Everything is wrong in life, you stand still and cannot achieve the desired goal or nothing sticks on the personal front. Familiar? All this happens because template programs created on the basis of our own and other people's experience are firmly entrenched in our minds.
We are not aware of them, but, nevertheless, they are the stumbling block that prevents us from getting what we want from life. In other words, in this or that situation, the pattern formed in the head works, rather than a new message.
It turns out that such programs are so powerful that it is extremely difficult to tune in to another wave. But not all is lost. After all, the program can be changed. But how? Using the special language – Neurographics. This is a method of organizing thinking that works through drawing.
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1. Neurographics: how this technique works
2. Exercises to help you manage your life
Neurographics: how this technique works
The author of this technique is Pavel Piskarev. He is known as a psychologist, coach and graphic facilitator. Pavel created neurographics so that in its language, which the brain recognizes quite well, it would be possible to change the generated patterns or create new ones.
The essence of this technique is that a person contacts with his inner space, transforms the internal state and attitude to the problem not through words, but through drawing.
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It works like this: Neurographics consists of 4 archetype elements:
• triangle;
• square;
• circle;
• special neurographic line.
The last element plays a special role here. The neurographic line corrects programs and creates new ones, opening up many possibilities. At a time when a person gives each figure a special meaning, consciousness captures this. As a result, emotions appear for each figure.
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When you create a composition on a sheet of simple shapes and connect them with a neurographic line, impressions are created. And as a result, a graphic code appears, which is aimed at changes in consciousness.
Through neurographics, we remove our internal patterns and form a new neural code that corresponds to the task. In the process of drawing, impressions of reality change, and new ones are formed. The new reality, as it were, "comes to life" and the person himself controls the circumstances, and they do not control them.
At this point, neural connections are being reconfigured. A person already thinks and does differently. He makes unconventional decisions, and people around him begin to to him in a completely different way.
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Exercises to help you manage your life
Neurographics is not difficult to practice. It is enough just to retire to a quiet place and arm yourself with paper and a marker.
Here are some exercises for you:
1. We reflect our thoughts on paper
Through this exercise you will learn if you can hear yourself and if you can transfer control from your head to your body.
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Take a marker and place it anywhere on the sheet. Close your eyes and lead the line by simply following your hand. Focus on her and listen to her desires. Wherever she wants to go, direct your movement there.
You can rotate, change direction, draw swirls, filling the entire sheet of paper until you want to stop. The main thing is that the line should not be a segment. It should be infinite.
With the line you have reflected your neural code on paper. Now it can be transformed, completed and brought to the desired state.
If you managed to do this, it means that you hear your inner voice and transferred your inner state and your thoughts to paper through the marker.
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2. Getting ready for change
Before starting this exercise, you need to learn how to draw a neurographic line. After you have mastered this skill, you should place the marker anywhere on the sheet and draw a line, listening to the desires of the hand.
If everything worked out, draw a line that often changes direction. That is, if you want to change direction, move not at the request of the hand, but in the other direction. When drawing such a line, the desires of the unconscious, that is, patterns of behavior, are connected with conscious decision making.
You yourself will begin to pave the way in your mind, preparing it in this way for the changes – this is normal. Only good things follow them.
And the easier it is for you to create a neurographic line, the more open you are to changes. Next, think about what worries you the most, what you would like to change.
This could be a promotion at work or a new, more interesting position, a change in personal or moving to another city. Lead such lines. They will show you how ready you are to change something in your life. And your consciousness, meanwhile, will begin to prepare for changes.
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Neurographics – a method of organizing thinking that, with just a marker and a piece of paper, allows us to achieve what we want and respect from others.
By practicing the above exercises every day, you will gain the valuable skill of drawing a neurographic line.
Creating various drawings with it, you can create new opportunities for yourself with your own hands and head into a new reality that will change your life for the better: make it more interesting, full and happy.
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