Пять эффективных способов, как справиться с агрессией

In today's world, people often experience stress, nervous fatigue and experience depression. Often there are cases of manifestation of aggression on the part of a person who is unable to cope with his emotions and feelings. The most important – learn to see the root of the problem.

If a person often shows aggression you should not immediately condemn him and blacklist him. Outbursts of aggression often occur in people whose brain has once been injured. And in this case, you can not do without the help of a specialist. In the material estet-portal.com you will learn how to deal with aggression.

To do this, you should read the following effective ways to help relieve excessive emotional stress.

Types and causes of aggression 

First, let's find out what aggression is. This is any form of human behavior that is destructive and often causes psychological discomfort to others and harms people.

It is also associated with emotions such as anger and anger. When a person experiences such emotions for a long time, it destroys him from the inside and causes illness, depression and fatigue.

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There are such types of aggression:

•    Physical. It consists in causing bodily harm to a person or damage to his property.

•    Indirect. It manifests itself in a hidden disguised form (vandalism, slander, intrigue, etc.)

•    Verbal. These are screams, insults, accusations, curses.

•    Hidden. Negative feelings for another person that are hidden from him and kept to himself for a long time.

It can manifest itself in fears, boredom, depression, pride, etc.

There are many reasons that can cause aggression. They can be associated with the innate characteristics of a person, with the events that took place in his life, with the environment in which he grew up, etc.

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Some reasons that can cause aggression:

  1. Hormonal disorders. For example, an overabundance of adrenaline and testosterone;
  2. An innate property of all living beings, aimed at protecting their territory.
  3. Using alcohol, drugs, etc.;
  4. Emotional and physical exhaustion, fatigue;
  5. Difficulties in professional and personal life;
  6. Lower self-esteem;
  7. Inability to implement the planned plans
  8. Scenes of violence in movies, on the Internet, in one's own family
  9. Increased anxiety etc.

Five effective ways to overcome aggression

The surest way to deal with aggression – eliminate the cause of its occurrence. But it is not always possible to do this right away, since a person needs time to realize why this is happening. Often in these cases, you have to turn to specialists.

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Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely eliminate irritable situations from our lives, but there are ways that will help to respond to aggression in a more constructive way.  Breathing exercises are one of those.

1. Exercise "Count to 10". You need to take a deep breath and slowly count to 10. Make your breathing calmer. Do this several times. And you will notice how you begin to calm down.

2. "Rebreathing". For this exercise, you need to inhale for 4 counts, hold your breath for 4 counts. This is one cycle. Then repeat: inhale for 4 counts, then pause for 4 counts, exhale for 4 counts. You need to do 10 cycles of this exercise.

3. "Source of Calmness". It is necessary to calm your breathing. Breathing in for 5 counts, imagine yourself breathing in peace (energy, love, confidence, harmony, etc.). Hold your breath for a count of seven. And then exhale for a count of five, imagining how you let go of tension and fatigue, anger, hatred.  Hold your breath again and continue with a new cycle of exercise. Breathe like this for 4-5 minutes.

4. "Calming breath." You need to take a comfortable position for you. Then take a full breath through the nose so as to first fill the stomach with air, and then the chest. Then hold your breath. As you exhale, first relax and lower your chest, and then slightly retract your stomach. 10 cycles required.

5. Exercise "Changing the nostrils". It is necessary to take a comfortable position and close your eyes. Close the left nostril with your finger and inhale through the right. Hold your breath and exhale through the left, closing the right nostril.

Next, close the right nostril and inhale through the left nostril. Inhaling through the left nostril, exhale through the right nostril, while closing the left nostril. A few repetitions are enough.


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In addition to these methods, conscious actions will help in the fight against aggression. They will help to translate your negative emotions into a peaceful direction.

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If you are feeling very angry or irritable try the following:

•    Make a general cleaning of the house or rearrange the furniture;


•    Do what you love;


•    Cry;


•    Wash the dishes;


•    Go in for sports;


•    Talk to your loved ones;


•    Write an angry letter and rip it up;


•    Tell me about how you feel. You can express them to the person for whom you have these feelings, or you can express them to people you trust.


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The main goal of these – is to give time to cool down. Remember that getting angry – this is normal. Sometimes breakdowns and uncontrolled outbursts of aggression – it is the reaction of the psyche to abnormal circumstances. Techniques and exercises will help temporarily relieve aggression and get rid of anger, but will not eliminate the original cause of their occurrence.


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