Синдром хронической усталости: диагностика, лечение, профилактика

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or CFS – for sure, many of you have heard about it, but few know exactly what is actually hidden behind this term. We are not talking about the usual fatigue that often accompanies a modern person after a working day or physical labor. This phenomenon is normal, but if the feeling of loss of strength – your constant companion even on weekends, estet-portal.com advises you to pay more attention to your health. Chronic fatigue syndrome is dangerous because at first the disease is not taken seriously, which in the future threatens a person with more serious problems with physical and mental health.

Chronic fatigue syndrome – what is its danger

Many people do not take this disease seriously, considering the problem itself to be more far-fetched than real. So, if a person complains about his poor health, he can simply be advised to rest, sleep on the weekends, look at life more optimistically, and similar recommendations. However, CFS is not "curable"; simple rest or sleep.
Also, often the person himself simply does not notice negative changes in himself, believing that he is "just tired." Many manage to ignore the symptoms of the disease for years. But chronic fatigue syndrome negatively affects the functioning of the whole organism, and in the future it can flow into depression, which is much more difficult to treat.
The first sign of CFS is a feeling of tiredness that does not go away after sleeping or resting on the weekends. That is, you wake up already “broken”, you feel a breakdown during the day – and this condition is observed even during long holidays.

In addition, chronic fatigue syndrome manifests itself as follows:
• a sharp decrease in performance – You spend much more time on work tasks than before;
• insomnia – despite the fact that the body requires rest, you cannot fall asleep or wake up often;
• fatigue, apathy, indifference to what is happening;
• persistent headaches;
• a feeling of irritation that accompanies you almost constantly, negative emotions;
• feeling of weakness and aches in the body;
• frequent diseases that occur against the background of reduced immunity.

All of these signs indicate that the problem is real and should not be ignored. Moreover, CFS is often accompanied by problems with communication: because of the constant feeling of fatigue, you communicate less with family and friends, it is difficult for you to establish working contacts. If chronic fatigue syndrome is ignored for a long time, then it will also affect the social life of a person, worsening its quality.

Chronic fatigue syndrome manifests itself as a feeling of apathy, "brokenness", insomnia, frequent illnesses, headaches, and most importantly – fatigue and a constant feeling of fatigue that does not go away after sleep or rest. Prolonged neglect of such a condition can lead to depression, which is much more difficult to treat.

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Diagnosis and treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome can only be accurately diagnosed by consulting a doctor. Therefore, you should not go to the other extreme, attributing to yourself a non-existent disease. Moreover, under CFS it can "mask" the initial stage of cancer, tuberculosis, various somatic pathologies. That is, it will be necessary to exclude them by conducting a series of studies.
Once the diagnosis of CFS is confirmed, the doctor will prescribe a set of specific actions to eliminate the problem. It may include both psychotherapy and medication. Everything will depend on the degree of neglect of the disease and your current condition. Of course, it is easier to cope with the disease at the initial stage. But the most important recommendation of any specialist will be a change in lifestyle: without this, neither medical,

In the treatment of CFS, the doctor may include the following:

• massage;

acupuncture;• water treatments;
• autogenic training and self-hypnosis training.

Exercise can also help, but the choice of activity needs to be determined in consultation with your doctor for it to be truly beneficial.

Accurate diagnosis of the syndrome is possible only with a visit to a doctor in order to exclude the possibility of other diseases. Treatment will include psychotherapy, physical therapy, and medication if necessary. The main condition for a successful recovery – lifestyle change.
Chronic fatigue syndrome – This is a fairly serious disease, against which the whole body suffers, as well as the human psyche. Therefore, it cannot be ignored! And just rest, rash is not enough in this case. We need an integrated approach, aimed at both the body and the psychological state. Seeing a doctor will help not only determine the necessary help, but also correctly diagnose, prevent more terrible diseases that can hide behind fatigue. And in order to prevent the occurrence of CFS, it is necessary not only to love your profession, but also to be able to relax, not overwork, and exercise regularly!

See also:

Hypochondria: getting to know the signs of illness


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