Вред кофе для здоровья: 5 интересных фактов, о которых стоит знать

Millions of bags of coffee beans are produced in the world, and the use of an invigorating drink beats all records. Such popularity increases interest in talk about the dangers and health benefits of coffee. Scientists do study after study, but it is very difficult to understand them. They all contradict each other. But this doesn mean that we know nothing about coffee. Here are five of the most interesting facts about  the drink that all fans should know about.

What harm does coffee bring to health: truths and myths

When life needs energy, and        sufficient     we brew a cup of coffee and enjoy its taste. With milk and without, with sugar and without sugar, with spices, espresso or cappuccino — everyone will find their favorite kind of coffee. Is it possible in this chaotic world to refuse it? It is surprising coffee drinkers don want to hear anything about its negative effects.

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But really is coffee harmful to human health and how how does it appear? Let's evaluate all the pros and cons of the drink.

Fact # 1. Coffee doesn has an invigorating effect

The caffeine found in coffee is classified as an alkaloid. This potent substance contains not only coffee, but also poppy, tea, dope and a number of other plants. It is not yet well understood, hence the controversy surrounding the invigorating effect of coffee. Someone feels like a running car, and someone denies such an effect of the drink.

Scientists tend to believe that coffee stimulates the body to new achievements only temporarily and only for those who drink it recently (not more than 2-uh months). If you are seriously and addicted to coffee for a long time, then the feeling of cheerfulness — illusion and habit.

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Fact # 2. Your love for coffee is in genes

Coffee addiction isn't quite our balanced decision. There are people who are indifferent to this drink. And there those who will not be able to work, think and make decisions without a cup of coffee. And it's not just healthy lifestyle. Scientists have found the genes that are responsible for addiction to caffeine. If you have them, then coffee addiction cannot be avoided. The effect of caffeine quickly ceases to be felt, and coffee needs more and more.

Fact # 3. Coffee contains antioxidants

And this means that coffee helps to avoid a number of diseases. Among them are very serious ones, like diabetes, cancer and Parkinson's. Scientists claim that lovers of drinking one cup of coffee a day have a 12% reduced risk of dying from heart disease, kidney disease, cancer and stroke.  those who drink 2-3 cups the chances are slightly higher — eighteen%. In addition, coffee relieves some pain, improves mood and helps to keep the brain active.

But the the most inveterate coffee drinkers have completely different statistics.

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Fact # 4. Coffee kills the young and everyone who crabs too much

If you can't live without coffee and drink it in liters, and more specifically — more than 500 ml per day (4 cups and more), then scientists have nothing to please you. The risk of dying from  cardiovascular disease increases by 21%.

The heart and blood vessels suffer the most from coffee. Add to this and other negative factors, such as a sedentary lifestyle, love for sweets, stress, and the chances of living a long and happy life become even less. Especially excessive coffee consumption is dangerous for young and middle-aged people.  their risk of dying from heart disease caused by addiction to coffee increases by 50%.

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Fact # 5. It's all about quantity

Scientists have tried to deduce a healthy rate of coffee consumption. They concluded that 2-3 100ml cups of coffee would do more good than harm. Large doses of coffee lead to health problems.

Harms from  excessive coffee consumption

  • Sleep problems.

  • Bad mood, nervousness, irritability.

  • Coffee increases cholesterol levels, blood pressure and reduces the absorption of calcium and iron.

  • Coffee provokes the development of cardiovascular diseases.

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How to drink coffee without harm to health

Coffee — the drink is not easy and keeps many more secrets. It can both harm and save from the bustle of everyday life and a heart attack. It all depends on how how how many cups drink per day.

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Healthy coffee drinker rules:

  1. Don't drink more 2-3 cups per day.

  2. Don't drink coffee on an empty stomach.

  3. Don't drink instant coffee. It has 50% more caffeine than natural. It also contains additives that have nothing to do with coffee: husks, stabilizers, flavors, barley, oats and others.

  4. It is best to use coffee beans that need to be ground shortly before brewing.

  5. Ginger, turmeric, cinnamon, or honey can be added to your coffee.

  6. Coffee should be filled with clean water, such as bottled or filtered water.

  7. Caution when drinking coffee during pregnancy as it increases the risk of miscarriage.

  8. There is a recommendation to limit coffee consumption to women who have mastopathy.

  9. It is better to drink coffee with low-fat products. For example, with cottage cheese, fruit, croissants, granola.

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