Critical remarks, rude jokes, verbal humiliation and tactless remarks you have probably heard in your address from relatives, friends and colleagues. This pattern of behavior is called verbal aggression. Its cause is most often banal envy. After all, the more successful a person is, the more often he is verbally attacked.
This phenomenon is considered destructive. Despite the fact that verbal violence is not harmful to physical health, it is mentally debilitating. After succumbing to verbal assault, many of you feel resentful and depressed.
But if you take offense at every person who rushes to you with humiliation and insults, then this can lead to depression and even a decrease in self-esteem.
Unfortunately, not many people know how to fight back against verbal attacks and how to behave in such a situation. If you are at a loss and cannot come up with the right answer, then resourcefulness can be trained.
There are several effective exercises that will teach you how to repel verbal attacks and end relationships with aggressors. Online publication will tell you about them.
1. Verbal Aggression: Say "Stop" aggressive interlocutor
2. Judo Method: Accept Reproaches
3. The Gaga method: say the first thing that comes to your mind
4. The Colombo method: ironic admiration in the move
5. Ignore the verbally abusive person
Verbal Aggression: Say "Stop" aggressive interlocutor
If you suddenly hear a shout, remark and other negative statements from your interlocutor, calmly stop him. You can tell him something like this: “Stop. You are mad at me now. I will talk to you if you change your tone to a more friendly one and show respect for me.
By saying these words aloud, You can show the Stop gesture. and move away from your offender.
These actions will help you stay balanced in the current situation and put your interlocutor in his place.
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The Judo Method: Accept Reproaches
This exercise will help you defend against verbal aggression not by attacking your opponent, but by agreement. What does it mean? When you are attacked with reproaches, insults and false statements, you do not make excuses, but agree with everything. But you do it somewhat exaggeratedly and with a drop of humor.
Let's give you some examples:
1. "Are you getting better?" – “Yes, now, I am like an elephant! And I have to buy myself not clothes, but a whole tent. And I'm happy with my size because I look great.
2. "I think You eat too much sweets!" – “Yes, you are not the first to tell me about this! Candy store salesmen now want me to be their publicity face.
The Gaga Method: Say the first thing that comes to mind
The essence of this exercise is that in response to verbal aggression you need to say something that is not related in meaning. In general, you need to say the first thing that comes into your head.
For example, you are riding in a city bus, and the following is shouted at you in a dismissive tone: “Move over, otherwise I can’t get through because of you!”. Answer like this: "He who gets up early, God gives him." or something like this: "Nice day, isn't it?" and so on.
Gaga's method is good to practice with your friends. This activity can be good fun in a fun company.
Actually, you don't need to be a virtuoso to give the right answer. Just remember interesting proverbs, sayings, phrases and jokes.
The Colombo method: ironic admiration in action
This method is not accidentally called so. He was named after the American commissioner Colombo, whom everyone knows from the detective they saw.
You will probably remember that when unraveling the case, he seemed stupid, and in conversation with his opponents he showed them his admiration of their "capabilities and strengths." In other words, if someone attacks you verbally, admire this person, of course, ironically.
For example, you were insulted by your boss with such words: "If you cannot make this project better, then you are a dumb and loser!". Answer like this: “Oh, so you can teach me a lot more, you immediately see my shortcomings. You are a leader from God. I am very glad to cooperate with you».
Now try for insults and reproaches expressed in the judo method to come up with answers in the Colombo style. A witty remark will surely help to repel verbal aggression.
Ignore the verbally abusive person
The best way to counter verbal aggression – it's not behaving on her. An aggressive person can't wait for you to retaliate with a verbal attack. Just don't follow him. Keep quiet and turn on the complete "ignore".
Remember that – it is a source of negative emotions that poison us from within. Therefore, as soon as you notice that they are showing aggression towards you, do not pay attention to it. Don't let negativity seep into you.
Find the positive in what is happening. You can even laugh at the situation and your abuser.
Using all these methods in different situations, you will learn to resist verbal aggression. And when you acquire the skills to manage your own emotional state, you will have a second wind inside you, you will become more confident in yourself, and you will also look much better in the eyes of others.
All this will increase your chances of success in business and personal life. So try and do not be afraid that you will not be able to resist the offender. Act – it's better than letting the aggressor insult you and humiliate you.
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