Пропало влечение: почему и как быть

Not everyone can easily talk about the problems that are associated with a person's libido, but in vain. Feeling that you have lost attraction to your life partner, sexologists recommend sharing this and finding a joint way out. The fact is that sincerity – pledge of passion. It is possible that lowered libido is caused by frequent stress, personal problems, or poor health. Knowing about your problem, an attentive partner will try to help resolve it so that you both feel good.

The editors of estet-portal.com will reveal common causes of decreased attraction and talk about ways to how to return the old passion.

Lost Crave: What You Need to Know About Your Libido

Before you go into all the bells in the absence of attraction, you should understand the concept of libido, or rather the frequent myths associated with it.

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Here are three important "not" related to the psychology of the sexual sphere:

1. Do not believe that desire should arise spontaneously, everything is individual here, because each of us is different. There is no normal level of sexual desire, for some it is spontaneous, for others it appears after stimulation, because everyone has their own norm.

2. Don't be discouraged when your level of desire doesn't match your ideal libido, because it will entail problems in the sexual sphere and in self-esteem.

3. Do not demand more from your partner than he can, if his level of attraction is lower than yours, then this does not mean anything. A partner may love you and desire you, but at the same time he has a low level of libido, and that's fine.

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Why did the attraction disappear: possible reasons

As soon as attraction problems appear, we want to figure out where the legs grow from. There are many more reasons for this condition than you think. The main ones are divided into 2 groups: physiological and psychological. Solving the problem with sexual appetite begins just with determining the causes. diabetes mellitus;

• anemia;• diseases of the genitourinary system;

• lactation and pregnancy (in women);

• diseases of the heart and blood vessels;

• taking alcohol or drugs;

• use of certain medications.

Psychological reasons include:

• depression and stress;

• low self-esteem;• lack of confidence in sexual power;

• identity crisis;

• relationship problems.

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on yourselfMy default image x relationship problems.

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Why desire disappears: lack of sensuality and self-love

There are several more reasons why desire disappears,My default image which can also be attributed to psychological problems. In libido, your sensuality is of great importance, so if you do not know how to enjoy simple things, then you will not be able to increase attraction. Start small: enjoy pleasant music and aromas, learn to feel. Awakening sensuality will help awaken desire and set you up for sexual relationships.Desire disappears also because you are dissatisfied with yourself physically and externally. If you don’t like your figure, hairstyle, etc., then this will also negatively affect attraction, because you feel unattractive. Learn to love your own body with all the flaws, if you wish, you can skillfully hide the flaws of any figure.

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The role of nutrition and sports in restoring desire

You can restore attraction if you really need it. Scientists have proven that playing sports increases sexual desire, and not vice versa, as many people think. To increase libido, you do not need to disappear for hours in the gym, 30-40 minutes of physical exercise is enough. Moreover, select the activity according to your preferences: running, swimming, fitness, etc. But do not forget about regularity, if you practice 3-4 hours once a week, this will not give the expected effect. It's no secret that aphrodisiacs are the best products for increasing libido. Include more spicy foods and spices in your diet, which also help increase libido.<

Advice for those who want to regain their libidoMy default image

The following tips will help solve the problem of lack of desire:

• refer to traditional medicine, because there is a whole list of herbs that eliminate sexual dysfunction: ginseng, celery, aloe, damiana;

• communicate with your partner more often, because omissions and quarrels destroy family life and adversely affect sexual desire, learn to talk heart to heart;
• talk about sexual topics with a partner, do not hesitate to tell about your fantasies and desires in bed;

• say yes to romance, because sometimes everyday problems completely occupy your time, try to create a romantic atmosphere to devote time to your feelings, this method increases the attraction of both partners.<

We often hear:
my partner has cooled off towards me, which means – fell out of love, lost attraction. The problem can be solved if you find

the reason for the decrease in libido in time.My default image According to experts, most often the reason is in our head, and if these tips do not help return the desire, then going to a family therapist will solve the problem.
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