Each of us at least once in our lives experienced a feeling of weakness when we got up in the morning. But most often it was not just once, but accompanies us throughout the working week. Why does the body wake up, but the head seems to be stuck to the pillow and it is so difficult to open your eyes? What is the reason for the constant feeling of lack of sleep and difficulty getting up? If you go to bed on time, but still can't wake up in the morning?
The editors of estet-portal.com will tell about the non-obvious reasons for difficult morning rises.
- Why does the body have difficulty waking up in the morning
- Scientific explanation of difficulties with waking up in the morning
Why is it difficult for the body to wake up in the morning
Getting up in the morning is perceived by many of us as a feat – so hard to get up and open your eyes! It is difficult to literally make the first movement in order to leave the bed and a comfortable pillow. What could be the reason?
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We'll look at a number of reasons why getting up in the morning can be a nightmare:
1. Lack of sleep. At least we need eight hours for the body to fully recover. And if you go to bed late and get up early, then the body simply does not have time to rest, which leads to a morning feeling of weakness and loss of strength.
2. Overeating. And if you go to bed on time, but it is still difficult to get up in the morning? It may have to do with what you eat in the evening. If it's – heavy food and alcohol, then the quality of sleep will suffer. This is due to the fact that the digestive system needs a lot of energy in order to digest everything. This is a big load. As a result, instead of resting, the body releases energy to process what has been eaten. Therefore, train yourself not to eat three hours before bedtime and not to eat fried, fatty, meaty foods.
3. Violation of the regime or its absence. If you like to take a nap during the day or in the evening, then by night the body does not want to sleep. As a result, you fall asleep late, and you have to get up at a certain time – and it becomes a challenge.
4. Lack of discipline. If you set multiple alarms and manage to fall asleep again after each one, getting up in the morning will never be good. You need to get out of bed as soon as you wake up due to the alarm clock. If you "lie down for another 5 minutes", then you fall asleep again, and then you wake up from the next call. This alternation of sleep and wakefulness exhausts the body.
5. Stress and overstrain. If you are constantly worried about something, think about it before going to bed, then it can be difficult to doze off, and the dream itself becomes disturbing. Train yourself to put aside worries and problems after work or a couple of hours before bedtime.
6. Medications. Antidepressants, blood pressure medications, painkillers reduce the quality of sleep. The body does not have time to recover. This makes getting up in the morning difficult.
7. Discomfort. This problem lies in the characteristics of your place to sleep. It can be too soft or hard bed, uncomfortable pillow, stuffy room or cold, dry air. Carefully study the room in which you sleep and understand what exactly gives you discomfort.
8. Snoring. Not only does it make other people uncomfortable, it also interferes with your sleep. Holding your breath disrupts the normal activity of the body, which is why it does not have time to recover by morning. xxxx>
As you can see, problems with getting up in the morning can be associated with a lack of proper rest for the body. He may suffer from the wrong place to sleep, health problems, overeating and other factors. Take a close look at your habits and daily patterns to
Scientific explanation for getting up in the morning
The problem of waking up in the morning is so widespread that scientists have joined in to solve it. After all, it is difficult for completely healthy people to get up in the morning. They concluded that the lack of energy to lift is associated with jet lag syndrome. That is, a person simply does not know how to fall asleep and wake up at the time necessary for the body.
The alternation of sleep and wakefulness is associated with the 24-hour biorhythm. If this cycle is broken in a person, then he needs more time to fall asleep and wake up. As a result, he goes to bed later and gets up with difficulty.
• Regular flights and business trips;
• Variable sleep time;
• Night shifts at work;
• Chronic lack of sleep.
Because of this, the normal course of biorhythms can be disturbed – and even if the negative factors have disappeared, the person still cannot wake up in time.
In the autumn-winter time, such a factor is a short daylight hours. We have to wake up not by the sun, but at night. And this is unnatural for our body. Therefore, in winter, you need to install a lamp with a soft light near the bed so that you immediately turn it on after waking up. Then
the body wakes up easier
– light helps the body adjust to wakefulness.
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