Поддержка детей: сила родительской поддержки

For a child of any age, important parental support – the feeling that they believe in him, want to help, do not condemn and trust him. It helps the little man to grow up happy and self-confident.

These children grow up into adults who are not afraid of difficulties, can make the right choice and find the right solution, and are able to build trusting and close relationships with other people.

However, many parents don't know what – proper support for children. After all, it is – not a synonym for praise and constant admiration!

It is important to be able to properly support the baby so that he grows up independent, self-confident and that he has close people who love him! Today estet-portal.com will share some psychological secrets of trusting relationships with children.

1. Supporting children: learning how to parent properly
2. Child support: do not confuse it with excessive praise

Supporting children: learning how to parent properly

Many parents make the same mistake of thinking that by buying toys for their child and satisfying his needs, they are already fulfilling their responsibilities.

However, upbringing does not consist in this, but in communication, first of all. Surely you have noticed that in some seemingly prosperous families, insecure or too selfish children grow up. Therefore, the matter is not at all in material goods, but in the ability to establish contact with the child in such a way as to be not only a parent, but also a friend.

Proper support for children is expressed in the following:

1. Accept your baby as he is. Child – even the smallest – it's a separate person. He may be similar to you in appearance and in some habits, but he still has his own desires, interests and habits. So don't compare him to other children in a positive or negative way. Both of these options can lead either to a painful sense of one's own exclusivity, or vice versa – will give rise to envy of other people.

2. Freedom of action. Of course, in this case we are not talking about permissiveness. But let the child be free to act on his own, don't save him from life. Let him collect toys in a box, decide what to wear for a walk, wipe up spilled tea. Help only if the child definitely cannot cope on his own or asks for help. In the future, this will help him grow into an independent person – and this is the hallmark of successful people.

3. Supporting children in their problems. Many adults consider children's problems to be a trifle, but for little people they are – real disaster. Treat the problem with understanding, show that you care, and you are ready to help.

4. Do not force or forbid something. In this case, we are not talking about the mandatory components of a child's life – going to kindergarten or school, the need to take a pill or an injection. However, do not limit him in choosing a hobby, do not forbid him to wear his favorite clothes, etc. Let the child's personality develop on its own through trial and error.

5. Give your child chores. This will help the baby feel significant, make his own contribution to family life. In the future, this will help to avoid a situation where children literally dodge help around the house, do not take care of their loved ones.

6. An atmosphere of equality. Despite the young age, listen to the opinion of the child. Firstly, very often children say logical and correct things, give valuable advice. Secondly, it will help him feel on an equal footing with you, and not be afraid that his opinion does not coincide with yours.

Behave with your child as an equal, giving him not only duties, but also rights.

Children should feel that their opinion is taken into account, respected, supported by any undertakings. Only in this case, both a small schoolboy and a teenager will see in you as a friend who can be trusted in a difficult situation without fear of condemnation.

The absence of a large number of prohibitions, freedom of choice, acceptance and trust, talking with the child on an equal footing – all this allows you to show the baby that he is loved and respected here. 

All of this will help prevent children from "closing out" from parents, do not trust them for fear of being rejected and punished.

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Child support: don't confuse it with excessive praise

Child support – it's not constant praise. Praise the child only for what he managed to do. But support – it is instilling faith in a child that even in moments of failure, he can trust you and count on help.

First of all, support implies your adequate attitude to the child's possible mistakes. You should not reproach him for his mistakes, but rather sit down and analyze: why did the mistake occur, how to prevent it again in the future? In this case, your child, even when he has his own family, will always be able to share his problems with you and ask for advice.

Support – this is not praise. They praise only for success, but the child should count on support in case of failure.

Child support – an important aspect of raising a healthy, happy and successful person. Personality and all its features are formed in childhood – that's when the "foundation" is laid.

He will either help a person in his endeavors, or become the very "ballast" that prevents him from building his own life. Therefore, create an atmosphere of trust in the family, do not judge the child, do not make fun of him, do not compare him with others.

He must understand that even in case of failure he can count on your help, that you will not turn away from him because of the banal "deuce" that all schoolchildren are so fond of scaring.

Read also: How to Raise a Happy Optimistic Child

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