В помощь худеющим: как активировать процесс сжигания жира

If a person is trying to lose weight without knowing important information about the components of metabolism and health in general, it is not surprising that he can not say goodbye to extra pounds.

To make the fight against unnecessary weight effective for you, estet-portal.com offers to get acquainted with 5 main metabolic factors that affect the body's ability to burn fat. The above information will help you not only activate the fat burning process, but also effortlessly maintain the results.

Five Metabolic Factors That Trigger Fat Burning

It is important to know that the metabolic rate and, accordingly, the fat burning process depends on 5 equally important factors, namely:

1. Liver – main detoxification organ responsible for 3/4 of the hormones produced by the thyroid gland.

2. Adrenals – "stress glands" that regulate steroid and stress hormones to help balance metabolism.

3. Thyroid – controls body temperature, metabolic functions and the ability to burn fat.

4. Muscles – the only metabolically active tissue in the body that helps burn fat, regulate blood glucose levels and maintain a high metabolic rate.

your body – the result of the 4 factors above: it is either functioning normally or in a state of illness.


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How does the liver affect the fat burning process

More than 600 metabolic functions are performed by the liver, so its condition significantly affects the process of burning fat. When this organ is overloaded with toxins, drugs, processed foods, alcohol, sugar, stress hormones, etc., the liver goes from normal to what is called survival mode.

The liver filters toxins, stress hormones, helps break down nutrients, control digestion and blood sugar, and is responsible for 70% of thyroid function.

When the liver works under extreme conditions, metabolic problems begin to appear in the body.

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The main symptoms that stop fat burning

1st place:appearance of fat (especially on the thighs;

2nd place: bloating;

3rd place: skin problems;

4th place: mood swings;

5th place:

blood sugar spikes;

6th place:


7th place:

sleep problems;

8th place:

failure to lose weight. Remember to keep your blood sugar levels under control. Here are the data to pay attention to.

My default imageWhat to do? Take care to reduce the load on the liver – minimize processed food, sugar, alcohol, drugs (when not needed), start moving. 

See also:

Exercise for the liver: protecting the body's natural filter

How the adrenal glands affect the process of fat burning

The adrenal glands play an important role in maintaining metabolism. The effectiveness of the adrenal glands directly depends on your habits, food preferences and lifestyle.

Cortisol is involved in the regulation of glucose, fat and protein, blood pressure and inflammation. Catecholamines such as adrenaline are involved in the fight-or-flight response. (under stress). They help to mobilize energy resources in stressful situations.

Frequent stress, food sensitivities, blood sugar imbalances, infections, too intense exercise, etc. lead to impaired adrenal function.

The main condition for maintaining the health of the adrenal glands is to minimize stress and the ability to deal with them.

Influence of the thyroid gland on metabolism

Thyroid hormones affect almost every cell in the body, increasing its metabolic activity. The imbalance of thyroid hormones negatively affects the entire body.

The lack of T3 and T4 hormones leads to a slowdown in metabolism and, accordingly, the fat burning process.  Therefore, hypothyroidism is often the cause of weight gain, water retention in the body. And patients with hyperthyroidism fail to gain weight.

To keep your thyroid healthy, you must follow four rules:

Find and eliminate the cause of hypothyroidism (the task of a qualified doctor).
  1. Optimize nutrition – iodine, saturated fats, zinc, omega-3, selenium should be present in sufficient quantities in the diet.
  2. Minimize stress – learn stress management techniques.
  3. Exercise – do yoga or exercise to
  4. improve thyroid function.
  5. What is the effect of muscle on fat burning

A body dominated by muscle mass not only looks good, but also has a beneficial effect on metabolic health. With the help of the thyroid gland, muscle tissue sets the metabolic rate.

Muscles – the only metabolically active tissue that accelerates the fat burning process.

The more muscle tissue in the body, the more calories it burns and the fewer calories it needs to maintain weight. And since most insulin receptors are found in muscle tissue, the smaller the muscle mass, the more insulin resistant the body becomes.


And if the body doesn't respond to insulin properly, blood sugar control becomes more difficult (or even impossible). Result – type 2 diabetes, weight gain, inability to properly use absorbed glucose. Moreover, the process of losing weight is much more complicated in conditions of insulin resistance.

That's why it's so important that most of your body weight is made up of muscles. To do this, you need to exercise and make choices in favor of proper nutrition.

Read also:

Not into fat, but into muscle: we increase growth hormone in natural ways

Body type is determined by metabolism, and estet-portal.com is convinced that you can speed up your metabolism and activate the fat burning process, taking care of the health of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands and liver.

Do not forget that it is the muscles that actively use the energy that is produced as a result of burning fat. Engage your muscle tissue, optimize nutrition, consult a doctor in time in case of illness and minimize stress – this is all you need for a healthy metabolism and a beautiful body.