Отбеливание зубов в домашних условиях

Teeth whitening process – it is lightening their color. Teeth whitening can be achieved either by changing the internal color or by removing and controlling the formation of external stains. The chemical degradation of chromogens in or on the tooth is called bleaching.
Teeth inevitably begin to turn yellow with age, but a number of helpful tips can slow down the process and even reverse it.

While teeth whitening kits are readily available at most pharmacies, there are many natural remedies that can help remove stains and protect tooth enamel at home.

Read on estet-portal how to make your smile at home as good as that of Hollywood stars.

Why teeth turn yellow

Teeth turn yellow for two reasons, both of which tend to accelerate with age:

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- Enamel thinning

The outer layer of the teeth consists of enamel that is almost white in color and protects the deeper structure of the tooth. Beneath the enamel is a layer of tissue called dentin, which is yellow-brown. As the enamel layer thins or wears away, the teeth begin to look darker.

Acidic foods, gum disease and aging all contribute to the deterioration of tooth enamel. Some people also have enamel that is naturally thinner than others.

- Stains

Certain foods and drinks, such as coffee, can stain your teeth. Some foods that stain teeth can also damage the enamel by increasing yellowing.

Other sources of stains: smoking and tobacco products, certain types of antibiotics.

Read also: 5 tips to prevent tooth decay

How to whiten your teeth at home

The following steps will help whiten your teeth:

1. Making Dietary Changes

No products that stain teeth.

Foods and drinks such as wine and tea, coffee, dark sodas and juices can "stain" the teeth.

Sour food can make teeth look yellow, wearing away the enamel. People who are concerned about the color of their teeth should avoid excessive consumption of citrus fruits, coffee and soda. In addition, they should always brush their teeth or rinse their mouth afterwards.

Dentists generally recommend waiting 30 minutes after eating before brushing your teeth. Acids can weaken enamel, so brushing your teeth too soon can be harmful.

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Cessation of smoking or tobacco products may reduce the risk of nicotine spots.

2. Cleaning with baking soda

Baking soda can gently polish stains on the surface of your teeth. Many people worry that baking soda is too harsh and can damage enamel, but a 2017 study proved it to be more than safe.

Baking soda may also help fight bacteria, which suggests it can reduce plaque and prevent tooth decay.

4. Use of hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is a mild bleach that can help whiten stained teeth at home. For optimal whitening, a person may try brushing with a baking soda peroxide mixture for 1-2 minutes twice a day for a week.

Hydrogen peroxide can increase sensitivity, so it is not recommended for long-term use or for people who already have a problem with tooth sensitivity.

5. Fruit Whitening

Papaya Fruit
Papaya fruit contains an enzyme that can help whiten teeth.

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Papain and bromelain, which are enzymes from papaya and pineapple, respectively, can help whiten teeth.

6. Apple Cider Vinegar Apple cider vinegar is one of the most affordable and at the same time effective bleaching agents. It has an amazing effect, like after professional cleaning. But there are nuances - this method should not be abused, because the acids in vinegar tend to weaken the enamel and subsequently lead to tooth sensitivity.

7. Maintaining oral hygiene

Observing oral hygiene is the most important thing a person can do to reduce yellowing of the teeth.

My default imageConstant flossing and the right brush protect enamel, prevent gum decay, and remove stains.

Read also:
Dental health checklist: basic dental hygiene at home and at the dentist
Methods that don't work

Some methods that you can find on the Internet should not be used at home without prior consultation.

Suggested home whitening methods that can damage teeth include:

- lemons
- oranges

- apple cider vinegar

- activated charcoal

Boldly whiten teeth at home

Few people have naturally white teeth, as teeth tend to turn yellow with age.

However, maintaining oral hygiene and regular dental checkups can help keep teeth white and healthy.

Yellow teeth are not usually a sign of a health problem, but a dentist can check for enamel loss and tooth decay.
Natural remedies can actually help people whiten their teeth at home and are effective.

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