Памятка для здоровья зубов: основные правила гигиены зубов дома и у стоматолога

Competent dental hygiene will allow you to have a healthy and beautiful smile. But this is only one of possible bonuses. Teeth are connected with our entire body, so any diseases of the oral cavity are reflected in and other organs.

By taking care of your teeth, you not only save yourself from dental problems, but and maintain your health. We will tell you in more detail what dental hygiene consists of at home conditions and in the stomatology student's office.

Home Dental Hygiene: What We Missing Sight

We all know to brush our teeth in the morning and in the evening. But often this is not enough to experience problems with teeth. In fact, dental hygiene at home is not limited to brushing at all. This is a whole complex of activities that does not take much time, but requires the right approach.

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What does  daily dental care include

  1. Brushing your teeth with toothpaste 2-3 times during the day: in the morning, in the evening and preferably in the afternoon.

  2. After brushing, it is necessary to clean the interdental space with dental floss and an irrigator.

  3. Rinse your mouth with mouthwash after brushing.

  4. After eating, it is advisable to brush your teeth, but if this is not possible — rinse your mouth with clean water.

These routines should become good habits for you. But  dentists point out one important point. In order for teeth cleaning at home to be beneficial, and not done for show, it must be done correctly.

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How to properly clean your mouth

  1. Choose a toothpaste with  fluoride, which strengthens enamel.

    Bristles are important in a brush, ideal — medium hardness. But the choice will depend on the sensitivity of your teeth. If your gums bleed, choose a soft toothbrush. Since the bristles wear out quickly, the brushes should be changed once every three months.

  2. You don't brush your teeth the way we used to .

    Usually we move the brush from side side side and then we calm down. At the same time, the plaque is even more driven under the gum, where it continues to destroy the enamel. It is much more effective to remove plaque if you move the brush from top to bottom, as if you were brushing it off. You need to start with the upper jaw, moving from right to left, then move on to the lower jaw. Don't forget to clean the back of your front teeth and the chewing surface. After that, close your jaws and brush over all your teeth in a circular motion, massaging the gums at the same time.

  3. Time matters too.

    If you brush your teeth for about a minute, then it does little to remove plaque, especially when moving from side to side. Best time — from 3 to 5 minutes.

  4. When flossing, pay attention to not lowering to the gum itself.

    Introduce the floss into the interdental space up to gingiva and gently move it up.

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Tooth cleaning stone: what methods do dentists use If plaque is not cleaned off, it will continue its destructive effect on the tooth. Microbes settle in it, which feed on the remnants of food in the oral cavity. By multiplying, they become the cause of caries and other dental diseases.

But even the most meticulous home hygiene cannot replace a dentist. If you want to avoid serious problems with teeth, you will have to visit him twice a year.

Professional dental hygiene — what meaning 

Plaque on teeth is formed from food, bacteria and saliva. Food, getting into our mouth, partially remains on teeth and interdental space, becoming a medium for the life of microorganisms, which, by the way, are very fond of sweets. With a brush and  paste, we remove only part of this plaque. There are many places in the oral cavity that we simply cannot clean.

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Why you need dental floss: rules of use And because during the day we drink a lot of tea, coffee, drinks, eat sweet and floury foods, plaque spoils the color of the teeth and becomes the cause of tartar and caries. If these diseases are not treated in time, they lead to much more serious consequences than a tooth filling.

My default imageYou can not feel any pain for years, but have problems with teeth, which in one moment can make itself felt with severe pain and loss of a tooth. It is not in vain that dentists ask you to come for a check-up every six months. This makes it possible to identify small problems in time and remove the unfortunate plaque.

Follow us on Telegram Dental treatments to remove plaque and calculus:

    First, hard plaque is removed with ultrasound, destroying tartar to the state of small crumbs. Residues are washed off with water from the nozzle.
  1. Then remove soft plaque with Air Flow. This system is a device with a treatment mixture that is applied to a tooth. With    help you can get to the most hidden places in the oral cavity and return your teeth to their natural color without damaging the enamel. Often it looks like bleaching of the enamel, it brightens so much.
  2. Tooth polishing with special paste and brush. This removes irregularities on tooth.
  3. At the end cap is put on fluorine to strengthen the enamel.
  4. Professional teeth cleaning — this is a painless procedure that reduces the chances of developing caries, gum disease, strengthens enamel and gives you the opportunity to enjoy a snow-white smile. In combined with regular and cleaning of teeth at home, it will be your best investment in your health.

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Dark teeth: causes of discoloration and whitening methods

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