Продукты, замедляющие старение: что есть, чтобы дольше оставаться молодым

Human aging – the process is inevitable, but it can be significantly slowed down. And for this it is not necessary to resort to the services of a plastic surgeon. Youth at the cellular level will help maintain regular foods rich in antioxidants. These elements slow down the aging process, keep cells young. This ability is simply explained – Antioxidants protect cells from the action of free radicals, which are the main cause of aging.

The editors of estet-portal.com will talk about what products can slow down the aging process. 

Foods that slow down human aging: nutrition to prolong youth 

Nutrition experts have long compiled a list of foods whose regular consumption will prolong your youth. And these are not exotic fruits or rare expensive varieties of fish. All this can be found in the nearest store, bought on the market. 

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What to look out for:

Tomatoes – they contain a natural antioxidant, vitamins C and A. They are able to renew the skin at the cellular level, protect it from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation. it contains a lot of fiber, potassium, folic and hyaluronic acid. Fiber is essential for dissolving and removing free radicals. Beetroot juice increases the efficiency of the body. Drink 150 ml of it every day. 

Green tea – contains a large amount of antioxidants, has a positive effect on blood vessels and skin condition. 


My default imageSalmon and other fatty sea fish

– it contains a lot of Omega-3, which slows down the destruction of collagen, which is responsible for the elasticity and youthfulness of the skin. Also, this element has anti-inflammatory properties, positively affects the condition of hair and nails, strengthens bones.

Pumpkin seeds – they contain polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are responsible for skin elasticity and rapid wound healing. The seeds contain antioxidants, vitamin E. The latter lowers cholesterol levels, is useful for the prevention of heart disease. Zinc is good for the skin, has anti-inflammatory properties. Tryptophan improves sleep, which is also necessary for maintaining youth. 

Broccoli – fights inflammatory processes, contains a large amount of zinc and iron, vitamins B12, A, E. Protects the skin from ultraviolet radiation.

– contains a large amount of healthy fats, has anti-inflammatory properties, improves metabolism, and is necessary for heart function. But this only applies to natural butter made from unpasteurized milk. It is also not worth abusing it – a week you can eat a maximum of 250 grams. 

Butter – contains a large amount of healthy fats, has anti-inflammatory properties, improves metabolism, and is necessary for heart function. But this only applies to natural butter made from unpasteurized milk. It is also not worth abusing it – a week you can eat a maximum of 250 grams. 

Butter – contains a large amount of healthy fats, has anti-inflammatory properties, improves metabolism, and is necessary for heart function. But this only applies to natural butter made from unpasteurized milk. It is also not worth abusing it – a week you can eat a maximum of 250 grams. 

Read also: 5 best products to cleanse the body of toxins

All these products will help keep skin, hair and nails young, help improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, which directly affects the health of the whole organism and immunity,

in particular.


Human aging and food: is it possible to eat sweets Are there foods on the list that would make a delicious dessert after the main meal? Yes, and this – chocolate with cocoa. This refers to natural chocolate with a high content of cocoa beans – 70-80%. Usually, it is dark and bitter chocolate, in which citrus zest can be added. Other types of this delicacy do not carry such benefits.

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What are the benefits of dark chocolate and cocoa? They contain flavonoids that have anti-inflammatory properties that fight free radicals. All this slows down the aging process at the cellular level. At the same time, chocolate has more antioxidants than acai berries and blueberries. 

Chocolate is also useful in that it activates the production of serotonin – a hormone that is responsible for our good mood. That is why chocolate is recommended for those who suffer from blues or are undergoing treatment for depression. 

Read also: Scientists have named the list of the most powerful anti-inflammatory foods

In addition to chocolate, drink natural cocoa more often, replacing a cup of coffee with it. Recommended "dose" chocolate per day is 40 grams – that is, you should not abuse the dessert. The same applies to chocolates – it is better to choose sweets without filling and not to eat a lot. 

Read also: 5 tips to prevent tooth decay

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