In autumn it becomes more and more difficult to keep warm, you just want not to go outside, where the cold wind, rain and the first frosts.
Most of all, the hands and feet suffer from the piercing wind – they are the ones that get cold. But often the feet cannot get warm even at home, in warmth.
And for some people they get cold even in the heat – and these people don't part with knitted socks in summer.
Why do feet get cold when there is no reason for it? Today, will talk about this common problem, its causes and solutions. You will also learn whether it is worth worrying if your feet remain icy even in a warm apartment.
- Looking for the reason why my feet are cold
- Why do feet get cold and how to get rid of this problem
- What to do to keep your feet not cold
Looking for the reason why my feet are cold
If your feet get cold not only in severe winter frosts, but even in the heat – This is a reason to pay attention to your health. This is not just about discomfort, but about possible problems in the body. Why are feet cold? What reasons can lead to this?
So, icy limbs are often the result of:
• low hemoglobin – we are talking about anemia, a lack of red blood cells that carry oxygen and nutrients throughout the body, as soon as the hemoglobin level drops, cold feet will be the first sign of this;
• lack of nutrients – as a result of a lack of vitamins and minerals, blood cannot fully circulate throughout the body, and if you are on a diet, this is a serious reason to stop it and switch to a normal diet;
• cardiovascular or thyroid problems;
• chronic stress;
• smoking – it causes vasospasm.
Also, the feet may freeze in those people who have already suffered frostbite of the limbs. The consequences of severe hypothermia persist for life – and you can only come to terms with it.
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The feet are also cold for those who are weather dependent. And this is just a signal that you just need to dress warmer.
Why do feet get cold and how to get rid of this problem
So, we have already figured out why feet get cold – now it is important to understand what needs to be done to solve the problem.
Of course, you need to go to a doctor who can help diagnose the problem and take measures to treat it.
But you must also do the following yourself:
1. If you – If you are a heavy smoker, then this is another reason to quit the habit. Smoking has a bad effect on blood vessels and the work of the heart, which leads to circulatory disorders.
2. Always dress for the weather – choose warm shoes and clothes, don't get cold. Do not sacrifice your health for the sake of fashion, which often has nothing to do with common sense.
3. Go in for sports – this is the best prevention of diseases, congestion in the limbs, the ability to deal with stress and its consequences.
4. In the evening, take a footbath and take a contrast shower. This will help to maintain the health of blood vessels.
5. Massage your feet and lower extremities, use massage creams to stimulate circulation.
6. Increase the body's immune forces – eat more vegetables and fruits, take multivitamin complexes.
7. Include in your diet foods that "accelerate" blood – garlic, ginger, pepper. Of course, you should have no contraindications for this.
Also watch your emotional state. Stress has a bad effect on the cardiovascular system, which leads to disruption in its work and as a result – icy lower limbs.
What to do to keep your feet warm
If one of your loved ones constantly gets cold feet, even in the heat, then you have a risk of "acquiring" a similar problem. To prevent it, take care of the prevention – especially since there is nothing complicated about it.
Unlike treatment, preventive measures do not require special financial costs. They are more connected with attention to their health, care for the comfort of the legs.
First of all, you need to monitor the health of the cardiovascular system. It is problems with it that provoke a violation of circulation and as a result – icy limbs that have to be wrapped in woolen socks even in summer.
Also, among the preventive measures, we would name the following:
• sports – more walk and move around to prevent congestion in the limbs;
• do not sit cross-legged;
• during sedentary work, get up more often, walk around the office, do a short workout at lunchtime;
• use warming foot creams that stimulate circulation;
• massage the lower limbs, especially – feet.
Once you notice that your feet are cold even when in a warm room, don't ignore the problem. It is important to immediately determine the source of the problem and see a doctor for treatment. This way you will prevent more serious health problems.
It is important to choose shoes carefully so that they do not squeeze the foot. The same applies to the desire to wear tightly laced boots or shoes high heels.
Shoes that are too tight for everyday use are definitely not suitable.
Why do my feet get cold and should I worry about it? Yes, the problem causes some discomfort. But besides this, it can be the very “first bell” that speaks of serious illnesses.
So, cold extremities – sign of circulatory disorders. So, there are problems with the vessels and the work of the heart. Therefore, you should consult a doctor in any case.
And don't forget to wear comfortable shoes that do not squeeze the foot. Quit smoking, move more, do foot massage, use warming creams, add vitamin complexes to your diet. If you have a sedentary job, periodically stretch your limbs, do not sit with your legs crossed.
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