Осторожно, орехи! Чем вредны орехи, кому нельзя их есть и почему

Everyone knows that nuts are good to eat. They contain a large amount of nutrients that activate the brain, prolong youth and help prevent cardiovascular disease, cancer and diabetes. Moreover, often nutritionists advise them as a snack. But nuts should be used very carefully. It should be noted, for example, that they are very high in calories, and an excessive amount can lead to extra pounds.

Why nuts are harmful, why some people shouldn’t eat them at all, the editors of estet-portal will tell.

What and why nuts can be harmful

Nuts can be harmful in the first place because they are very heavy foods and they are poorly digested. Children are not recommended to add their diet to 5-6 years. They are also considered one of the most allergenic foods.

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Of course, all the readings are individual, but one thing is certain — the amount of eating nuts in food should be strictly regulated in the diet of each person. Because the line is very thin.

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A handful of nuts will not do any harm to your health. But if you eat more, there may be negative consequences.

What are the negative properties of different types of nuts

Let's consider why certain types of nuts are harmful:

Peanuts. Firstly, peanuts thicken the blood and can lead to blockage of the veins. Secondly, this type of nuts is rich in proteins and is a strong allergen.

Walnut. It is not recommended for pregnant and lactating mothers, because it contains fats that thicken milk and can harm women's health.

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Almonds. Due to the prussic acid contained in these nuts, you can get food poisoning. But this is only in cases of consuming a large amount of almonds.

Cashew. Under the shell of this nut is the substance Cordol. If it comes into contact with the skin, it can cause an allergic reaction or even a burn. Therefore, these nuts are always sold roasted, because the cordole is destroyed during heat treatment.

Nutmeg. Most often it is used in powder form, as a spice. This nut should be added to the dish quite a bit. A large amount of nutmeg powder can cause pressure surges, weakness and slurred speech. If you eat whole nuts, then no more than three kernels per day.

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My default imageThe main thing in consuming nuts

to remember — everything should be in moderation. Doctors recommend eating no more than 50-100 grams of nuts per day. According to the quantity, this is: 5-7 pieces of walnuts, about 30-50 pieces of hazelnuts, peanuts, almonds or cashews, or about 100 pieces of pine nuts.

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