Упадок сил: лучшие способы борьбы

Spring weakness and the discomfort associated with it are familiar to almost everyone. During such periods, we feel acute fatigue, "nod" on the go, the mood leaves much to be desired, and interest in life is often lost. The state of depression and a decrease in vitality can be explained quite simply: in winter, our body spends a lot of energy, however, it is difficult to fully restore it, since food at this time of the year contains an insufficient amount of vitamins. The weakened body, in turn, becomes very susceptible to seasonal infections. And yet such a state can be corrected independently. How to raise the tone and eradicate the breakdown, read the material estet-portal.com

Failure: how to resist

It's not uncommon to get low in the springtime and many people feel depressed after a cold winter. Just a few tips will help you cope with the malaise, following which you can forget about the spring blues. There are a number of simple ways to help you feel normal during the time of the notorious spring beriberi and fully "enter" in springtime: meet her cheerfully and with a good attitude. Main – this, of course, is a positive attitude, because by setting yourself up positively you are already doing half the battle against the spring breakdown.

Low energy: eat more greens

Our ancestors, knowing nothing about beriberi, correctly assessed the importance of spring greens for well-being. They considered it necessary to include edible "roots" in the diet of the first sprouts. Such a useful experience, of course, is applicable today, even if it is not easy for a modern city dweller to find environmentally friendly greens for spring salads. Because store-bought leafy greens and herbs are grown in greenhouses, they are not safe at all and can contain high doses of harmful chemicals.

However, young greens can be obtained even in apartment conditions – in boxes with soil, placing them on the windowsill.

In this way, it will be easy to grow garlic feathers, green onions, arugula and even leaf lettuce (some of its types), and “kick out” root crops; tasty and healthy beetroot and carrot leaves. Spring greens will take away the breakdown, and growing greens at home is a good hobby.

Failure: don't miss the opportunity to be more in the spring sun

Experiencing spring weakness, the last thing we want is to be active, to move a lot. However, it is worth overpowering yourself, getting up from a cozy sofa, getting out into the open spaces of nature. And do it as often as possible. Walk, breathe fresh air, "soak up" rays of spring sunshine that help the body to more actively produce vitamin D: it is well known that an insufficient amount of the latter does not have the best effect on well-being. Loss of strength – not a reason not to go out.

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Failure: Beneficial Sprouted Seeds

The seeds of plants contain biologically active substances, and this is a great help in the spring, when the body is weakened after winter. With the advent of spring, it is good to eat young sprouts, adding them to juices, smoothies, and various salads. You can germinate many seeds (mustard, oats, barley, green buckwheat, flax, wheat; sunflower and pumpkin seed sprouts are also incredibly useful) and besides, it is not at all difficult to do. In this case, in your spring diet there will always be a product rich in vitamins and you can forever forget what a breakdown is.

To germinate the seeds, you need to:
- rinse them before and after a 5-minute disinfection, which is carried out with a solution of potassium permanganate (color – slightly pink);
- put the seeds in a shallow container, pour water (slightly) and give them the opportunity to swell – it will take from 1 to 3 days: it all depends on the type of plant chosen;
- when the seeds swell, you need to wash them, then cover them with a wet cloth (preferably made of cotton); the next day they will already "look through" tiny sprouts;
- in the next step, the seed container should be placed in the refrigerator; if you provide the seedlings with the moisture they need, they will begin to increase, and after about 5 days they can be used as food, optimally saturated with useful substances.

However, you should definitely make sure that the choice of seeds for germination is made correctly: that is, they are not sowing and have not been treated with chemicals specially designed for this. Acquire source material exclusively in special. stores.

To prevent a breakdown in spring, it is also worth drinking freshly squeezed juices regularly (but it is important to do this correctly – no more than 300 ml daily and it is better to mix fruits with vegetables, etc.), get enough sleep (in order to use morning juices with maximum productivity). hours "drenched" in the sun) and, of course, try to think about something good, for example, start planning a summer vacation and think about your vacation image.

Lost energy – a frequent occurrence after hard winter days and it is necessary and possible to fight with it. A little self-care will very soon bring to "no" decadent mood and will allow you to fully enjoy the increasingly "flaming" spring days, being healthy, cheerful and positive.

Read also: Dehydration: what is the danger and how to detect it

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