The expectant mother feels the baby hiccups while still in the womb. Rhythmically quivering belly in the last months of pregnancy – this is the hiccup. The child acquires such a reflex even before birth, it is caused by the spontaneous motor activity of the crumbs, irritating the muscles of the diaphragm and reducing them. Most often, hiccups occur in infants after eating due to distension of the stomach. In formula-fed babies, the reflex occurs more frequently as a consequence of swallowing large amounts of air from a bottle. Sudden strong emotions, overeating, improper attachment to the chest, a sharp temperature drop – make the baby hiccup.
The editors of will tell why hiccups occur in newborns, what parents should do to help the baby.
- Frequent hiccups in newborns, what should parents do
- Methods for dealing with hiccups in newborns
- When to Seek Physician Care
Frequent hiccups in newborns, what should parents do
Take a closer look – Which of the following situations matches yours:
1. An immature diaphragm causes the muscles to contract spontaneously and irregularly. The child grows, the muscle mass in the ribs and abdomen becomes stronger and stronger, this helps to reduce the incidence of hiccups.
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2. Lots of food. A common cause of hiccups in a baby. When the stomach rapidly expands and fills, the muscles of the diaphragm constrict convulsively, this provokes a pronounced hiccup reflex.
3. Swallowing air. Depends on the position in which the baby eats and how often you let him burp during feeding.
How to Stop Hiccups: Remedies to Keep at Hand
4. Decrease in temperature. A sudden drop in body temperature affects the child's body. He is not able to support her on his own, so it is recommended to dress the baby warmly.
5. Mom's diet. Citrus fruits, chocolate, peanuts in the mother's diet cause hiccups in the newborn, getting into his body with milk. Do not eat these foods one hour before feeding.
6. Reflux. Hiccups – one of the symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease. Pay attention to the presence of colic in the baby, frequent regurgitation, whims at night.
7. Allergy. Inflamed esophagus, when allergic to the proteins contained in the mixture, irritate the muscles of the diaphragm.
Methods for dealing with hiccups in newborns
To eliminate hiccups
mankind has come up with many ways, some of them strange. Hold your breath, drink a glass of water, bend down, stand on your head, fright – ineffective methods. It is strictly forbidden to use them to combat hiccups in infants. When frightened and holding the breath, the diaphragm does not relax, but rather tenses.Subscribe to our
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Watch your diet. In formula-fed babies, the norm for the amount of mixture consumed must be observed. It is necessary to apply to the chest correctly. Place
baby upright after feeding.
When to Seek Medical Care
If hiccups in newborns persist
, what should parents do? Be sure to seek medical help when it does not go away for several hours. Regular par-minute hiccups in infants – a normal phenomenon, if he is active, joyful, this does not interfere with the daily activities of the baby. Protracted hiccups that interfere with sleep, play, nutrition – a sign of a disturbance in the functioning of the body.Irritability, night whims with crying, arching of the back, frequent regurgitation, speak of reflux disease. Contact your pediatrician to confirm or refute the diagnosis, perhaps he will prescribe a treatment that alleviates the condition of the crumbs. ><
If hiccups in newborns are caused by stress, what should I do? Try to turn off all sound signals on the phone, sharp loud sounds scare the baby. It will not be superfluous to turn off the sound of the TV. Pay attention to the temperature in the room, touch the arms and legs of the baby.
The impact on the child of situations where parents swear
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