Cholesterol — building material for cell membranes. It is vital for the body, especially for children. The strength of cells, their resistance to negative factors, including the destructive effect of free radicals, directly depends on this substance. Cholesterol is involved in the synthesis of bile acids and hormones. However, it has long been and firmly associated with atherosclerosis, accused of heart attacks and strokes. For several decades now, doctors have been debunking the myths about cholesterol, but the delusions are too tenacious.
- Myths about cholesterol: 7 misconceptions that need to be dispelled
- What really leads to atherosclerosis
Myths about cholesterol: 7 misconceptions that it's time to dispel
For the first time, cholesterol was seriously discussed in 1915 year, and Academician Nikolai Anichkov connected with atherosclerosis this substance. He noted the fact that the plaque in the arteries is made up of cholesterol. This provoked many years of discussion, as a result of which the medical community issued a verdict: cholesterol is harmful to blood vessels. This position remained unshakable for many decades.
Cholesterol presented new surprises in the second half of the 20th century. American military doctors were alarmed because of the rampant atherosclerosis in 20-25-year-old soldiers. A little later, European doctors also paid attention to the disease. Massive atherosclerosis programs were launched, and fat-free products flooded the market. The situation has not improved.
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By the end of the last century, doctors still rehabilitated cholesterol, dividing it into "good" and "bad", but this substance has already acquired so many myths that many of still scare people.
Myth 1. Cholesterol — main culprit of atherosclerosis
This is the most common misconception. Cholesterol — close the damage to the vessel. It creates a "patch" which gradually calcifies. As a result, an atherosclerotic plaque appears. Cholesterol "repairs" blood vessels, but he is in no way involved in the occurrence of damage. Their reason lies in the fragility of the vessels themselves, and that's another story.
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Myth 2. High cholesterol — it's awful
If the level is slightly above the norm, it's okay. Limits: 6.99 mmol/l for men and 6.53 mmol/l for women. Here, the indicators of "good" are much more important. and "bad" cholesterol.
Myth 3. It is necessary to exclude foods with cholesterol
A similar restriction in ration — pointless event. Most of the cholesterol is synthesized by the liver, and only 20% of this substance enters the body from the outside. "Having cleansed" the menu can do much more harm than good.
Foods containing cholesterol are needed for the synthesis of hormones, vitamin D. They help the body absorb vitamins A, E, K, and the kidneys — get rid of substances that appear as a result of the breakdown of proteins.
Myth 4. Cholesterol — one of causes of obesity
High cholesterol and extra pounds are related, but only indirectly. They share common causes: bowel problems that come from too much processed food. If you balance the diet and remove junk food, everything will resolve itself.
The bad news: thin people can also have high cholesterol levels. This is a genetically determined factor. And the state of the digestive tract is affected by nutrition.
Myth 5. Vegetables and fruits save from "evil"
Plant food is useful by definition, but it has nothing to do with cholesterol. It is believed that thanks to fiber and pectin, cholesterol molecules bind and are removed from the body. This is a delusion.
Fruits and vegetables normalize the functions of the gastrointestinal tract, which solves and prevents many problems. Plant foods are essential for anyone who wants to be healthy.
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Myth 6. Alcohol fights high cholesterol
There is some truth. If you drink no more than 50 ml of vodka or a glass of natural wine, alcohol will reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol by about 3%. This will have virtually no effect on the overall picture. And exceeding the dosage of ethanol will disrupt liver function and will give the opposite effect.
Myth 7. I need to take medication
Cholesterol is not an enemy of the body, so reducing it will most likely lead to even bigger problems. Medicines inhibit the production of this substance. In response, the body increases productivity. There is a vicious circle that only exacerbates the situation. Medications should be taken in extreme cases and only as prescribed by a doctor: in case of serious atherosclerosis, hypertension, kidney disease, after heart attacks and strokes.
What actually leads to atherosclerosis
We we understood cholesterol. It is not to blame for the fragility of the vessels. Then where does atherosclerosis come from? There are many reasons, but there are "record holders" — factors that most often cause the disease:
Smoking. Lighted cigarette — a source of carbon monoxide and more than 4,000 toxic substances entering the body. It is smoking that most affects the condition of blood vessels.
Sweets. They provoke an increase in blood glucose levels, which leads to damage to blood vessels, especially thin ones.
The amino acid homocysteine. If the homocysteine level is too high, the body does not absorb folic acid well. Hence the problems with vessels.
To avoid atherosclerosis, you should give up bad habits and sweets. This will do more for your health than limiting foods with supposedly bad cholesterol.
The main thing about cholesterol and the real causes of atherosclerosis
Don't get discouraged if your cholesterol levels are high. There is nothing terrible. You definitely won’t get atherosclerosis because of this, and other serious problems are unlikely to arise. To promote health and prevention of vascular fragility, do this:
if you smoke, quit, it's really very harmful;
avoid sweets or replace safe foods — honey, fruit, homemade marshmallow;
eat at least 300 g of vegetables and fruits daily — your gut will thank you;
make a healthy choice for a healthy lifestyle.
Remember, many of the myths about cholesterol that are spread by popular rumor are just horror stories. Check any information.
Read also: Cerebral atherosclerosis — description and treatment of the disease
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