Diet and Nutrition

Is it bad to drink water while eating?

Вредно ли пить воду во время еды

There is a widespread opinion that you should never drink water while eating, as by doing so you "extinguish the fire of digestion". Many people listen to this point of view and do not allow themselves to drink food, but many also consider this idea to be completely pointless.

Some researchers generally argue that water cannot mix with gastric juice, according to In the article we will talk about whether it is possible to drink food: does it really worsen digestion or is it just another myth. How does the process of digestion take place and how can water consumption affect it? 

Is it possible to drink food. Physiology of digestion

Functionally, the stomach is divided into a distal section (the function of movement and processing) and a proximal section (storage of food).

When a portion of food enters the stomach, its solid components are arranged in layers, which are enveloped on the outside by liquid and gastric juice, and then enter the distal stomach. There is a gradual movement of food towards the pylorus and the evacuation of fluid into the duodenum, due to which its volume in the stomach decreases.

Solid food components are not able to pass through the pylorus until they are crushed to small particles no larger than 2-3 mm in size, the diameter of 90% of the particles that leave the stomach does not exceed 0.25 mm.


The autonomic nervous system, intramural nerve plexuses and hormones regulate gastric emptying. If there are no impulses from the vagus nerve, the following occurs:

  • significant weakening of gastric peristalsis,
  • slowing down its emptying.

Fluid passes freely through the pylorus, so the rate of its evacuation is affected by different pressures in the stomach and duodenum.

Read also: Drinking water from copper utensils – fashion trend or real benefit?

Is it possible to drink food, drink water after meals and before meals?

The mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract has the ability to partially absorb water and transport it through the blood. So if you drink:

  • on an empty stomach. If the water was drunk on an empty stomach, it does not linger in the proximal part of the stomach, but immediately enters its distal part, and from there it is quite quickly evacuated into the duodenum.             
  • during meals. If water is drunk during a meal, it also does not stay in the proximal stomach and enters the distal stomach, while the food remains in the proximal stomach.


It is noteworthy that liquid nutrient solutions that are taken with food behave in a slightly different way, pre-lingering with food in the proximal region.

According to the results of numerous scientific studies, 300 ml of water leaves the stomach within 5-15 minutes.

In addition, scientists have found that there are so-called "pockets" in the stomach and small intestine for water storage. Thus, the water that is drunk during meals does not flow down the esophagus into the stomach, washing away gastric juices, mucus and enzymes.

See also:

Which water is better to drink: warm or cold?

Conclusions: when to drink water

Water performs 3 main functions during meals:

    improves the movement of food particles through the esophagus to the stomach,
  • helps to dissolve large chunks of food,
  • helps acids and enzymes access food particles.
To the question whether it is possible to drink food, the answer can be only one – Yes, you certainly may. Therefore, do not limit yourself to drinking before meals, during or after meals. Naturally, try to keep a reasonable measure and not drink a liter of water at a time, because in this case it simply will not have time to leave the stomach, but this still will not have a significant effect on

acidity and digestion.

Drink whenever you are thirsty and if you are comfortable drinking water – keep doing it.

And when you drink water, share it with us on

  • Comments (5)

    27 декабря 2015, 20:34

    Автор полагает, что вода, выпитая во время еды не смешивается в желудке с растворимыми веществами пищи, а также с водорастворимыми секретами и в чистом виде "покидает желудок в течение 15 минут"? Она в полиэтиленовом пакете туда поступает?<br />Если даже предположить, что этот водный раствор уходит сразу в 12-перстную, то необходима новая порция пищеварительных секретов для переваривания оставшейся в желудке пищи (чрезмерная нагрузка на железы). На самом деле, этот раствор будет слишком кислым для 12-перстной и не попадет туда в случае здорового привратника, а в случае патологически проницаемого сфинктера, будет постоянно компрометировать пищеварение в тонком кишечнике благодаря слишком кислому РН. А при здоровом привратнике, вода и другое питье, поступая в желудок, будут уменьшать концентрацию первоначально выделенных секретов, снижая их активность и вынуждая железы работать с повышенной нагрузкой.

  • Comments (5)

    29 декабря 2015, 12:46

    Очень интересная и актуальная тема. <br />Согласен с комментарием Игоря.<br />Думаю автор зря упускает вопрос качественной характеристики самой воды, в частности p.h.<br />Считаю что тема до конца не раскрыта. <br />Моё чисто субъективное мнение таково, что если человек соблюдает питьевой режим согласно рекомендации ВОЗ (35 мл на 1 кг) то и желания запивать еду не появится. <br />Желание подобное появляется из-за активации пищеварительных желез и выделения секрета, который на 95% состоит из воды. Вот вам и механизм дегидротации, а следовательно появление чувства жажды во время еды.

  • Comments (5)

    22 декабря 2016, 10:21

    Есть теория, а есть практика. Лично я раньше запивал как и все мои знакомые и родственники, и имел большие проблемы с пищеварением.<br />Последние 5 лет еду не просто не запиваю, а пью пью через 2-3, а лучше 4 часа после еды. Жажды нет т.к. Пью воду/чай до еды, за 20-30мин. Проблем с пищеварением тоже нет.<br />Так же заметил, что если выпью воды/чая после плотного обеда ранее чем через 2часа, то сразу начинаются отрыжки и бурление в желудке.<br />Так что считаю статью теорией без подтверждения практикой

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Is it possible to drink food: does it really worsen digestion or is it just another myth.

There is a widespread belief that you should never drink water while eating, as by doing so you "extinguish the fire of digestion." In the article we will talk about whether it is possible to drink food: does it really worsen digestion or is it just another myth.

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