Плавание в бассейне для женщин: польза и советы новичкам

Did you know that the ability to stay on the water is given to people from birth? But already in the first year of life, it is lost, and we have to learn again. Are you looking for sports activities with benefit and to your liking for the autumn-winter season?

Swimming in the pool is the most suitable for women. Benefits from it wagon – and for general health, and for the harmony of the figure, but there are practically no contraindications. However, many beginners are frightened by the prospect of learning to swim from scratch, and even splashing in the water in winter (even if it is warm).

How to fall in love with swimming and merge with it in the truest sense of the word, starting from the basics, read the article estet-portal.com!

1. The benefits of swimming in the pool for women

2. What a beginner needs to know about pool swimming
3. Features of training when swimming in the pool
Benefits of swimming in the pool for women

For many women, the main argument in favor of this or that sport is its benefit for the figure.

Swimming in the pool for women

in this regard is universal, because it trains everything at once. If you swim, you won't need to train your abs, arms, legs, back and other muscle groups separately, as gym goers do.

When swimming, all muscles receive the necessary load.

At the same time, the load is smooth and soft, so, unlike other sports, you can plunge into the pool even after injuries or with a weak heart,

problems with joints, spine. Although it is better to consult with a doctor beforehand. But despite the seeming ease

swimming in the pool

– a very energy-intensive workout for women. Even just staying on the surface of the water without additional gestures, you can burn 200-300 calories per hour. And if you master the classic swimming styles, you will burn a lot more!

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Instagram. And if you are prone to edema or suffer from cellulite, hydromassage while moving in the water will increase microcirculation and give a

lymphatic drainage effect. Swelling and "orange peel" will go away will smooth out a bit. Swimming is an excellent exercise for endurance, cardiovascular and respiratory systems, improving lung ventilation and increasing lung capacity.

If you have problems with the nervous system, swimming is also indicated in your case. After all, water relieves stress and defeats insomnia with a bang!

And if you are afraid of the myth about the broad shoulders and powerful figure of swimmers, we hasten to dissuade you. In order for women's shoulders to be distributed in breadth, like men's, you need to swim at least 10-15 km daily. You're not going to take such marathons every day, are you? And powerful figures of professional swimmers with

appreciable muscle mass – this is the result of their mandatory strength training in the gym, and not just in the pool.

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What a beginner needs to know about pool swimming

Swimming is divided into three classic styles:

front crawl, breaststroke and butterfly.

  1. – it is freestyle, comfortable and easy to learn. It also helps to make the waist thinner.
  2. Butterfly
  3. – the most technical and energy-intensive style that requires extreme endurance.
  4. Brass
  5. – the slowest but technically difficult style. It allows you to swim almost silently and swim long distances under water.
  6. Beginners should start with freestyle and then move on to more complex styles. Of course, you can't do without training with a trainer (at least for the first couple of months).
Before starting classes, beginners should
stock up on some required equipment

. For example,

short fins will allow you to practice

body position and arm strokes without much effort to keep your feet near the surface.

The Breathing Tube

allows you to breathe comfortably and focus on practicing your technique, producing a symmetrical stroke. All you need is a special tube that is attached in the center. Side tubes used by tourists to look at fish in the sea are not suitable.

Combination bollard board

will add a lot of variety to your workouts. You can take it in your hands and swim only with your feet or vice versa – clamp your hips and work with one hand.

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If you have sensitive, irritated skin, don't immediately put an end to going to the pool because of

hard chlorinated water. Just stock up on special protective equipment for skin and hair. And use shower gel before, and after your workout.

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Peculiarities of training when swimming in the pool

Like before any workout, before the swim you need a light warm-up on dry land. 5-10 minutes of tilts, swings, rotations will be enough. Don't forget to stretch right after your workout!

Swim at an easy pace, gradually increasing the intensity.

The body during the whole cycle of movements must be sufficiently rigid, straight, extended horizontally so that it lies high on the water like a wooden board. It is much easier to disperse the body in this position and maintain speed, as the resistance of the water decreases. To achieve such a posture, you need a

strong muscular corset, so you still cannot do without general physical preparation. When rowing, you need to push off the water mass not only with your palm, but with your entire forearm – this creates powerful traction.

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– the hardest moment in swimming for beginners. Holding your breath will not help you not to choke! The scheme is always the same: you either inhale or exhale – There is no third. To prevent water from entering the nose, the main part of the air is exhaled by the nose under water. Inhalation is done through the mouth over water. Try to learn how to inhale as quickly as possible, but at the same time deeply, to avoid speed fluctuations. The time for training is completely irrelevant if you are exercising just to maintain your tone. True, before going to bed you still don’t have to be zealous. If the target – weight loss, then do it either in the morning after a light breakfast, or in the early evening (until 20.00).

Swimming requires the same responsible attitude to nutrition as other sports.

It is better to eat an hour and a half before training (if you are losing weight, then 2-3 hours), and after – within 2 hours.

Before a swim, it could be chicken or turkey with rice or wholemeal bread, scrambled eggs and oatmeal, lean fish with vegetables, or cottage cheese and wholemeal bread.

After the swim, you need to

restore the level of protein in the muscles – this will help to make an omelet or boiled eggs, lean meat. Water in winter? At first glance, the idea may seem very bold. But in swimming in the pool for women, as in any other sport, the main – start!

Just get on and swim for the first time as long as you can at the leisurely pace of the lanes. You will understand what you are capable of initially and will be able to compare your results in 2-3 months.

We give you our word: you will be surprised by it yourself.

Winter – no reason to give up sports and a healthy lifestyle. And in the summer you will simply amaze your family and friends with your excellent physical training on the beach. Swim mindfully and become healthy, strong and lean!

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