseases and help your body cope with them faster. So, the editors of estet-portal.com will tell you why wrinkles appear and how to unravel your poor health?

Where it all starts: wrinkles are primary or facial expressions and emotions

The science of psychosomatics, which also draws its knowledge from physiognomy, is studying the cause-and-effect relationship between the psyche, emotions, facial expressions, their external manifestation and physiological health of a person.

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Psychosomatics – this is a direction that combines medicine and psychology in one issue – studying the relationship between the psycho-emotional state of a person and bodily (physiological, somatic) diseases. There is also the concept of physiognomy – a science (or pseudoscience) that studies the personality of a person, his qualities and state of health in terms of facial features, expressions and bodily postures.

Read also: Psychosomatic digest: how to forget about diseases

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A newly born baby does not yet know what facial expressions are, but genetically understands how to express their emotions: crying, laughter. As he grows up, the palette of emotions expands, the child learns to express his inner world, what interests him, to respond to events. Growing older and older, the child learns the reaction of other people to what is happening and learns to independently express their emotions with the help of facial expressions, gestures, body posture.

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Thus, by the time of growing up, a person has impressive knowledge of reading the facial expressions of people around him and the ability to express his emotions in a certain way. A person as an individual and unique personality forms in himself the template that he adheres to in the expression of his face. Therefore, such mimic handwriting becomes a companion for life and is the subject of study of psychosomatics as a science.

Many physiological processes in the body also depend on psycho-emotional health and comfort. Negativism, distrust, anger and irritability are imprinted on the face in the form of small wrinkles and deep furrows. And the more negative emotions, the richer facial expressions and the faster a person starts to get sick and overcomes problems with difficulty.

Read also: Psychosomatics of diseases: what are the consequences of negative emotions

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Scientists can't pinpoint what comes first – emotions or facial expressions. That is, at first we feel pain, annoyance, resentment, and only then mimicry confirm emotions in a certain way. Or in response to an irritant, that is, after making a displeased grimace, the mood drops and discontent appears.

One thing is clear, emotions, facial expressions and physical health are inextricably linked, and in case of mental disorders, body problems will invariably follow.

Why wrinkles appear: psychosomatic causes of skin aging on the face

Let's consider a table of the relationship between mimic wrinkles, emotions and possible ailments. Having unraveled the true cause of a particular disease, you can help yourself cope with it. With the right treatment from traditional medicine and psychology, you can forget about the disease forever. The difficulty is to accept these problems and begin to consciously deal with them. And, as you know, nothing leads a person into a dead end like admitting one's own weakness and guilt. Not everyone can see without the help of a psychologist where the problem actually is, that is, what emotional background contributed to this.

Read also: Types of wrinkles and effective methods of dealing with each of them


Where is

What can



Furrow between the eyebrows




Cross-Pleat, Vertical Stripe




Fine mesh on bridge of nose


Forehead stripes


Wavy horizontal forehead wrinkles

This wrinkle is called the wrinkle of anger, because it is inherent in people who are quick-tempered and often angry.  It can mean kidney or liver problems, malfunction of the gallbladder. Also, such a furrow is considered the lot of people suffering from sinusitis.


Creases on the bridge of the nose mean serious diseases of the spine.  From a psychological point of view, such folds appear in lonely people who feel they are not needed by anyone, who have lost their support in life. A vertical line between the eyebrows means blocks in the shoulders and neck, common in people who need support.


Minor stripes on the bridge of the nose – predisposition to frequent headaches, migraines


This is a sign of constant anxiety and stress


Mean weakening of the immune system, a tendency to apathy and inactivity.


Wrinkles on the earlobe





Wrinkles around the ear

Such folds on the ears mean the risk of developing diabetes or atherosclerosis.


A clear sign of "blockage" arteries, predisposition to heart disease, especially coronary heart disease.

Around the eyes

Rays or crow's feet

Appear during a decrease in vision, when a person often squints, or with migraines. Also, small furrows near the eyes can mean damage to the fundus and the development of glaucoma.


If, in addition to wrinkles, the face and hands also swell, consult a cardiologist and urologist, it is quite possible to develop pyelonephritis, inflammation of the bladder and heart disease.

Nose and mouth

Wrinkles in a circle near the mouth and wings of the nose




Small vertical wrinkles near the mouth



From the corners of the mouth to the chin



Nasolabial folds



Vertical line in the middle of the chin

Gravity ptosis will not spare anyone closer to impressive age. But the depth of the nasolabial folds is different for everyone.

 Deep and pronounced depressions – sign of gastritis or gastric ulcer, cholecystitis.


This is the destiny of shy and insecure people, they require support; they need to be led for peace of mind, and by no means leaders. Mean diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and intestines.


A wrinkle from the corners of the mouth to the chin indicates malfunction of the pancreas.


Most often, people who are unlucky in life, lack joy and love, who are disappointed in those around them and in the whole world. Wrinkles mean kidney problems.


The fold means bowel problems and the presence of hemorrhoids. The crease is a sign of fear that is constantly present in life: the fear of not completing the work on time, being late, expressing your opinion.

You should not expect 100% truthfulness from such a self-diagnosis, these data  must be confirmed by medical professionals. And in case such conclusions are confirmed, use the appointment of a doctor, undergo a course of treatment and consult with a cosmetologist to eliminate such revealing flaws on the face, as well as with a psychologist in order to rebuild yourself and learn to look at the world from a positive side.

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